This incident was like a small episode, Li You and the others set off again soon.

It's just that Li You, who couldn't stand the toilet chip, finally got a satisfactory answer today.

"His Royal Highness, we are very close to Youzhou!"

"It's great!" Li You almost wanted to cheer, "My hard days are finally coming to an end!"

Ma Zhou listened at a loss, thinking to himself, Your Highness, how have you suffered during this period of time? Didn't you even beat the assassin?

"But speaking of it, I heard that bandits are rampant around Youzhou, why haven't I seen any bandits until now?"

Ma Zhou thought for a while and said, "After all, His Royal Highness is still with the Youguo regiment. When ordinary bandits see so many well-equipped soldiers, "Zero Forty" will definitely not dare to come and provoke them easily."

"Tsk, is that so? It's a miscalculation... It's such a pity." Li You could not help shaking his head and sighing when he heard this.

Ma Zhou: "..."

What kind of dangerous things are you expecting, Your Highness?

"By the way, you mean ordinary bandits?" Li You asked again, "Is there any unusual bandits?"

Ma Zhou became serious now and said, "Yes, although these bandits are not part of the same family, there is still a particularly difficult existence among these bandits, which is also difficult for the Youzhou government to exterminate bandits. root cause."

Li You asked curiously: "What are some particularly difficult existences? Would you like to hear them?"

Ma Zhoudao: "There are mainly four gangsters who are particularly difficult to deal with, and they are considered to be the top of these gangster forces. They are lawless, and they don't care about the court at all. After standing on the top of the mountain, they are still arrogant. Self-proclaimed king!"


Li You heard something a little wrong, twitched the corners of his mouth and asked, "You won't tell me next, these four bandits are collectively called the 'Four Emperors', right?"

Ma Zhou was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and said strangely, "How did His Highness know that? Did you know that before?"

It is indeed the Four Emperors!

Li You almost sprayed, what four emperors... I still have four emperors!

"Then this chaotic area, wouldn't it be called the Great Mountain Road, or the New World?"

Li You feels extremely subtle in his heart. Will there be other existences such as Qiwuhai and Bandit King?

Ma Zhou shook his head and said, "This chaotic place is called the 'lawless place' by the bandits and the merchants who pass by, which means the place that the imperial court can't control, not the inexplicable names mentioned by His Highness. ."

Only then did Li You breathe a sigh of relief. If there are really any Bandit Kings and Great Mountain Roads here, then Li You will wonder if there are traversers among these bandits.

"But it's always a big problem to let these bandits go. Just listening to it like this, you can't understand it too deeply..."

Li You touched his chin again and thought about it. Originally, he planned to have some thieves without long eyes to rob them, and then he could be caught and questioned.

Who would have thought that the Youguo regiment looked too murderous, but instead looked like a talisman. It has been calm so far, and no bandits dared to move them.

Thinking of this, Li You had a bold idea in his heart.

"Why don't we split up and join us in Youzhou!"

Ma Zhou was taken aback and stuttered a bit: "What, what?! Are you serious, Your Highness!"

"Of course it's serious," Li You nodded. "As the saying goes, knowing oneself and knowing one's enemies will never end in a hundred battles. If this king wants to suppress bandits, he must first understand the situation."

"No, it's too dangerous!" Ma Yi refused, "Please think twice, Your Highness, how can a superior person risk it!"

"Didn't my father always go to war when he was young?"

Ma was choked by Li You on Monday, and it took a long time before he said, "Your Majesty entrusted His Highness to the lower official, no matter what, the lower official will not agree to his highness to do such a dangerous thing!"

"Oh, don't agree if you don't agree," Li You waved his hand indifferently, "I'm just telling you, I'm not asking for your opinion."

Ma Zhou: "..."

I'm worried, Your Highness.

When he said that, Ma Zhou realized that it seemed to be the case.

Li You is his own boss, no matter in official position or status, and he can freely decide what he wants to do. He can't stop him if he says no!

"Your Highness, it is absolutely impossible!"

What Ma Zhou can do now is to show the spirit of death advice, in other words, to stalk him.

"I'll be fine," Li You said helplessly, "Didn't you see it before? All ten assassins were killed by me alone, there's nothing to worry about in terms of personal force, the mere bandit is in front of this king. What kind of storm can it make?"

"Your Highness, that's a bad word!"

At this time, Cheng Chumo came over, summoned up his courage and said, Ma Yiyi's eyes lit up immediately when he saw that someone was helping him.

"Oh, what is wrong with what this king said?"

Cheng Chumo said: "Although His Highness's internal strength is extremely profound, His Highness does not know any martial arts moves, right? This way, when the number of enemies is small, His Highness can attack them by surprise, but if there are too many people, His Highness is afraid that I'll be drowned in the sea of ​​people!"

"This king doesn't think so," Li You said solemnly. "You have to know that every trick is a paper tiger, and the speed and force of 2.4 are the truth!"

Cheng Chumo: "..."

Damn, with His Highness's record, it's impossible to refute!

"Besides, who said I couldn't do any tricks?"

Li You said again, and Cheng Chumo blinked curiously: "Is there? What tricks does His Highness know?"

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