Zhang Yang opened the booklet, pointed to one of the pages and said, "For example, hold your breath underwater for [-] breaths... and complete combat training! Isn't this a bit too difficult? Okay, just..."

After a pause, Zhang Yang said a little embarrassedly: "In short, these are a little too difficult, and even a little unrealistic."

"What!?" Another person said in surprise, "To hold your breath for so long...!"

"And to complete the underwater fight?!" Another man muttered in disbelief.

"Actually, the task of recognizing words is also very difficult for us." The short soldier at the end also questioned.

"No! These tasks may be impossible for other soldiers to complete, but I have confidence in you!"

Li You said seriously: "And this is only the first stage of training. After you can complete these trainings, you will enter the second stage of training! The second stage of training will be even more difficult!"


Hundreds of soldiers froze in place one by one, not knowing what to say.

In the end, should I say thank you to the general for his appreciation, or should I beg for mercy and ask the general to take it back?

After all, it's too hard to be strong!General, are you the devil? ! .

Chapter 1120 Hanging and beating a group of important officials in the court!

"Believe in yourself, you can do it! And as long as you accept this training, from now on your payroll treatment will be upgraded two levels in a row!"

While encouraging, Li You threw out the temptation of interest.

"Many...Thank you, General, for your appreciation."

Li You's words were all for this sake, and they had no reason to refuse, so they had to accept it.

When they walked out of the tent, Li You had a big smile on his face.

He picked up a pamphlet and started writing it. This is the textbook of "Navy Military Theory" that will be distributed to the elites of the navy after they can read.

"The rudiment of the Marine Corps—"

Li You smiled and muttered to himself, with a look of anticipation in his eyes!



The winter wind blew from far and near, and the snowflakes in the air fell on the upper body of the naked soldier, but they were immediately roasted by the scorching body temperature and turned into snow water.

On the performance field, Li You was wearing a woolen cloak with an iron armor inside, holding a long stick in his hand, and wandering around the performance field.

In the center of the martial arts field, the soldiers were naked and holding a stick in their hands.

Their skin is red, and their strong muscles are raised high, and they don't look like the sluggish army in people's mouths!

"Four!" Li You shouted loudly.


The soldiers also responded to him with a whirring sound, and at the same time, the sticks in their hands were whirring, and the moves changed instantly!


Following Li You's orders one after another, the soldiers were like robots on the strings, one movement after another, moving closely with Li You's voice!

Outside the surrounding high walls, several people wearing snow-white heavy padded clothes looked at the positive look on the martial arts arena, and almost didn't believe the scene they saw!

"This! Is this the same garbage army from before?!"

A person trembled and got up, slowly shaking off the snowflakes from his body.

The other person shook his head and said with a strange expression: "Just looking at people... This is indeed the same group of people from the past."

"But this spirit... It's really changed! If you don't know, who would think that this is a pair of troops that once overcame General Li?"

The two of them were almost ignorant of the specific reasons for the changes in the current situation. They were just spies of the inner court.

Although they have explored the navy many times, the scene in front of them still greatly exceeded their expectations!

"Let's go back to the palace and tell your majesty first."

The man looked at Li You, who was dressed in military uniform and valiant, with a longing smile on his face.

"Your Majesty will be very happy after hearing this, and maybe even give His Highness a great reward!"

"Huh? That might be the case!"

Another person said playfully, and took off his hood at the same time - who is it not the shriveled face of Zhao Nei Shi?


Zhang Liang's mansion was full of singing and dancing.

"Master, I heard that His Royal Highness the Prince has now completely mastered the Shuijun Army Village!"

Amidst the joy, a man who looked like a housekeeper came out and whispered the news to Zhang Liang's ear.

When Zhang Liang heard this, he was first happy, and then surprised.

Although the change in the expression on his face was slight, which of the people present here is not the big boss who is galloping in the court?

They naturally saw that something must have happened, otherwise Zhang Liang would not be able to do this!

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