Along with Li Shimin's laughter, the Tai Chi Palace was filled with joy.

The surrounding countries have always been hostile to the Tang Dynasty. This has always been something that everyone is worried about. Now, seeing that these hidden evils have been removed by His Royal Highness one by one, there is no reason to be unhappy?

"It seems that God really wants my Tang Dynasty to be passed on for thousands of generations, and this has given me a peerless prince that is rare in the ages!"

All the civil and military officials thought of this in their hearts, and they all showed joy on their faces. After all, they were one with the Li Tang royal family, and they were both prosperous and damaged.

It is the greatest blessing for their ministers to be able to have such a tactful and strategic, peerless prince who can be called perfect in all aspects.


After the Tang army put out the raging fire in Juba City, the whole army entered the city together, and Li You naturally moved into the Baekje Palace. Of course, no one objected to Li You's status.

Li You stretched a lot in the palace, and fought for days and days. Now that he ordered the entire army to rest, he should relax himself.

After finally relaxing, Li You opened the system and wanted to see how many lottery prizes he had hoarded in the system after so long.

The moment he turned on the system, he only heard a screeching sound, all of which were system prompts!

"so much?"

Li You looked happy and checked the system prompts one by one.

After some inspection by Li You, I found that in addition to the one 4-star lottery and one 5-star lottery that he originally held, there are now two more 3-star lottery draws and three 2-star lottery draws!

"The three 2-star lottery draws are..." Li You looked at the prompt, "The rewards for winning Goguryeo and Tuyuhun respectively, and the rewards for winning the Baekje Kingdom were also quickly credited..."

"As for the two 3-star lottery draws, there is no doubt that one of them is the reward for killing Tubo. As one of the most difficult opponents of the Tang Dynasty, Tubo must have this kind of value."

After thinking about it, Li You felt a little regretful.

"It's a pity that the system's judging standard is not based on how powerful the defeated enemy is, but whether this move will help you become an emperor of the ages. Otherwise, I think Tubo will at least have a 4-star lottery if you say that. ."

However, the 3-star lottery is also very good, and there are still so many, Li You is temporarily content.

"The second 3-star lottery, if it is not what I expected, it should be because I defeated the remnants of the Sui Dynasty, right? This has greatly eliminated the hidden enemies of the court, and it is indeed very helpful for me to become an emperor through the ages, no wonder I will Give a 3-star lottery."

After reading it all, Li You touched his chin and couldn't help thinking, "I'm finally getting rich!"

"Then, it's time for a big lottery!"

He originally wanted to follow his habit and start with the lowest-level lottery, but Li You thought about it again and said no, why is he still thinking like a small peasant?

There are so many lottery draws to use, we should also take a good luxury!

So thinking about this, Li You rubbed his hands and ordered the system in his mind, "System, give Gushui a three-star reward!"

Ahem, luxury can't be too luxurious...

Li You secretly prayed in his heart for a useful reward, a useful reward, for example... This reward can help me quickly destroy the Western Turks and make the Western Turks explode in an instant!

As a burst of brilliant light passed by, the system's prompt appeared in Li You's mind.

"Congratulations to the master for drawing a 3-star item: "The Art of Explosion"!"

Hearing this name, Li You crashed for a few seconds, and he couldn't help recalling a certain blond young man wearing a black robe with red clouds and a mouth on his palms.

"The Art of Explosion? What the hell is this!" Li You couldn't help but groan in his heart, "Could it be that from today, I will change my name to Li Di Darayou?"

The system's voice sounded at this time: "Master, the content of "The Art of Explosion" is about the related technology of how to make gunpowder!"

And gunpowder is an explosion!

——The light of this explosion comes from the dawn of modern thermal weapons!

"What did you say!?"

After Li You heard this, his pupils suddenly shrank!Excitement has filled the whole mind uncontrollably!

"." Speaking of which, this "The Art of Explosion" is just like "How Steel Is Tempered" that I extracted before. Although the title looks subtle, the content is very useful! "

Moreover, Li You finally knew why this book returned to Jiaozuo "The Art of Explosion".

After all, caliber is art, and within range is truth!

"Hum hum hum... West Turkic, just wait until you die!" A murderous look flashed in Li You's eyes!

"System, use "The Art of Explosion"!"

After Li You chanted silently, a large amount of new knowledge flooded into Li You's mind!

After closing his eyes and feeling it for a while, Li You opened his eyes with great excitement.

He originally thought that this was just a very superficial skill book for introductory gunpowder, but now it seems that this knowledge is from easy to difficult to deep, from the simplest primary saltpeter version to modern gunpowder. How to make the TNT version of dynamite, all included!

"With this kind of means, then in ancient times, I was not allowed to roam?"

Li You was overjoyed in his heart. With these technologies, is he still worried about major events?

It's just a pity at present that, because of the ancient times, many supporting technical means and equipment have not been able to keep up.

And many of the powerful things in this skill book require various technologies of later generations as the basis to be produced. In other words, Li You can't think of hand-rubbing ICBMs in a short period of time.

Fortunately, Li You is not a very ambitious person. After he understands it, he does not regret it, but he secretly made up his mind - one day, I will definitely make the Tang army into a modern army for future generations! .

Chapter 1026 The dawn of gunpowder weapons!

"His Royal Highness, what is our next strategic plan?"

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