It's just that there is no Li You behind him, and Zhao Nei Shi's expression is not very good-looking, it seems that this is not very smooth.

"Your Majesty, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is not in the East Palace!" Zhao Nei Shi told him after saluting.

"Ah? Where did he go?!" Li Shimin's smile gradually subsided.

"Listen to the maid... His Royal Highness is out of the city! They just don't know where they went."

Hearing this, the scene immediately fell silent.

To be precise, it should be regarded as a dead silence!

It's as if the people who just grabbed the life-saving straw suddenly realized that the straw was just a mirage, and now they are facing the suffocation caused by drowning!

"how so?!"

Li Shimin's face was completely black, and he couldn't help but slammed heavily on the armrest of the dragon chair.


The courtiers in the court all looked very strange, and they all knew what Li Shimin meant.

After all, in addition to the identity of the prince, Li You also has the responsibility of the minister, but he does not go to court all the year round, not to mention that Li You himself suddenly disappeared just when he was needed!

Li Shimin's eyebrows were lowered, and the pearl spikes covered his cheeks, making it impossible to see his cheeks clearly.Several huge kerosene lamps stood behind Li Shimin, which made his body look majestic and tall.

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Chapter 1092 The Power of the True Dragon

Suddenly, an invisible aura erupted with Li Shimin as the center!


It should be an intangible and intangible aura, but it seems like a giant mountain is pressing on the body of the courtier below!

"This is... what does it feel like!?"

"It's so hard to breathe!"

"I can't breathe... I can't breathe!"

In an instant, all the civil and military officials in the court were dripping with cold sweat, and it felt as if they were almost forced to kneel on the spot!

If either Yuan Tiangang or Li Chunfeng were present, they would immediately recognize it—the aura that the oppressed can't breathe is "the power of a true dragon"!

It is a miraculous ability that can only be possessed by a real emperor who is responsible for the fate of the country at one time!

However, in the past, this was at most just a kind of temperament, an air of self-respect cultivated by the superiors, and it was just as invisible and intangible as murderous aura.


At this time, this coercion seems to have materialized, and it can even have a physical-level repressive impact on people!

"The court pays salaries to support you, but when there is a problem, you can't say why!"

Li Shimin scolded sharply: "Then what does the court want you to do? What do the people want you to do?!"

"What I hate most in my life is the people who eat vegetarian meals! I can't say why today, so you all go back to farming!"

Li Shimin, who was mixed with "the power of the true dragon", spit out these words slowly, as if countless thunders exploded on the heads of the courtiers, and everyone was in danger for a while.

"His Majesty……"

Wen Yanbo wiped the sweat from his forehead, squeezed out and said: "I think the method of allocating food is feasible, but it is less common to collect less, as long as it is ensured that the people in the barren areas such as West Turkic Road, Jieri Road and Goryeo Road will not go hungry. Just die."

After Wen Yanbo said, the hall fell into a silence for a while.

This method has already been proposed by someone just now, and he just repeated it after slightly modifying it, but this is the closest approach to implementation and operability.

In fact, Li Jing's method should have been better, but not all of them are hard-hearted.

"Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, Tang Jian!"

Li Shimin ordered: "I ordered the three of you to immediately liquidate the grain in the treasury, and the amount of grain and grass needed by the two people!"

"Yes, the minister obeys!" Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, and Tang Jian knelt down and obeyed the order.

"Li Jing, I ordered you to send the army to find all the royal nobles in the newly merged Dao, and let them open the granary and use it to help the disaster victims!"

After Li Shimin finished speaking, he paused and said, "If these royal nobles refuse to cooperate with the actions of the imperial army, I will give you the power to kill them on the spot! Do you understand?"

Last year, the powerful families in the country were beaten up by Li You, and these rumors also spread to places such as Goryeo Road and Jie Ri Road, so they must be a lot more honest.

"Yes, the minister obeys the order!"

Li Shimin continued: "Zhang Liang, I ordered you to go to the Guanzhong area to collect grain and grass, but you are not allowed to use force!"


Zhang Liang looked embarrassed, but nodded firmly and said, "Yes!"

The plan continued to advance with Li Shimin's promotion, but the effect was still not ideal.

Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, and Tang Jian lost a lot of weight, and Li Jing and Niu Jinda also looked tired.

Every screw on the entire Datang machine was working intensively, but the effect was not ideal. Zhang Liang was the first to tell the bad news.

"Your Majesty," Zhang Liang said with a very pale face, reporting to Li Shiminhui, "The food cannot be collected at all, and the people simply..."

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