After a long time, Li Youcai took a deep breath and said.

On the tall building in the distance, Li Shimin also leaned on the railing and looked at the crowd of people.

"Your Majesty didn't mention the name of His Highness the King of Chu deliberately, but he still asked the officials to add it on purpose. I am afraid that the monthly salary of 477 and the reward are all false. Is this the real reward that His Majesty gave His Highness the King of Chu?"

Zhao Nei Shi said with emotion, this is a great reputation for helping the world, and the common people are thinking about it.

In the same way, this is also a good name enough to be remembered in the history and recorded in the annals of history. The ultimate dream of many scholars is to leave such a beautiful talk in future generations!

Li Shimin didn't deny it, and said with emotion: "After all, I really don't have any money left now, and this is what Yang Jie deserves."

Li Shimin has always been rewarded and punished. Li You not only contributed to the prevention of smallpox and completely saved the Tang Dynasty from this natural disaster, but also contributed the extremely practical "Disease Prevention and Control Manual".

You must know that this "Disease Prevention Manual" has greatly slowed down the spread of the plague, and this manual is not only applicable to smallpox, no matter what other diseases in the future, you can also use this "Disease Prevention Manual" , which is of great significance!

"By the way," Li Shimin thought of this and asked, "Yang Jie's "Babh Disease Prevention and Control Manual" was copied into the royal library? It cannot be lost."

Attendant Zhao responded with a smile: "Please rest assured, Your Majesty, these treasures are naturally treasured and protected and copied by someone, but the copied handwriting is absolutely not as exquisite as His Royal Highness King Chu's regular script. already."

Li Shimin laughed out loud when he heard the words, looking extremely happy.

"It's no wonder, after all, Yang Jie's regular script is just as amazing as his official script, even I have rarely seen anyone who can surpass Yang Jie in regular script... No, even if you can barely compete with Yang Jie's calligraphy masters, That's very few!"

Speaking of this, Li Shimin was actually surprised for a long time at the time, but he didn't show it under the huge pressure of smallpox before.

Ordinary people, if they want to practice the official script as well as Li You, they have to spend decades of hard work, not to mention that Li You, even the regular script is superb to an astonishing level!

How on earth did he learn such calligraphy?

Even Li Shimin was extremely puzzled about this. Even if he started training from his mother's womb, he wouldn't be able to catch up...

However, doubts turned into doubts. Li Shimin naturally cherished the top-notch regular script of the entire manual, so he asked people to transcribe it and put it in the library.

As for what Li You wrote... Of course Li Shimin kept it for himself, otherwise why would he need to call someone to transcribe it?

"Just, Your Majesty..."

The servant Zhao said worriedly: "Is it really good to let so many people rush into the palace? Is this an unprecedented thing?"

What Zhao Nei Shi was referring to was naturally the large group of ordinary people.If these people hide their evil intentions and cause riots in the palace, it will be an extremely headache.

"You are thinking too much, you are just some ordinary people, could it be possible to overthrow my palace?"

Li Shimin shook his head with a smile, and then said: "Besides, this is a last resort. Compared with the people living outside the imperial city, these are all carefully selected and put in."

As soon as Li Shimin said this, Zhao's inner servant showed a lingering expression on his face.

Since the early morning of this morning, the inner guard began to report that many people stopped at the foot of the imperial city one after another, which shocked the inner servant of Zhao.

What is this for?Smallpox has just been contained, is it about to start a rebellion? !

However, after the actual investigation, Zhao Nei Shi finally understood why the imperial guards did not forcibly drive away these ordinary people.

"Please let us meet His Royal Highness King Chu!"

"We want to thank His Royal Highness the King of Chu in person!"

"It was His Royal Highness King Chu who saved our entire village!"

Facing the sincere and eager eyes, it was indeed difficult for the guards to start.

Because these ordinary people did not have the slightest malice, they organized spontaneously and orderly, and there was no sign of attacking the imperial city at all, so the imperial guards could only waste their time with them.

In the end, this incident was reported to Li Shimin, which moved Li Shimin greatly!

"I have never seen such a sight since I ascended the throne! Many ordinary people all over the world sincerely thank the court and the royal family!"

If at this time, Li Shimin also ordered to forcibly disperse the common people, wouldn't that have chilled their hearts?

And this is not good for the reputation of the court, so Li Shimin thinks it is better to push the boat with the flow, just let those who are grateful, come in and thank Li You in person!

Of course, the people outside the Imperial City are not only the people of Chang'an City, but also the people near Chang'an City. There are too many people in the cities and villages in the gate. Of course, it is impossible to put them all in. chaos.

Therefore, Li Shimin could only think of an idea, and let them elect a group of people to enter the palace as representatives and thank Li You in person in person!

As a result, today's shocking and spectacular scene has been created again!

Chapter 123 The royal sisters are in love with the royal brother, right?

Today's sensational events naturally spread throughout the imperial court.

Countless courtiers changed their expressions when they heard the words, because this was an extraordinary event, and it was unprecedented!If Wei Zheng and the others were present, Li Shimin would have been stopped long ago.

And the old foxes, such as Changsun Wuji and other important ministers, have also seen the huge role behind this incident, and they are even more shocked.

"What is your Majesty thinking about establishing such a great reputation for King Li You of Chu?!"

Changsun Wuji felt like he was about to suffocate, what was he doing, didn't Li You's threat force catch up with Li Tai?

"How can I get this, how can I get this!"

However, what had happened, Changsun Wuji could only sigh helplessly in his house.

It is said that the prince Li Chengqian, who learned about this incident, was furious again. The rest of the princes and princesses also had different thoughts. At the very least, Princess Baling knew that she couldn't wait any longer.

"After this incident, Li You's importance has risen again, and it can't be delayed any longer!"

Thinking of this, Baling immediately got up and went to the Chu palace.

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