"Especially the weather this winter is cold, which is a good thing for the people of the Tang Dynasty who do not worry about food and clothing. The weather is freezing cold, but the seedlings of locusts will freeze to death next year. For the common people, it is a great suffering!"

Saying that, Fang Xuanling's expression was extremely serious!

"These people are originally from our new strategy of the Tang Dynasty. The distance between the people and our court is too far, the sense of alienation will be stronger, and there is no sense of belonging at all!"

"If we can't solve this problem properly, these problems will be seized by local people with ideas and used to incite the local people to fight against the rule of our Tang Dynasty!"

Chapter 1090 The most cruel and cruel method!

"If this happens, it will be worse!" Li Jing also said, with a worried look on his face.

"Our garrison in various places is not very sufficient, and we can stop small-scale riots, but if there are organized and disciplined riots and rebellions, it will be a huge problem even for our Great Tang cavalry!"

Before Li Jing returned to court, there were indeed several small riots where he was stationed, and it seemed that someone was pushing behind his back!

"Your Majesty is benevolent and did not kill all the royal families in several places, but they may not be grateful to His Majesty." Li Jing said worriedly.

"Then put all the royal families in these places..."

Li Shimin showed a stern look on his face, but he closed his mouth in time and changed his words: "Bring them all to Chang'an!"

"Fix the symptoms, not the root cause, Your Majesty!" Wei Zheng said in distress.

"But we can't really do it all in one go, right? If we do this, we will force them to rebel immediately!"

Li Shimin rubbed his brows and seemed to be a little dissatisfied with his gaffe.

"Does Fang Xiang have any plans?"

Fang Xuanling hesitated for a moment and said, "Reporting to Your Majesty, Wei Chen does have some ideas."

"The minister thought that on the one hand, the door of the national treasury should be opened, and the grain should be transported to various places, and then the people should be ordered to keep only their rations, and the rest of the grain should be turned over to the court, and the court will distribute it according to the specific conditions of these places."

After saying this, Fang Xuanling felt a little helpless, obviously this was one of the last resorts.

"Although this method cannot guarantee that everyone can survive, it is enough to allow most people to survive this winter. This can also prevent mass starvation, so naturally not many people will be stupid. against the court."

Hearing this, Li Shimin frowned quietly.

He didn't like this strategy very much. After all, it hurt the people of the court to support the people who had just surrendered. What was the reason?

And this is also different from Li Shimin's original idea, only the details of the operation are different, it is still a temporary solution!

Before Li Shimin could express his objection, Niu Jinda, who had returned from Tubo, shook his head and stepped out of the train.

After giving the salute, he said loudly: "Master Fang, I don't think this method is appropriate!"

Niu Jinda, who is also a martial artist, stood up against Fang Xuanling's suggestion, which made no one think of it.

After all, Niu Jinda gave everyone the impression that he was very silent before, and he almost never opened his mouth when he was not discussing the war.

"Before I joined the army, my parents were willing to starve themselves to death in order to give me a bite to eat! The people in Guanzhong were all poor and afraid, and the people in Datang were all poor and afraid!"

Although Niu Jinda's elders had official positions, but in that era, the officials themselves were extremely poor and had no surplus food!

"You are now asking the people to hand over all the food they have saved to the imperial court. Will they be willing? They will definitely not be willing!"

"And if the imperial court uses force, then the consequences will be the most clear to Lord Fang." Niu Jinda said earnestly and sincerely.

After he finished speaking, the court was suddenly silent, and the civil and military officials were all pondering the meaning of Niu Jinda's words.

Li Shimin nodded, Niu Jinda's words were quite the same as his thoughts.

So Li Shimin opened his mouth and said: "What do you think, Aiqing, why don't you say it quickly, the plan of the house minister must not be used unless it is a last resort."

For a while, the court fell into silence again, everyone frowned, seriously thinking about the countermeasures.

"Your Majesty, in fact, I also have an immature idea."

In the silence in the hall, Li Jing suddenly spoke.

"Aiqing, speak quickly." Li Shimin was shocked.

"My minister's plan is to bring disaster to the west!"

Li Jing said word by word: "The problem we are facing now is that there are too many new people joining Datang, and the food supply cannot be afforded to the people."


"Then, we might as well entangle the middle-aged people from these places to form an army to attack the Western countries! As for the reasons for attacking them... Anyway, many of them have not paid tribute to the Tang Dynasty!"

Li Jing said in a cold voice, an invisible murderous aura burst out!

"General Li, you can't!"

Yue Fei suddenly said: "It's freezing cold now. If you want to cross this land and go to conquer their Western countries, there will be a lot of soldiers who will die on the road. This weather..."

Yue Fei suddenly couldn't speak anymore, he found that many courtiers looked at him strangely.

Li Jing never looked back at him from the beginning to the end. Yue Fei immediately wanted to understand the reason for Li Jing's words, so he stopped talking, bowed his face pale, and returned to the train.


Obviously, what Li Jing meant was - since he couldn't afford it, he would all die on the battlefield!

The courtroom was quiet, even Wei Zheng, who had always been strict, did not jump out to refute Li Jing's words at this time.

For these ministers in the hall, whether it is the Goryeo Road, the Jieri Road, or the Western Turkic Road, they are all just merged into the territory of the Tang Dynasty.

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