"Shut up!" Li You interrupted him rudely, "If it's useful to admit your mistakes, why do you need the police?"

He stood up and said coldly: "And... envoy, do you know that the Tang army has never been broken or returned!?"


The messenger stayed in place, as if it was indeed the case. In the past few years, when the Tang Dynasty sent troops, there was not a single time that the opponent was not directly conquered!

"Your Highness! Compensation is negotiable, negotiable!"

The messenger thought that the benefits were not enough, and hurriedly said.

"Hehe, the richest man in the Tang Dynasty might be richer than your khans. Would he be able to pay this amount of money?"

"Besides..." Li You said indifferently, "When you break through your royal city, how many of you are not all alone!"

"His Royal Highness, don't do things like this!" The messenger said sadly.

"Doing things alone has always been done in accordance with the laws of the Tang Dynasty, and it has always been the most fair and just."

"What... I don't know that I, the Western Turks, have violated that law of the Tang Dynasty?!"

The messenger was startled and angry, but still expected a little wiggle room.

Li You smiled and said coldly: "Party for personal gain, kill without mercy!"

Forced by Li You's aura, the messenger couldn't help but take two steps back with a look of fear in his eyes.


"His Royal Highness, the matter of compensation can be discussed again! It can be discussed again! We Western Turks will do our best to satisfy all the demands of the Tang Dynasty, and we only hope that the Tang Dynasty can give us a way out!"

The messenger's legs softened, and he knelt on the ground and begged bitterly.

Li You's face was like frost, and the messenger cried miserably, but Li You's face did not show the slightest emotion.

And Zhang Liang, who was sitting beside Li You, rolled his eyes quickly, and a thought rose in his mind.

"Our army has now reached the King City of the Western Turks all the way with all kinds of miraculous weapons. If we continue to fight the Western Turks, the country will be destroyed. The situation is very good!"

... 0

"It's just..." Zhang Liang thought again, "Although we didn't have any casualties along the way, but after a series of battles, the soldiers must have been very tired."

"Although the armament in the hands of His Royal Highness is good, if the enemy keeps defending the royal city and we consume it, it will be very troublesome when the supply line is almost impossible to reach!"

"If that's the case, why not pretend to agree to the indemnity and ceded land first, and after they relax their vigilance, won't it be wonderful to take the Western Turkic King City in one fell swoop?" Zhang Liang thought, "Now is the time to test my acting skills. It's time!"

Zhang Liang immediately made eye contact with Li You, then stepped forward to help the frightened messenger up, "Aiya, the messenger, please get up quickly, I still have a slight objection to what His Highness said."

Zhang Liang smiled, patted his palm and said, "The Western Turks are not the mortal enemy of my Tang Dynasty. Knowing mistakes can make a big difference. My Tang Dynasty is not like other barbaric countries. There is no way out for you."

The messenger was overjoyed when he heard the words!

But when he saw the cold light on Li You's face again, he couldn't help but feel timid and said hesitantly, "I don't know why His Royal Highness..."

Zhang Liang waved his hand and said, "His Royal Highness is still angry that you didn't turn things around sooner, but it's not too late now."

Chapter 1073 Become a minister today, kill the master tomorrow!

"As long as the Khan of Xilizu expresses his surrender to Datang, then that's all. After receiving the due compensation, Datang will not pursue the wrongs you have committed."

"Is that really the case?" The messenger was overjoyed and turned to look at Li You.

Li You closed his eyes and nodded silently.

"Thank you, Your Highness, for your magnanimity!"

The messenger restrained his smile, tidied up his clothes, and saluted Li Youshen.

Li You waved his hand and sat back on the commanding seat, and the messenger saluted Zhang Liang again.

Zhang Liang said, "Don't dare to be, don't dare to be," but at the same time, he stood still and didn't evade.

After the messenger said a lot of thanks, they came out of the handsome tent. Zhang Liang and Li You looked at each other and couldn't help laughing.

"Fantastic "[-]"," Li You clapped his hands and laughed, "Master Zhang's acting skills should win the Oscar for Best Actor."


Zhang Liang was stunned for a moment, but he knew that Li You often spoke astonishingly, so he didn't ask any further questions.

He just stroked his beard to return to his seat, tilted his head and asked in a low voice, "When does Your Highness plan to attack the city?"

Li Youshen said mysteriously: "The moon is dark and the wind is high at night, when people are murdered and set on fire."

Before the words fell, the two looked at each other and smiled again.

Smart people and smart people are so comfortable when they work together. This is the greatest tacit understanding between rulers and ministers!

You know how I think, I know how you think, and the world immediately becomes much clearer!


The messenger rushed back to the king's tent and was summoned by the Khan before he could rest.

"How, how are things?"

As soon as he entered the king's tent, the Khan of Xili Shi couldn't wait to ask. After all, this matter was related to the fate of their Western Turks, and he couldn't be sloppy.

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