Suddenly, Li You thought of another unpleasant thing, and said, "If you regret it at that time, you have to say 'really fragrant', so that Gu will know that you have changed your mind."

Although Cheng Chumo didn't know the meaning of "True Fragrance", he readily agreed. No matter what, he was also a second-generation official who had enjoyed glory and wealth, and he was confident that he would not be easily convinced.

However, the reality is often different from what he thought. When Cheng Chumo saw this villa for the first time, he was deeply immersed in it!

He couldn't help but fantasize about what it would look like to live in it. He especially likes the toilet in the villa, which looks much better than the toilet in the palace.

"Don't go, Your Highness! I'm not going!"

Cheng Chumo stretched out his arms and lay on the spring mattress, feeling the soft mattress, feeling as if he was lying on a cloud.

When he recalled the bed in his palace again, he felt that it was as hard as a steel plate.

"Now that you know what's in it?"

Li You sat next to Cheng Chumo with a smile and asked, "How about it, do you want it or not?"

Chapter 1103: The Ever-changing Tang Dynasty

"I want it! Thank you, Your Highness!"

Cheng Chumo excitedly sat up from the mattress, his voice was rapid, as if he was afraid that someone else would steal his cheese.

"I still want one set, no no no... I want two more!"

Li You patted the back of Cheng Chumo's head and said, "I want your head! How dare a lion speak up? It's not a slap in the face, as long as these villas are sold at the beginning, they will be snapped up!"

"Besides, three villas are given to you, and you can't live alone. Let's do it, I will give you two sets for free, but you have to give me good publicity among the nobles."

Cheng Chumo immediately knew all the mysteries, nodded practicedly, and said, "No problem, no problem."

The class of dignitaries is a relatively closed class, and there is a huge class generation gap between ordinary people and them, so it is actually difficult for the propaganda agencies under Li You to incite the elite class.

And Li You, as a member of the royal family and the crown prince of the Tang Dynasty, if he took the initiative to sell it, it would be unsightly and he would definitely be impeached.

So Li You wanted to use Cheng Chumo to promote, but these two villas were not a reward. With his relationship with Cheng Yaojin's family, he would give nothing, and Li You believed that they would help.

Therefore, from the very beginning, these two villas were actually reserved for the Cheng Yaojin family.

When Cheng Chumo rode a horse and rushed out of the villa area for a stick of incense, many dudes from the noble family had already rushed into the villa area on high-headed horses.

So in the early morning of the second day, carriages with prominent family crests drove to the store of the Li Family Industry Chang’an Association, carrying large boxes full of gold or silver one by one.

And when they left, they only took one thin piece of paper with them.

More than [-] villas were raided overnight!

Half of the noble courtyards in Chang'an City also landed in the old city on this day. Although the price is not cheap even for the nobles, they all feel that it is worth it.

After all, this purchase is not only an epoch-making living experience, but also a social life circle where dignitaries gather together!

Then, on the night of the second day, the nobles who had not grabbed the villa walked into the East Palace.

"I also ask Miss Xiaozhu to talk to His Highness, and see where we can get one or two villas? If we can get it out, please leave a 々ˇ for our master!"

In the living room, a butler-like person said with a smile.

Xiao Zhu was dressed in plain white winter clothes, with a silver-white fox fur wrapped around his neck, with a faint smile on his face.

She is no longer the little girl who used to be indifferent to the world, and her gestures are very decent, revealing some extravagance.

"No problem, I will tell the truth to His Highness."

Xiaozhu accepted with a smile, and took a small sip from the teacup.

The housekeeper knew that this was an order to evict guests, so he quickly stood up and cupped his hands: "It's not too early, so I'll say goodbye first."

As he spoke, his eyes inadvertently skipped a large screen standing in the study.

"Sir go slow."

Xiao Zhu stood up and sent the housekeeper out of the living room. After closing the door, he showed a little daughter's innocence and turned around the screen.

I saw that behind the screen, Li You was sitting there drinking tea slowly.

"You did a good job just now, Xiao Zhu, you deserve to be the big housekeeper of the East Palace."

Li You praised with a smile, now that Xiaozhu can support the affairs of the entire East Palace when he is away, it is indeed very rare.

When Xiao Zhu heard Li You's compliment, he was naturally very happy, but then he fell into doubt again.

"His Royal Highness, all the stewards of the imperial family are here, and they are all asking about the villa. Why is this? I have never seen them so crazy about the house before?!"

However, Li You showed a mysterious smile and said, "This is not a problem of the house, but a problem of face."

Xiao Zhu suddenly realized, and continued to ask: "Then Your Highness... How should the problem of the house be solved?"

"Other markets are also under development, and their villas will be built there. Next time there is a steward from the Xun Gui family, just promise them all."

"Well, I see!" Xiao Zhu nodded.

Li You's eyes passed through the brilliance of the kerosene lamp, and a faint smile appeared on his face.


While the villa was being looted by nobles, a major event happened in the Li family's industry.

"." Ladies and gentlemen, a separate department should be created in the Li family's industry, and it will be directly under the leader of Gu."

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