Then he walked into the main hall and said, "If you don't believe in the so-called 'Xuanzhi and Xuan' legends in the world, then the poor Taoist will be shamed."

After Yuan Tiangang finished speaking, his complexion changed, and a layer of red light suddenly appeared on Yuan Tiangang's white and old cheeks!

With the appearance of the light, Yuan Tiangang suddenly stretched out his hand from the large Taoist robe.

"Fire trick!"

Yuan Tiangang let out a low cry, and saw flames suddenly rise from his palm!

Although people are far apart, they can still feel the hot breath on the flames!


The surrounding officials and officials were all stunned!

"This...isn't it using means to deceive people?!" More people were skeptical.

"Your Majesty, offended!"

At this time, Yuan Tiangang's forehead was already dripping with sweat. After he finished speaking to Li Shimin, he suddenly spread his hands and threw the flame in his hand out of the Taiji Palace.

Hearing the sound of "shuh", the small flame immediately exploded, and the hot air wave penetrated half of the hall and came straight to Li Shimin's cheek!

"Be careful, Your Majesty!"

Zhao Nei Shi's figure flashed, and with a wave of his robe sleeves, there was a gust of wind, which directly dispelled the scorching waves.

"Yes... it's fairy magic!"

"Xianfa ah...!"

"It's actually true!?"

Where have civil and military officials seen such a method?Immediately, they were all dumbfounded, speechless.

"I didn't expect to actually use a spell..."

Li You's eyes moved when he saw it, and he felt extremely complicated inside.

For Li You, this was something unexpected.

It is reasonable to say that since there are more and more spiritual energy between heaven and earth, it means that practitioners really have spiritual power, and it is normal to be able to use some spells in ancient books.

But for Li You, a good young man in the new century who has always adhered to the scientific concept of development, it is really unexpected that there is such an unscientific thing as magic!

However, such a complicated mood eventually turned into excitement-because it made Li You more convinced that his choice was right, this world must have a true way of longevity with the world!

"Sure enough, it's still too laborious if you're not skilled..."

After Yuan Tiangang used the spell, it was quite difficult. Li Chunfeng hurriedly stepped forward and supported Yuan Tiangang's body.

"What kind of trick is this?"

Looking at Li Shimin's questioning gaze, Yuan Tiangang cleared his throat and said, "Go back to your majesty, this is not a trick, in fact, this is a small magic trick that the poor Taoist has learned about the mystery of 'spirit'. "


"'Spirit'? What is that?"

Li Shimin frowned, curious about this unfamiliar word.

At this time, Li You also stood up and said, "Father, my lords, in fact, about this thing, I think you have all noticed it recently."

"I don't know if you have felt it, but since this period, everyone who has practiced martial arts has improved to varying degrees, and they also feel that their strength is constantly improving, and their body is even more and more light. !"

In this era of spiritual qi recovery, the scope of action is all over the world, so Li You predicts that most people have already benefited more or less.

"That's right! That's it..."

"That's right, my progress in martial arts has indeed been very fast!"

"Hey, what? Did everyone make progress? I thought I was the only one making progress!"

The civil servants did not respond yet, but the generals in the camp seemed to be in a frenzy, whispering one by one, exchanging opinions with each other, and their eyes were full of curiosity.

Obviously they also want to figure out why their martial arts have improved so quickly during this period of time.

"In the end, the reason is that the world has recovered during this period of time - rather than the two Taoist priests calling it a 'spirit', Gu is more willing to call it aura, the recovery of aura between the universe!"

Li You said heavily: "Since the recovery of the spiritual energy, even the bottleneck that has been restricted for many years has loosened! As for all the civil servants... Have you noticed that your body has become better and better recently?"


Everyone was stunned by this word, and after hearing Li You's words, they were even more thoughtful.

"Is it true!?"

Among them, Wei Zheng was stunned for a moment, and then he suddenly realized that some time ago, he had suffered from a hidden illness due to aging and was almost dying, but why he suddenly felt that his body became stronger recently! .

Chapter 1162 Dragon's Reverse Scale, Whoever touches it will die!

After Yuan Tiangang and Li Chunfeng heard it, they also felt very reasonable.

Although they are keenly aware of the changes in the world, they can only comprehend the various rules in the world from it, so they are named 'spirit'.

But now it seems that it is the most correct for His Highness to call them "aura".

After all, this thing definitely deserves the word "spirit" in terms of all the magic displayed now!

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