"Yes, that lord is the current prince!"

A waiter said, but his face turned even redder.

There is no way, Li You has already become the dream lover of all the girls in the whole Tang Dynasty!

Young girls, who doesn't want their future husband to be a noble-born, at the same time, a hero who declares all over the world?

"His Royal Highness..."

This is not the first time that Hu Yuyi has heard this name. She has keenly discovered that since she came ashore, all the good things she has seen seem to be linked to this mysterious and unpredictable His Royal Highness!

"Ah, it's His Royal Highness!"

Suddenly a girl screamed, and Hu Yuyi hurried over, only to find that it was a large piece of paper.

A lot of words were written on it, and there was a picture of a young man.

"So handsome... is he the mysterious Prince?" Hu Yuyi couldn't help saying.

Before he knew it, Li You's appearance and name were silently printed into Hu Yuyi's heart.

After returning to the inn, the various gifts bestowed by the emperor on the boats stranded on the beach have been carried into the carriage.

And Hu Yuyi, the pharmacist Huiri and others finally set off for Chang'an.

Everyone sat on the carriage provided by the Weihaiwei Navy and drove day and night in the direction of Chang'an.

At this moment, the envoys from Dongying who were sitting together on the carriage were all silent.

They really didn't know what to say. The pharmacist Huiri and Inugami Sanda still vividly remembered the scene when they came to the Tang Dynasty last time.

At that time, they were sitting in the dark station. Although the candles were dimly lit, they still talked and talked about the wonderful scenes they saw in the Tang Dynasty.

They were really excited at the time.Because at that time they felt that these things were very useful to the East Ying Kingdom, and they were worth learning from and learning from.

But what about today's Tang Dynasty?

Thinking of this, Yakushi Huiri and Inugami Sanda couldn't help sighing.

They feel more and more that the current Tang Dynasty is no longer something that Dongying can learn. After all, the human world can be built into a god world?

It was dark outside, but the carriage was still brightly lit, and the source of this light.It was the glass-covered kerosene lamp above them.

It was the pharmacist Hui Ri who broke the peace and said, "When we return to Dongying, we will bring more of these things with us"".

Nowadays, everyone no longer regards kerosene lamps as treasures, because they found that even in the most shabby inn, there are several kerosene lamps in each room for lighting.

In other words, these things are really worthless!

Inugami Sanda shook his head helplessly and said, "It won't take long to bring it back, because we don't have any of this black liquid in it... At most, we can only bring some for His Majesty the Emperor to use. "

The helpless reality gave them the heaviest blow. Facing all kinds of magical things in the Tang Dynasty, although they were very envious and moved, they were not happy at all.

After all, the cruel facts were naked in front of them, and the rapid development of Datang had far surpassed that of Dongying!

It is as if Dongying was still living in the simplest Stone Age, while the Tang Dynasty had already entered the peak period of feudal society!

The East Ying Kingdom could only watch the development of the Tang Dynasty go all the way, but there was no way, maybe even the dust that fell!

It is impossible to catch up, and they can only try to learn a little bit more. This is the truth that makes them feel chills.

"Newspapers are sold! Newspapers are sold! Tonight, there is a new play by Liu Qing at the Nanhuai Grand Theater, and there are exclusive interviews in the newspapers...the newspapers are sold..."

Just when everyone was thinking about it, they heard a sound of buying from outside the carriage.

"Carrier, please stop."

The envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty have long known that there is such a thing called "newspaper" in the Tang Dynasty, and they also quickly discovered the various benefits of newspapers.

One of its most significant advantages is that newspapers can provide an ordinary person with the ability to have a "... clairvoyance" and "tail wind ear"!

No matter which corner of Datang you are in, as long as you buy a copy of that day's "Datang Daily", you can know exactly what happened in the whole Datang!

But now all the envoys sent to the Tang Dynasty believe that it is very important to collect as many "Datang Daily" as possible and bring them back to Dongying for serious study.

Both the pharmacist Huiri and Inukami Sanda felt that there must be traces of the unknown changes in the Tang Dynasty hidden in the newspapers!

"Get a newspaper!"

The pharmacist Huiri leaned halfway out of the car window, took out a few Tang coins from his arms, and handed it over.

These money are all travel funds granted to them by the Weihaiwei Naval Shipyard, because the general looks so shabby for them.

The current consumption level of Datang is not necessarily the same as before. Just relying on (Li Wangzhao) with the little money they brought, I am afraid there is no way to reach Chang'an alive.

Not long after, the pharmacist Huiri took two newspapers back, and handed one to Hu Yuyi respectfully, while the other was spread out and divided into several copies and distributed to the surrounding envoys to the Tang Dynasty.

Everyone immediately gathered under the kerosene lamp and read with gusto.

Pharmacist Huiri most often looks at the education section of Datang, which is printed with a lot of the latest Confucian scholars and various new articles written by famous scholars. "The ingenuity of the man.

In the previous era when news was blocked, even if the most famous scholar wrote an excellent article, it could only be circulated within a very limited range in the local area.

But now with "Datang Daily", it is completely different! .

Chapter 1185 This is the real man who stands tall!

As long as you submit a manuscript to the editorial department of "Datang Daily", once it is approved, it will be circulated in newspapers nationwide!

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