Li You had a hunch that this time the system should have a big move!

As if to verify Li You's guess, the system's voice suddenly changed.

"At the same time, the master triggers the optional hidden mainline advanced quest - 'Mythical Universe, Eternal Emperor'!"

"Mythical Universe, Eternal Emperor!"

Li You secretly (Qian De's) read out this sentence, although he still doesn't know what this sentence means, but he already feels that it is very unusual!

So far, Li You has fully understood where the real upgrade is this time!

It was a normal system main quest to help Li You become the first emperor through the ages. If Li You did nothing, he would choose this only main quest.

And this upgrade gave Li You a second choice!

The system's mechanical prompt sounded: "'Mythical Universe, Emperor Wangu' is a hidden advanced main quest. After choosing this main quest, you will give up the main quest of 'conquer the world and dominate overseas'!"

"The master can freely choose between the two main quests. As an advanced main quest, the difficulty factor of 'Mythical Universe, Emperor Wangu' will skyrocket! But the benefits will also skyrocket!"

Chapter 1079 Mythical Universe, Eternal Emperor!

The system continued: "As long as the master chooses this advanced main quest, then the world will begin to change, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth will recover, and then it will enter the age of mythology!"

"The Age of Myths?!"

Li You's heart could not help stirring up!

In the traditional Chinese culture, there are countless Taoist elements mixed in, and the gods are naturally among them!

For the pros and cons, Li You couldn't help but start to think nervously.

With the current situation, the Tang Dynasty, which entered the era of hot weapons in advance, Li You can almost assert that it is invincible in the world!

This also leads to the fact that almost no country in this era is an opponent of the Tang Dynasty. As long as Li You does not make mistakes, then conquering the whole earth is just around the corner.

However, although Li You chooses ordinary main quests, he can also become the first emperor of the ages to rule the world, but wouldn't it be better if he could become the emperor of the ages?

After all, no matter how powerful Li You is, and no matter how he wants to prolong his life, the human body has its limits.

Although the time of one or two hundred years is not bad, but Xin 510 has worked hard all his life, but in the end, the dust returns to the dust, and the huge foundation is handed over to others, which is also not the result Li You wants.

If you can't even escape death, can you still be considered the most supreme emperor in the world?

"But if I choose to enter the age of mythology... then in this world-changing universe, there must be a secret of immortality hidden!"

In fact, in the age of mythology, it is not difficult to choose the life expectancy of ordinary people, so Li You is very confident.

In this way, Li You can not only become the strongest and largest emperor to rule the world, but also has the opportunity to become the real first emperor with longevity and even the same life as heaven and earth!

Although the task of "Mythical Universe, the Great Emperor of Eternity" is bound to be very difficult, the rewards are definitely equally generous!

Thinking of this, Li You rubbed shoulders, feeling risky, but worth the risk.

"I've decided, and I'll choose the main quest 'Mythical Universe, Emperor Wangu'!"

Li You said aloud his decision.

"Yes, Master!"

The wonderful bell rang, and the system's voice prompted: "Congratulations to the master for successfully choosing the hidden advanced quest 'Mythical Universe, Emperor Wangu'!"

"How is it? Could it be that the outside world has changed now?"

Li You was a little excited when he thought that there were going to be countless demons and ghosts outside.

It's just that the system's next words seemed to pour cold water on its head, temporarily extinguishing Li You's excitement.

"Please don't be so excited, Master. The recovery of spiritual energy between heaven and earth is a very vast project, and it cannot be completed overnight, and the earth will expand, which is a huge change!"

"The earth will expand?" Li You suddenly reacted, "Yes, if we return to the age of mythology, the world should become the composition of four continents!"

The so-called four continents refer to Dongsheng Shenzhou, Xiniu Hezhou, Nanzhanbuzhou and Beiju Luzhou.

Don't look at the four continents nominally as continents, but in fact, according to mythology, each continent has a separate planet!

And the earth is the planet represented by Nanzhanbuzhou!

Of course, considering the relationship between astronomy and celestial bodies, Li You estimates that it is not very likely that the four major planets will coexist.

Then the way to return to the world of the four continents is estimated to be - to expand the earth to four times the original size (ajbd)!

This undoubtedly gave Li Youxin a world to conquer and adventure. After the world is unified, the territory will undoubtedly be four times as large as the original!

"If the master wants to complete the construction project of spiritual qi recovery as soon as possible, he can choose to start sailing to the sea, so as to promote the speed of expanding the world, so as to speed up the process of spiritual qi recovery."

Li You nodded and said, "That's it... By the way, I remember that Journey to the West also happened in the Zhenguan period, right? I wonder if I will see Sun Wukong?"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of "da da da" footsteps outside.

Li You was stunned, knowing that someone had come to the door of his room, and immediately exited the system to check.

With a "squeak" sound, the door was pushed open a fist-sized gap from the outside, but suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, a knock on the door rang from outside.

Seeing this, Li You burst into laughter. Who else could do such an unruly thing in the East Palace?

"Since it's been pushed away, why don't you come in directly, it should be ridiculous and generous." Li You said with a smile.

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