Some people still couldn't believe it, so they asked the people next to them.

The people around him were not optimistic, even more pessimistic, and responded: "This is too unreal, right? Maybe we have already died at sea, and now our souls have come to the kingdom of heaven..."

"This is by no means an illusion, nor a kingdom of heaven!"

Although Hu Yuyi didn't understand what happened in the Tang Dynasty, he could say with great certainty.

It's just that the fishing old man was a little deaf, and he heard this as "We are all going to faint from hunger". After all, the impression of all the hungry people was too deep.

He immediately smiled and said, "Look at... the old man is really confused. He even forgot to entertain the guests when they came. Let's go, everyone come to my house for dinner!"

After saying that, the old man stood up and invited him warmly.

"Eh? Sorry, did I hear it wrong?"

Inugami Sanda turned around, pointed at all the envoys to the Tang Dynasty and said, "Let us—so many people come to your house for dinner!?"

Obviously, Inukami Sanda just thought that the old man was bragging, so now the old man suddenly invited them to eat at home, which really surprised him.

Even if he believed what the old man said, but there were so many of them, even if one of them took a bite, he would be able to eat the old man's food completely!

The old fisherman said with some displeasure: "Why, isn't it just a meal? Could it be that the (baaa) ​​old man can lie to you?"

"Don't dare, don't dare..."

Inugami Sanda hurriedly bowed and apologized, no matter if the old man was bragging, but they still got the point of this kindness.

"Come on, let's go, hold me the fishing rod."

The old man had already stood up, shoved the fishing rod into Inu Shang Santian's arms, and walked forward first with his hands behind his back.

Seeing that, he seemed to be very happy and kept humming a little song.


Inugami Sanda was holding the fishing rod, and for a while he was at a loss, not knowing if he should keep up.

He looked at the pharmacist Huiri beside him, and the pharmacist Huiri also had a confused expression, obviously they were not sure what the old man meant.

"Let's go, let's go and have a look."

Hu Yuyi had an excited expression on her face. The Tang Dynasty's performance was far beyond her expectations!

Hearing someone gave an order, and everyone was very curious, so only a few people were left to take care of the boat that was stranded on the beach, and the rest followed in Hu Yuyi's footsteps.

At this time, the pharmacist Huiri passed by the picnic place where the family of three used to have a picnic. When she saw a child pointing at their boat, she asked in a milky voice, "Dad, what is that?"

Hearing this, the pharmacist Huiri breathed a sigh of relief, but fortunately, in terms of people's knowledge, Datang was still as he remembered.

It is normal for children not to know the big boat that they are proud of. After all, this is far more than the ordinary small fishing boat of ordinary fishermen countless times!

Immediately afterwards, he heard the child ask again, "Is that a boat? It looks so small!"


I just heard that the young father who looked like Zhongliang touched the child's head and said, "It doesn't look like a ship, it should be just garbage... Oh no, I remember that the failed trial works eliminated by the shipyard are more than this. big."

"Just rubbish...!?"

This sentence is like a knife, ruthlessly inserted into the hearts of all the envoys sent to Tang!

And listening to the man's follow-up words, the implication is that their ship is not even as good as garbage? !

But no one came forward to theorize, because everything that is happening now is too incredible!

Following the old man's pace, the group walked forward with a heavy heart.

When they left the beach, they found that the road connecting the sand was not a dirt road, but a very hard layer... They couldn't describe what it was.

Chapter 1176 This is Gao Tianyuan, the residence of the gods!

It looks like a stone, but how can there be so many flat and identical stones?

"This ground... how did it come about?"

Inugami Sanda and Yakushi Keiri bowed down a little helplessly, and rubbed their hands on the concrete floor repeatedly.

The two looked at each other and came to a conclusion at the same time.

This ground is flatter than the ground in the Emperor's Palace, and it feels very hard and durable!

"Boom rumble..."

At this time, a carriage came galloping from the rear, and the style of the carriage was very strange.

It wasn't an ordinary simple carriage pulling goods, but behind five horses, it was pulling a huge black box.

It looks a bit like the carriage that the officials ride in, but it's not the same.

Just as the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty were studying what it was, the coachman on the carriage asked, "Old man Zhang, are you going to take the carriage?"

The old man who was fishing was often called Old Man Zhang. He turned his head and said, "Stop."

Then old man Zhang looked at Hu Yuyi and the others and said, "The village is still a long way from here, why don't we go by car."

After speaking, the old man frowned again.

He counted the Tang envoys and felt that one car could not hold so many people, so he asked the driver, "When will the next car arrive?"

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