When Li Shimin saw this sentence, he almost couldn't help but agree, but in the end his reason prevailed over his anger, and he decided to discuss this matter with the court and then make calculations.

"Heavy troops must be sent to suppress it! Otherwise, once a disaster occurs, it will be too late to regret it!"

In the Tai Chi Palace, the young and proud courtiers straightened their necks and expressed their own true thoughts.

But before Li Shimin and the other courtiers could refute them, a lazy voice came from outside the hall.

"...The way of military punishment is the last resort. Unless it is absolutely necessary, don't use troops to suppress it."

The lazy voice said so.

Swish swish!

All eyes, all looked at the sound, almost attracted everyone's attention!

Under the gaze of the civil and military officials and Li Shimin, a young man's dusty figure slowly appeared.

He took off his cloak first, and shook off the snow on it outside the hall without rushing. Then he put it on again and walked in slowly, without the slightest rush or panic.

And on his face, it seems to be written in large characters - "This is not a problem!"

It was Li You who took some time to rush back from the shipyard outside the customs!

"His Royal Highness...!"

"...It's His Royal Highness!"

"His Royal Highness is back!"

After seeing who was coming, the civil servants and generals in the hall exclaimed in surprise!

In these exclamations, there is a sense of joy, and recently they are about to be driven crazy by these crap!

And now, that nightmare seems to be over.

Because a person who has already proved to them that no matter what kind of predicament he faces will be changed, and many people's hanging hearts have finally been released!

"Yang Jie, you are finally back."

Li Shimin couldn't help but say with relief that the anger at Li You's irresponsible skipping behavior, which he had thought about countless times, seemed to disappear at this moment.

As long as you can come back, just come back! .

Chapter 1094 The Arabian Nights!Absolutely absurd!

Li You nodded, and after saluting Li Shimin, he said loudly: "My lords, as Gu said just now, using force is the worst way!"

"Unless it is a last resort, our army must not open up to two lanes to use violence to suppress it. This is definitely the best policy!" Li You's expression was very serious.

"Otherwise, even if we are lucky enough to control the situation this time, a deep estrangement will be built between the common people in these places, preventing them from becoming real subjects of the Tang Dynasty!"

Fang Xuanling and Wei Zheng looked at each other, nodding while stroking their beards.They just wanted to refute this.

"His Royal Highness, you don't know what the situation in these places is. It's not as simple as you think, but it's actually so serious that it's unavoidable to deal with!"

Xiao Yu, who just proposed to use force, said anxiously: "Our control over them is constantly weakening, and the local residents are also very resistant to us!"

"If our army doesn't go, then if there is any misfortune, it will be too late to regret it!"

Li 253you shook his head firmly, and said, "This plan must not be implemented, and this method is also a temporary solution. We need to fundamentally solve this problem so that we can truly sit back and relax."

"Solve the problem fundamentally?!"

Hearing this, Xiao Yu covered his face and said with difficulty, "Your Highness, you have just returned, so maybe you don't know much about the current situation?"

"The biggest and most important problem now is that there is not enough food to eat! As long as the problem of insufficient food cannot be solved, any solution will only cure the symptoms and not the root cause!"

"Of course Gu knows," Li You smiled slightly, "and Gu means fundamentally—that is, the problem of food, to completely solve the hidden danger!"

"What...it's impossible!"

Xiao Yu was taken aback by Li You's words, and he couldn't help exclaiming!

Even he almost couldn't control it. He wanted to measure Li You's body temperature to see if he had a fever. If he didn't have a fever, how could he start talking nonsense? (ajac)

"His Royal Highness, food is limited. We have discussed the method of mobilizing food from Guanzhong and the national treasury, but it will not work at all... Or should it be said that it can only solve the urgent need."

Fang Xuanling only thought that Li You's idea was to transport food from affluent places to help the victims, so he kindly reminded him.

After all, this is the method that the imperial court mainly implemented before, but now it has been proved that it cannot alleviate the deterioration of the situation at all!

"Then let's make more food!" Li You said naturally, "What a simple truth... As long as there is enough food to eat, the people will be quiet, and only fools will rebel at that time."

"This... how is this possible! Are you going to grow grain in winter?!" Li Daozong asked in surprise.

"Yes, Gu is to grow food in winter!"

Li You smiled slightly and vowed to say the words that shocked countless ministers and Li Shimin's jaws!

"Growing grain in winter? How is this possible..."

"Could it be that Your Highness is crazy?! Did you start talking nonsense?"

"No! His Highness has turned things we thought impossible into reality before, and maybe it will be the same this time!"

"Hehe, this time it is completely against the laws of heaven and earth, absolutely impossible!"

Li You's remarks immediately caused a lot of discussion in the courtroom, and the courtiers whispered to each other.

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