If it wasn't for Sun Simiao's words, maybe Li Shimin wouldn't let Li You come over, let alone believe that Li You could save Runan. By that time, Runan would naturally be saved but also helpless.

"I still remember that Mr. Sun does not envy fame and fortune. I invited Mr. Sun to become an official in the palace over and over again, but Mr. Sun refused. This time, Mr. Sun's willingness to enter the palace again makes me feel much more at ease."

However, these words that ordinary people would be flattered by, did not change the seriousness on Sun Simiao's face. He said solemnly: "Your Majesty, Caomin agrees to enter the palace this time, because there are [-] urgent matters to report to Your Majesty!"

Chapter 108 The Plague Breaks Out! (third more)

"One hundred thousand urgent matters?"

Li Shimin was stunned when he heard the words, and said strangely: "What is the matter that Mr. Sun can't solve, so he must tell me?"

Sun Simiao said solemnly: "Your Majesty knows that Caomin has been traveling around the Tang Dynasty to practice cultivation, so just recently, Caomin found that some remote areas have begun to break out, and it will not be long before it will spread, and even spread to the whole country. !"

"What did you say!?"

Li Shimin was shocked, his expression changed drastically!

"Is this true?"

The surrounding ministers also turned pale when they heard the words, and Wei Zheng's voice trembled even when he asked.

Is the disaster of the Tang Dynasty finally coming?

Historically, when the plague broke out, the imperial court was helpless and could only watch helplessly as people continue to be infected and die.

This is a huge natural disaster comparable to the Great Famine, and when it can end can only be left to fate!


Sun Simiao's tone was also very heavy. This discovery meant that countless people were about to die, and they couldn't and couldn't stop it.

Huge pressure was suppressed in everyone's heart. I didn't expect such a thing to happen just in the first month. Could it be really an ominous omen for the Tang Dynasty?

"All the courtiers will follow me to the Taiji Palace, and we will discuss it in the palace!"

Li Shimin waved his sleeves and left in a hurry, followed by Sun Simiao and other officials. No one was in the mood to say anything else.

When this is extremely serious, in the face of the huge disaster that may even lead to the destruction of the country, everyone is extremely insignificant!

"Ah... an epidemic? I didn't expect to encounter such a thing."

Li You also sighed deeply. He was also powerless. Even the universal medicine box could only be used 9 times. It was a drop in the bucket for the epidemic.

Besides, this universal medicine box is basically used by Li You to save his own life. At most, he may use it on very important people close to him. He is not noble enough to give it to others. This is absolutely impossible. thing.


The Spring Festival Poetry Festival came to an end due to this sudden accident, and what happened at the Poetry Festival was quickly spread out, causing a huge impact both inside and outside the court and the public.

The first thing, and the most widely discussed, is naturally Li You's unparalleled poetic talent.

Those six poems have spread quickly, and they have been well received by all parties, and the influence is still spreading.

Countless palace maids are passing on "Spring Poems" and "Autumn Evening" by word of mouth. Some people are aroused by girls' hearts, and some people are very sad, so they shed tears.

There are also many students who are immersed in the vivid image of "Spring Journey to Qiantang Lake", and feel the majesty of "Looking at Lushan Waterfall". While studying Li You's incomparably delicate description, they also want to go to Qiantang Lake and Lushan Waterfall. desire to travel.

More people focused on the grief of "Spring Rain" and speculated about the intention of His Royal Highness the King of Chu to write this poem. At the same time, about the dramatic process of "Spring Rain", which was abandoned by Li You and obtained by Prince Li Chengqian. , and was talked about as a joke by many people.

Even if Li Chengqian was furious about this, and tried many times to issue a gag order, it would not help. After all, watching the fun was not a big deal. In the Tang Dynasty, where there was not much entertainment, this interesting thing involving big figures was enough to become a topic of discussion for a long time.

However, what makes people yearn for its greatness the most is the relatively low-level "Yongzhen". The main reason is that this poem is real, whoever sees it understands, and there is no difficulty in understanding it. So it is the most widespread.

Combined with the explosion of the small universe shown by Li You, showing his amazing talent, the level of ridicule of Li Tai, the king of Yue, in this song "Yongzhen" is simply to a higher level!

The second thing is about Li You's calligraphy.

Originally, this should have been enough to shock many people. After all, calligraphy is so good that Li You is basically at the top of the literary world. It is rare to find someone better than Li You. .

This is still when no one knows that Li You can only write that kind of official script. Just like this, Li You's official script is already at a level that is hard to find for a thousand dollars. Like all.

At the same time, this also makes many people wonder, how did His Royal Highness the King of Chu acquire such a good hand at the age of only 14 years old?

It's too late to start practicing from the womb, right? !

For such inexplicable things, they can only understand in the end that maybe this is the power of geeks and ghosts, and the standards of ordinary people cannot be applied to them at all.


The third and last thing, and the thing that has the biggest impact, is Li You's life-saving golden elixir!

Li You still underestimated the power of superstition in this era, not to mention that the three most powerful Daoist sticks endorsed him.

"Have you heard? His Royal Highness King Chu actually saw Daluo Jinxian descend to earth!"


"Of course it's true! Didn't you see that Her Royal Highness Princess Runan's tuberculosis was completely cured? I've never heard that tuberculosis can also be cured! What is this if it's not an immortal method?"

"But... I seem to have heard another person say that His Royal Highness the King of Chu has met the Taishang Laojun?!"

Not to mention these things that are circulated among the people at the bottom of the palace, for the major families and forces above the imperial court, the greatest role of the New Year Poetry Society has indeed been brought into play.

One month ago, [-] yuan of money turned into one million yuan, and then there was the first lunar month poetry festival that shocked the audience. There is no doubt that all parties have refreshed their impression of Li You!

This His Royal Highness the King of Chu doesn't seem to be as unbearable as the rumors in the past?

Now it seems that not only is Chu King Li You not incompetent and trash at all, but he has become the hottest prince of the moment!

Chapter 109 Why do these big guys want to be my worship? (fourth more)

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