The handsome flag is carried on the body of the war horse. Behind the handsome tent, the colorful flags flutter in the wind. The armor made of iron can not collide with the bumps of the war horse.

The formation attacked by the Tang army is like a giant wave, with the power to destroy everything from far to near!

"Tang Jun is here! Tang Jun is here!"

Lung Wangjun on Qunv City saw it clearly and shouted loudly.

Accompanied by the sound of riots, King Jie Ri hid in the parapet according to his usual preparations, and made it clear that he wanted to defend the city wall.

"Put! Let go! Let go!"

Naturally, Li You could not help but sneer, waved his hand and ordered, the rock-throwing cart that had already been prepared immediately threw the ignited thunderbolt fireball behind the city wall!

"Hide behind cover!"

Jieri Wang Jun naturally couldn't tell the difference between the thunderbolt poison fireball and the thunderbolt, and he just took it to deal with the thunderbolt, and they all hid behind the bunkers.

"Swish swish swish swish...!"

A large number of thunderbolt poison fireballs were thrown into the city wall and exploded on the spot!

In the sound of the sea of ​​fire, the poorly built bunkers were directly blown into the sky, and the soldiers who followed them died suddenly, while some well-built bunkers were not hindered much, but a burst of dirt fell on their heads. .

"Don't move, as long as we hide behind the cover, nothing will happen! Tang Jun also doesn't have countless thunderbolts available, as long as we can survive this for a while!"

The defender of the city encouraged the other soldiers loudly, but his legs were shaking uncontrollably, but he still kept his voice steady.

Just after the explosion, hundreds of iron balls made of titanate rolled on the ground in the ruins, and with the sound of burning, light yellow air quietly emerged, with an inexplicable bitterness.

"Huh? What does it taste like?"

A Japanese soldier with a sensitive nose smelled the peculiar smell in the air and could not help but take a few deep breaths, only to find it strange.

He is an old man in Qunvcheng, and he has never tasted this strange smell before.

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"


More Thunder Poison fireballs were thrown in, and no one went to investigate where the strange smell came from. They buried their heads behind the cover, carefully avoiding the power of the explosion.

The Japanese soldier who had been breathing heavily before suddenly felt a dull feeling in his chest, followed by a burst of soreness in his nose. He stretched out his hand to rub it on his nose, and his hands were full of blood!

"You! What's wrong with your nose?"

A soldier next to him looked at him in horror, but then he exclaimed, and his nose could not stop leaving a nosebleed!

At the same time, he also felt a dry throat and was extremely sad.

"It's so uncomfortable, so uncomfortable!"

He stretched out his hand and grabbed his neck, and in front of him there was a new fantasy - the gods and Buddhas came to step on the auspicious clouds, but they imposed heavy punishments, and the city of Qunv was destroyed in an instant!


They are also regarded as sinners, thrown into the [-] layers of hell in the underworld forever, and cursed for millions of lives, they will not be reincarnated!

"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah……!"

The soldier cried out in pain, grabbed his own skin with his hands, and blood marks slowly appeared on his neck, looking extremely miserable.

"What happened!?"

The defender saw that all the soldiers were strangled in pain, their faces seemed mad, and there was not only one person in this situation, and it was even gradually spreading!

Suddenly, the guard saw that the iron ball not far away was spraying smoke continuously, and the light yellow smoke slowly filled the air with a bitter taste.

"The smoke is poisonous!"

The guard immediately understood, and immediately covered his face with his sleeve robe.

But it was already too late. After a while, he also felt dullness in his chest. There was a faint scene in front of him being bullied by the maid in his childhood home.


Qunvcheng seems to have fallen into hell, miserable like living in circles!

A famous soldier twisted his body uncontrollably, and then rolled to the ground, in great pain and even lost consciousness! .

Chapter 1053 Sweeping the Ring Day Empire!

"King, now we must open the city gates and get some fresh air outside the city! Otherwise our army will be finished!"

A courtier rushed into the palace with his mouth covered. Although the central part of the city was not infected with poisonous gas, there was a faint trend of blowing towards it.

King Jie Ri was flustered in his heart, so he nodded and said, "According to the circumstances, adapting to the circumstances... Don't damage a large number of soldiers and horses again! This is all I have!"

"Don't worry, Your Majesty, we will live and die together with Qunv City!"


The city gate of Qunv City opened a corner, and Tang Jun outside did not move, and then the city gate opened a little wider, but Tang Jun still did not move.

"General, are we still open?"

The soldier guarding the city swallowed "seven eight seven" and asked nervously.

The general turned his head to look at his colleagues on the city wall who didn't know who was alive or dead, then looked up at Tang Jun, who was standing still outside the city, shook his head and said to himself: "There is poison in the city, and Tang Jun dare not come in... That's right!"

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