Li You smiled coldly and said, "I have arrived, the smell is silent and silent, and when it is carried in the sky, it is as hairy as hair. "Mao is like the virtue of a pot": "Poetry" is also at the end.The people are transformed by the color and sound": said Zi. "The color is not a big deal because of the sound, and Deming has a heart for it": Yun "Poems"."

From the moment Li You opened his mouth to the present, the words he read made everyone in the room bewildered. What kind of thing is this talking about?Why can't I understand it at all?

"What are you talking nonsense in front of Your Majesty?" Quan Wanji said impatiently, "Don't expect to avoid the topic just now!"

The rest of the princes also looked at Li You blankly, and dared to speak nonsense in front of the father, what are they doing?

"What do you want to do..."

Li Shimin also didn't understand why. When he frowned and was about to speak, Wei Zheng and Kong Yingda suddenly jumped in place and exclaimed!

"It's The Doctrine of the Mean! This is the Doctrine of the Mean!"

"What "The Doctrine of the Mean"?" Li Shimin was taken aback.

Kong Yingda said excitedly: "The old minister just thought it was familiar, and after taking a little time to compare it in his mind, he found out that His Royal Highness the King of Chu actually memorized the end of "The Moderate Mean" smoothly backwards!"

Chapter 134 This is too strong and invincible

"You... what did you say?"

Li Shimin was suddenly confused.

Although he is good at studying the Four Books and Five Classics, he is far from being as powerful as Kong Yingda. He can really memorize them all and slowly compare them with the sentences that Li You recited.

But even a learned person like Kong Yingda would take time to compare it word by word with his memory. He could never be as perverted as Li You!

"This is impossible!"

Quan Wanji was also shocked. How can Li You be able to recite like a liar?

"Master Quan, haven't you heard enough yet?" Li You sneered, "Why don't this king give you another back."

"There is no such thing as existence. "Three-three-seven" means that existence and non-existence are natural, and it is even more like this. The people who live there are very close; it is far from this. Now when I come here, I have a son Confucius. If I know it and hear it, I will be my son Kong Ruo; if I know it and see it, I should be scattered when I am born.

As soon as Li You finished speaking, everyone kicked Kong Yingda together. Kong Yingda hurriedly compared nervously in her heart, and she was already sweating coldly before letting out a sigh of relief.

"It's "Mencius"! His Royal Highness the King of Chu has memorized the end of "Mencius" upside down!"

After this confirmation from Kong Yingda, the audience was silent!

They all looked at Li You in shock. Although the word reciting has been around for a long time, most of it is exaggerated. This is the first time they have seen someone who can recite like a recite!

In front of everyone's eyes, Li You came again with his mouth open:

"The husband Zhao of the palace is like the king's death, the palace cave is Yanggongyu. The door Yin asks for the stone. The palace is as high as the king, and the killing is successful. If you can not die, the kingdom of Chu does not care, the king of the family is Zhengkuang, and the kingdom of Chu Jing Anruo King Sun: It's called Luzi. The army is robbed, but not Luzi. The king is Luzi to want to make it public. After entering the back, he will also repair Qi and kill him. Li will definitely be biased, and he will not seek it. Fortunately, he is in danger. Hearing me: It's called Gaozi!"

Very smooth, no stumbling at all!

Everyone once again looked at Kong Yingda with their searching eyes. At this time, Kong Yingda was already having a headache and wished he had a book in his hand. Fortunately, Wei Zheng was already prepared and immediately confirmed, "It's "Spring and Autumn", that's right!"

During the time when Wei Zheng didn't speak, he thought carefully about the ending of the Four Books and Five Classics that Li You had not memorized.

Seeing this, Li You couldn't help but sighed that Kong Yingda and Wei Zheng were so powerful. They really deserved to be extremely high officials. This kind of brain power that can be forcibly compared with what he recited in his mind, word for word, is beyond the reach of ordinary people.

Of course, Li You is the most exceptional. He is a super genius who can never be forgotten. When Li You endorsed the book upside down, the four books and five classics he read last night were as clear as if they were spread out in front of him and let Li You read them aloud!

Li You can read it horizontally, vertically, upside down, or upside down!

"This is already three!"

Although Li You was a little surprised, the rest of the people were a hundred times more shocked at Li You!

After being confirmed by Wei Zheng, everyone looked at Li You in disbelief, and Quan Wanji almost collapsed.

Why are you so skilled when you back up!

"Skilled?" Quan Wanji was suddenly stunned, "Right! You're not really memorizing at all, you just found time to memorize the endings of a few books upside down, just to bluff people! "

The more Quan Wanji thought about it, the brighter his eyes became. He felt that he had grasped the truth, otherwise no one's memory could be so perverted!

"How, I'm right!"

Quan Wanji stared at Li You tightly, with a proud look of dismantling Li You's conspiracy.

Li Shimin and others became suspicious when they heard the words, because Li You's memory was so terrifying, it was hard to imagine that it was a memory that a normal person could have. Is it really like what Quan Wanji said?

However, after they looked over, all they saw was Li Youwen's calm expression like Mount Tai.

"Okay, then let's not talk about the back and forth, let's talk about it."

Everyone: "???"

Why bring this up at this time?

"Do you want to test me in the Four Books and Five Classics?" Quan Wanji sneered again and again, "Then let it go! Or, are you just trying to change the subject?"

Wei Zheng and Kong Yingda frowned when they heard the words. Listening to Li You's words, could it be that Li You wanted to argue with Quan Wanji?

Then this is different from the simple memorization just now, but it is the most test of familiarity with the Four Books and Five Classics, and if Li You can't answer it, it will prove even more that Quan Wanji said that he deliberately endorsed it backwards to bluff people!

"Quan Wanji is full of poetry and books, but he wants to debate the scriptures with someone who has been immersed in the Four Books and Five Classics for decades. What does Yang Jie think?"

When Li Shimin was puzzled, Li You first asked: "The Poetry says: "The state is thousands of miles away, and Weimin stops there. "Poetry" says: "The wild yellow bird stops at the corner of the hill. The Master said, "When it stops, if you know where it stops, can a human be better than a bird? "

"The Poetry says: "King Mu Muwen, Yu Jixi Jingzhi! "As a ruler, stop at benevolence; as a minister, stop at respect; as a son, stop at filial piety; as a father, stop at 3.7 kindness; communicate with people, stop at faith."

Quan Wanji raised his head proudly, this is the content of "University", and he can answer it fluently.

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