Sharma hurriedly directed the soldiers and horses to climb, but at this time his heart was bleeding!

[-] soldiers... [-] soldiers lost their lives before they met Tang Jun!

The blood of the dead gathered in the low-lying area under the city wall, like a flowing river of blood!


Sharma roared hysterically, his heart full of sadness.

So many troops have died, so what if this time wins?In a sense, Tang Jun has already won, and they have greatly damaged the vitality of the Jiedi Empire!

However, after taking the cloud ladder, the soldiers and horses of the Japanese Empire found that they did not encounter any resistance.

"This...what is this situation?"

When they climbed up the city wall, they saw an even more incredible scene - there was no one behind the parapet!

The soldiers were happy in their hearts, thinking that this time they finally won, they searched for Tang soldiers one by one, wanting to fight well to avenge the torture just now!

Just as the soldiers were all excited, suddenly something the size of a black stone was thrown in from the inner city.

Chapter 1040 Zero casualties!

"Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

Immediately after, this thing flew in several times in a row, and a soldier held it in his hand curiously, looking at the beautifully carved patterns on it, thinking it was a good treasure, and secretly stuffed it into his arms.

However, as soon as he finished this act of killing, the thing exploded directly!


The flames immediately enveloped the bodies of the soldiers in the surrounding eight zhangli, and the shrapnel shot into the bodies of one after another like sharp arrows, and some shrapnel even penetrated several soldiers in a row!

Box after box of thunderbolts were thrown in, and there was an explosion on the city wall!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Countless soldiers were shrouded in flames and shrapnel, and they died here before they understood what happened!

The poor soldiers outside the city wall didn't know what was going on, only to see a large swathe of blood shot down from the wall after a "boom boom" sound.

Immediately afterwards, all kinds of stumps flew out, blood drenched on the soldiers' bodies, and the stumps and broken arms smashed to the ground. Everything was telling the soldiers of the Jie-Japanese Empire below what a tragic war had happened above!

"What the hell... is this...!?"

Every soldier of the Ring Day Empire trembled together and muttered to himself in unison, completely stunned by the scene in front of him.

They watched helplessly, and another head fell. The man's face was black, but he seemed to be completely unrecognizable, and the eyelids of his eyes were even trembling slightly!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah!"

The spirits of the soldiers of the Japanese Empire suddenly collapsed!

First, the first person abandoned the weapon and fled back, and then there were two, three, a team, a group!

The emotion of fear finally spread uncontrollably in the army, and the entire army of the Japanese Empire was like a frightened wild horse, running around uncontrollably!

Even the noble warriors in the back were desperately killing deserters and shouting loudly, but they still couldn't change the scene.

——The soldiers and horses of the Japanese Empire are completely chaotic, uncontrolled chaos!

Sharma closed his eyes in pain. Although he was reluctant to admit it, the fact was right in front of him. They were defeated!

And it was utterly defeated!

What was even more unacceptable to him was that he was completely defeated without even being able to take over with Tang Jun head-on!

"Get out.〃!"

Sharma sighed and waved his hand. He knew that if he continued to force it, he might have a mutiny, which would make it even more impossible to end.

In this battle, more than half of the soldiers and horses of the Japanese Empire were damaged, and what was even more terrifying was that their courage was broken!

Many soldiers were directly frightened and became mentally ill, and countless mysterious legends began to spread among the soldiers - that is, Tang Jun received the protection of the gods!

In order to prevent others from hurting them, the gods even cursed the earth and sent down fire, thunder and punishment!


The sound of the explosion on the city wall slowly stopped, and the sound of the soldiers and horses shouting to kill the Japanese Empire also slowly subsided.

Not long after, there was a chaotic sound from outside the city. It was obvious that the troops and horses of the Japanese Empire began to disperse across the board, and their main general, Sharma, could not control the riot that had already occurred.

Tang Jun won, and it was a big victory!

Li You, Cheng Yaojin, and Li Jing climbed up the city wall, and could see the city wall covered with corpses, blood flowing into rivers, and the city wall was also dyed black due to the explosion.

While surprised, Tang Jun's soldiers hurriedly began to clean up the corpses, and even several young soldiers who were sent to see the world's Huotoujun vomited uncontrollably when they saw the bloody and cruel scene on the city tower.

Li Jing was very silent about this, his eyes flashed red slightly, and something in his eyes kept beating.

You must know that Li Jing can only be famous all over the world for his military use, and he has a mighty imperial grace. There are few things in this world that can make him move.

"do you know?"

The next moment, Li Jing grabbed Cheng Yaojin's hand and said excitedly: "This time we not only defeated the troops of the Jie-Japanese Empire, but also did not damage any of the soldiers! We made a big deal without casualties. The enemy army!"

Cheng Yaojin had always been immersed in the infinite power of the new weapon, but now he has reacted and looked back with an incredible look on his face.

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