Seeing Yin Shi's strenuous appearance, Li You hurried up to support her and said, "Mother concubine is in poor health, so don't do such a big thing."

Yin Shi nodded and held Li You's hand with a backhand, his eyes full of love.

Li You's hand was warm in hers, but Li You felt that Yin's hand was cold as if it had no body temperature.

"Yang Jie..."

Yin Shi carefully looked at Li You for a while, and then suddenly showed a look of reproach: "You don't show up once in a few months, you still remember to see the mother-in-law!"

Li You was a little embarrassed when he heard the words. Let's not mention Li You in the past. He only knew that he was having fun. He spent a long time hanging out with the little people. Just not too used to it.

In any case, Li You needs a period of adaptation to get used to his current identity. In addition, in the past two months, there have been many big and small things, so that Li You has no time to think about other things.

"Didn't I come here..." Li You whispered, "Yang Jie said no to the concubine, but before I left, I still wanted to say goodbye to the concubine."

"Good boy."

When Yin Shi heard this, the reproach disappeared immediately, and he happily touched Li You's hair.

Seeing Yin's simplicity is enough, Li You's heart also warms, and he can feel the genuineness of Yin's mother's love.

"Your mother-in-law has already heard about it... It's a pity that the mother-in-law is weak and sick, so I can't dissuade your father. Youzhou is a long way to go. It's really hard for me."

Yin Shi said with great distress, Li You shook his head.

"I'm fine, but how is the mother's body?"

Yin Shi said: "My body is still the same as before..."

Before she could finish speaking, Yin Shi started coughing, and she quickly covered her mouth and nose with a handkerchief.

Just after the handkerchief was put down, Li You saw with sharp eyes that there was a bright red on it!

"Could the concubine take medicine from the imperial doctor?" Li You was a little nervous immediately, "It just so happens that the king of medicine, Mr. Sun Simiao, Mr. Sun, is the enshrined in Yangjie's mansion, why don't I call him over to see the concubine?"

The person in front of him truly cares about him, so of course Li You will return the same affection, not to mention that at this moment, they are indeed the real mother and son.

And having a mother who loves him also makes Li You feel a lot more at ease, feeling that he has a sustenance and a destination in his heart, so now that Yin's situation is so bad, of course he can't help but worry.

"If it really doesn't work, just use the universal medicine box again!"

Li Yougang made a good decision in his heart, and he heard Yinshi smile and say, "It's really amazing to have Mr. Sun as your worshiper... But the concubine has already been seen by the imperial physician many times, and this is not some kind of disease. , but the pain on the meridians, what needs to be rested."

Li You was stunned when he heard the words, the situation of the Yin family was really beyond his expectations.

Why is the pain on the meridians?

"It's troublesome..." Li You frowned slightly. "Modern medicine has never heard that it can treat the pain on the meridians. Maybe the universal medicine box can't play any role in this situation."

But when it came to this, Li You suddenly had an idea in his mind.

He remembered that not long ago, Yaoli also said that with the cooperation of inner strength, self-healing can be carried out.

So if you can use your inner strength to help yourself heal, I wonder if you can use inner strength to help others heal?

Li You recalled that in many of the novels he had read in the past, there were episodes in which he used his inner strength to help others heal. Maybe it was feasible!

"And if it is the pain of the meridians, then maybe the internal force can also prescribe the right medicine!"

Li You thought of doing it, and immediately said: "Mother concubine, then Yang Jie can help you massage and massage, maybe 0.2 can relieve the mother concubine's symptoms."

"Massage and massage?"

Yin Shi was stunned for a moment, then laughed.

Although she did not think that the mere massage and massage could help her symptoms, she did not want to refuse the child's filial piety.

So Yin Shi immediately turned his body to one side and turned his back to Li You: "Good boy, come on."

Li You calmed down, stretched out his hand and pressed Yin Shi's back, the mighty internal force of Jiuyang Divine Art, under Li You's fine control, penetrated into Yin Shi's body.

And because of the angle, Li You couldn't see it, when the inner force of Nine Yang entered Yinshi's body, Yinshi's pupils suddenly shrank with his back to Li You!

"This is……!?"

Chapter 155 Destroy Li Tai!

On Li You's side, through the extension of internal force, the situation in Yin's body has been carefully probed.

The inner force of Jiuyang was like a part of Li You's body, and it quickly circulated in Yin's body for a week, and the general situation appeared in Li You's mind just like the composition.

"How could this be?"

Li You thought to himself, frowning.

Because according to his investigation results, every meridian in Yin's body is blocked by a feminine force, as cold and vicious as the gangrene attached to the bone.

And the meridians in Yinshi's body could not flow for a long time, which naturally made her weak, and even her internal organs were damaged to a certain extent.

"These are those masters of internal strength. The so-called "I slap you with the palm of your hand, will you suddenly die a year after you go back?"

Li You couldn't help but think of the legends of his previous life, which were very similar to the current situation.

It's just that the Yin family is one of the four noble concubines of the four ladies. Is there any other person who doesn't have long eyes and dares to beat her?

But in any case, the top priority is to expel these sinister powers like the gangrene attached to the bones.

Immediately, Li You's Jiuyang internal force began to show its power, and it directly collided with those sinister forces.

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