After all, it was Li You who had never crossed before, but Li You, who had crossed over, was not a real sister and brother with them both psychologically and spiritually.

"It's a pity that the Department of Orthopedics in Dé is not that easy to do," Li You sighed inwardly, "It's no good in modern times, not to mention the ancient times when etiquette was great!"

This kind of taboo that messes with ethics is absolutely not allowed in the Tang Dynasty. If it is exposed, I am afraid that Li Shimin will have a hard time protecting him!

"The emperor said no, but it doesn't mean that the sisters are really not... And looking at the reaction of the emperor, I think the emperor has no idea in his heart, "six five zeros"?"

Although Baling was shocked by Li You's scolding, he still insisted.

Li You snorted and said, "There is also a limit to random guessing. Besides, what is the purpose and purpose of bringing this up now?"

"Brother Huang, don't be in a hurry, and wait for Baling to tell me in detail."

Baling slowed down and took a deep breath.

"Since ancient times, there have been only two things that a husband can ask for in his life. One is money and power, and the other is beauty. It has been the case in all dynasties. But now, it seems that the emperor is probably an elegant person. Maybe he doesn't love the country and the beauty?"

"So, maybe I'm waiting for the support of the emperor's brother to fight for the throne of the East Palace, the emperor's brother doesn't care, but what about the beauty?" Baling smiled slightly, "As long as the emperor's brother joins me, then I will have my own way. Let this forbidden love no longer be a taboo!"

"What did you say?"

Li You's heart jumped, and he said subconsciously: "Even so, according to the ancient records, the bloodlines born in this way are often deformed, and it is still unfortunate after all."

Although Li You is an outsider in spirit, psychology and soul, but this body is not, it is inevitable that there will be a problem of consanguineous marriage.

"Don't worry about this imperial brother," Baling vowed, "If we say we can solve it, then it's a surefire way, and that won't happen."

Li You frowned, how could the blood relationship be changed so easily?

No... Before that, it turned out that there was a dangerous force behind Baling who wanted to rebel!

"You said 'I'll wait'... What kind of force is it?"

Li You asked solemnly, which made Baling look happy, and the conversation finally progressed.

It's really hard to hook up with this Li You!

"About this, Baling naturally can't say anything for the time being. I think the emperor can understand it."

Baling immediately replied: "But if the imperial brother becomes my colleague, then Baling will of course tell the relevant secrets, including how to solve the taboo of siblings falling in love, and tell the truth together!"

After speaking, Baling was so nervous that his heart was pounding. This was their biggest trump card for Li You so far. Whether it can be useful or not depends on Li You's reaction!


Li You glanced at Baling meaningfully, and at the same time he was secretly vigilant. He never thought that such an unknown force was hidden above the imperial court!

This force that intends to rebel is lurking in the Tang Dynasty, it is like a time bomb, or a tumor that will erupt at any time, it is extremely dangerous!

"Aren't you afraid that this king will turn around and sue you?"

Baling reluctantly smiled and said: "I'm waiting for things to do, there must be a secret way, just me coming to the emperor to discuss this matter secretly, plus I will not have more than five fingers to know the information. The secrecy of intelligence is very good.”

"So even if the royal brother denounced me, I just need to deny it, and the royal brother will not have any evidence. In the end, it will be regarded as a false accusation, but it will harm the royal brother!"

"It's really seamless," Li You thought about it, and decided to drag it on first, "Go back, let me think about it, and then give you an answer."

Baling was overjoyed when he heard this, and even felt that this was done!

After she left, Li You also fell into deep contemplation.

"What is the power behind Baling? After all, they claim to be able to let me accept Xiangcheng and the others without the worries of ethics and the ills of consanguineous marriage... Is it really possible?"

Li Youguang thought about it and thought it was incredible, how is this possible?

But if he can do it, of course Li You will not refuse it. After all, from the perspective of Li You's soul, the beauties of Xiangcheng, Nanping, Runan and Li Lizhi are not his own brothers and sisters, but A few beautiful girls who have a good relationship!

"It's really exciting to think about it!"


At the same time that the secret conversation took place in the Chu Palace, the entire palace was also surging, and changes were constantly occurring.

In the Tai Chi Palace, Li Shimin, who was correcting government affairs, suddenly stopped.

"By the way, you said that considering the current situation, should I let Yang Jie re-enter the Imperial College?"

Li Shimin's words without beginning or end, of course, were said to the servant of Zhao, who came out of the dark and thought for a moment.

"Judging from the age of His Royal Highness the King of Chu, it is no problem to re-enter the Imperial College, but with the talent of His Royal Highness, do you really need to enter the Imperial College again?"

Li Shimin was at a loss for words. If he thought about it carefully, Li You seemed to know a lot.

Not to mention anything else, just the shocking high-strength calligraphy, and the unparalleled poetic talent that shakes the world, is unmatched by anyone in the Imperial College!

"It is precisely because Yang Jie is talented that I will have this idea again."

Li Shimin thought for a moment and said, "Although Yang Jie has few rivals in poetry and calligraphy, it doesn't mean that he is familiar with the Four Books and Five Classics. In the same way, in the Imperial College, the Imperial College, Taixue, and Four Gates of the Prince can be seen in the face of the prince. , nor does it mean that 2.1 can be mastered by good poetry or calligraphy.”

"Your Majesty is right," Zhao Nei said respectfully, "but before, Your Majesty didn't think that His Highness the King of Chu made friends with treacherous people, but it was the fault of Xue Dading, the long history of His Royal Highness, who was dismissed because of Xue Dading's inability to discipline His Highness the King of Chu. Did you miss him?"

PS: Let me tell you in advance that there will be no ethical or inbreeding issues. Feilu is not allowed to write like this. I have arranged everything, please rest assured.

There are also some changes made to the princesses, such as Princess Changle Li Lizhi. According to the time, she is now married, but I am still single and unmarried.

And as for why it should be changed...

Do you still not know my pain? .

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