"Don't cry, don't cry... You are the only species of the Niu family. When you grow up, you must remember to inherit the lineage and inherit the incense for the Niu family!"

At this time, the mother's face was also helpless, and how could the child understand, she raised her head with tears in her eyes.

"Why can't we go back, mother? Where's dad? Where's grandpa? Where's grandma? I want to go back to them!"

When the mother heard the words, tears were already falling: "Your grandfather got smallpox, your father and grandmother have touched him, and I am afraid that we will not escape! Only we were out at the time, if we do not escape, the Niu family will dead!"

When she recalled the scene at that time, she was extremely desperate.

The Niu family, who felt that they could not be spared, closed the door to prevent her from entering, and forced her to flee immediately with her son in tears.

She really still can't believe that a good and warm family is ruined like this!

But she is not alone. Although the spread of the plague has been greatly weakened by the various strategies of the imperial court these days, the number of deaths from a week ago has still doubled!

Countless happy families have been destroyed since then!

"I'm going home! I'm going home!"

The little boy was almost tired from crying, and the mother had no choice but to hug him tightly and burst into tears.

"My mother also wants to go back, but my mother heard yesterday that the entire Niujia Village has been sealed by the government! Now I can't go back if I want to go back!"

There is a home that cannot be returned, especially when I heard that because of the smallpox, the hometown can only be closed by the government with nothing to do, leaving the whole village to fend for itself and wait to die, how hopeless this is!

Not to mention the various villages, even many people in Chang'an City, dragged their families and their families to flee wildly in the direction of the spread of the plague, they don't care if there is anyone to turn to, even if they become refugees and beggars, it is better than dying in smallpox Better down!

The entire sky of the Tang Dynasty looked gloomy and gloomy, almost as if it had been beaten down.

Suddenly, the sound of horses' hooves came to the mother's ears.

"what happened?"

She muttered to herself suspiciously, looked up, and found that many teams were rushing out of the city.

Just when she was even more confused, the sound of the government beating gongs and drums also sounded.

"God is virtuous. Knowing that the epidemic is raging in the world and causing harm to the common people, I hereby send the Immortal Law to His Royal Highness Li You, King of Chu, to completely restrain smallpox and never commit it again!"

In order for the common people to understand directly, the official announcement has been written as straightforward as possible.

In this age of superstition, when people are still in a state of panic, talking about immortal Dharma and Buddhism is obviously more convincing to the common people than about scientific reasoning. To burn incense and pray.

But the common people just eat this way, the mother heard the words, the haggard face has gradually changed into a radiance.

"Is this true?!"

She said to herself in disbelief, and soon saw that many closed doors had been opened, and looked at the person who was announced by the government in disbelief.

Seeing this, the officers and soldiers hurriedly shouted: "This method has been presided over by His Majesty, and it has been tested on Mr. Li Chunfeng, Shilang of the Taishi Bureau, and it is confirmed that it is completely effective! Those who want to prevent smallpox only need to go to the lottery sales office in the past to queue up. That's it!"

This is more powerful than any rhetoric. Like Yuan Tiangang, Li Chunfeng, who calculated the national fortune of the Tang Dynasty, is also well-known among the people.

When everyone heard that even such a high-ranking figure as Li Daguo Shi, had personally tested it, what was there to doubt?

And when the flowers are raging like today, it is better to believe that there is no one!

Immediately, every household quickly opened the doors and windows, and frantically poured out!

"Clap la la la la!"

The originally depressed street was already crowded with people, flocking like a tide to the lottery ticket office that they were very familiar with.

Even many refugees from other cities can follow the tide and run over with hope.

Fortunately, lottery tickets are already popular enough, so there are enough lottery sales points, and the measures to deal with crowds are also perfect. Every lottery ticket sales point has a royal doctor waiting for you.

They brought over almost all the cows with smallpox that they could find in Chang'an, but it seems that it may not be enough. Fortunately, Li You has other methods. If you can't inoculate cowpox, you can try to inoculate humanpox?

As long as the pustules of people suffering from cowpox are inoculated into healthy people in batches according to the registration, they can be raised by people, and the problem of insufficient pustules can be perfectly solved.

"His Royal Highness Chu's method is really imaginative..."

As soon as the doctor at a lottery shop thought about this, it was the turn of a mother holding a child. She asked timidly, "Sir, can this method really prevent smallpox?"

"of course."

The mother's eyes lit up: "The slave family can go back to the smallpox-infected village after this?"

After being silent for a while, the imperial doctor said firmly: "Yes, after this, you can go home!"

Chapter 121 Famous in the whole country! (fourth more)

Cowpox was quickly inoculated in batches after batches.

Many people who were eager to return home, regardless of the danger, rushed back to their hometown in a hurry.

When they got to the location, they were all surprised to see that the government no longer blocked the sick village, but under the orderly guidance of doctors from all over the country, they brought out the people who did not have smallpox, and used local sick cows to inoculate cowpox.

And soon, these people were pleasantly surprised to find that they had been with their family members suffering from smallpox for a long time, but they were still safe and sound!

"This cowpox method is really effective!"

Countless people were moved to tears, and it seemed that all the negative emotions such as pain, sadness, grievance, etc. that had been accumulated during this period of time had been vented.

"Finally...will never suffer from this smallpox again!"

Similar things happened frequently, and more people started to go out boldly.

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