Hong Man led Li You to the field, and the people behind loved to watch the fun, and they all followed. Soon Li You saw the situation of the farmland with his own eyes.

I saw that on the vast arable land, two cows were struggling to pull a long plow cart, panting from exhaustion, and in the cold weather, their noses continued to spray white air for a long time.

"It really is this kind of plow..."

Seeing this, Li You fell into contemplation. In fact, such a plow truck is different from what he has often seen before. It should be similar to the one that was eliminated very early.

So what did the plow carts used after the Tang Dynasty look like?

Li You recalled it for a while, and soon found the answer from his memory. The most classic structure that has been used for several dynasties and has not been changed much, Quyuanli!

"Come on, call the local carpenter! Also, I need a pen, ink, paper and inkstone, right away!"

After making up his mind, Li You quickly issued an order.

Although everyone was puzzled, since His Royal Highness the King of Chu had an order, they were still busy quickly.

Only Cheng Chumo and Ma Zhou seemed to have nothing to do and looked at Li You curiously.


"Your Highness, what are you doing?"

Li You pointed to the two cows pulling the plow in the distance, and said, "Did you not realize that this kind of plow is very laborious to pull? I have a new plow truck, which is at least two or three times less labor-intensive than this!"


Cheng Chumo blinked and almost laughed... Your Highness, is this a joke?

I don't know anything about this kind of farming, how can I modify the plow truck?What's more, the long straight plough that has been used for thousands of years, how can it be said that it can be changed?

"Your Highness, you just..."

Before Cheng Chumo could speak, Ma Zhou said seriously: "His Royal Highness, although the lower official does not know whether what you said is true or false, if you can really do it, then it can be called the blessing of the Tang Dynasty, and even the people of the people. Blessing!"

Although Ma Zhou is as deeply skeptical as Cheng Chumo, but with his calm personality and high evaluation of Li You, Ma Zhou still has a little bit of belief in his heart.

"Huh? Is it such an exaggeration?"

Cheng Chumo was surprised first. According to Ma Zhou, wouldn't the achievements of changing a plow truck be similar to that of preventing smallpox and saving the world?

"Chumo, you don't understand the importance behind this, so you ask this question!" Ma Zhou said solemnly, "This is the most important weapon of the country! It is no less than the method of saving the day flower!"

Chapter 194 Perfect!

Cheng Chumo, the son of a military general, would not understand how excited Ma Zhou was.

You must know that the Tang Dynasty is based on agriculture, especially in this recent period, agriculture is particularly important.

It can be seen from the scholars, peasants, businessmen, and peasants that the peasants are directly ranked second only to the scholars!

Although it has been many years since the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty, the damage caused by the war at the end of the Sui Dynasty is not so easy to calm down.

In recent years, natural disasters and military disasters have caused Datang to lose too many people, especially the strong men, and the livestock also suffered great losses.

The reason why the Tang Dynasty was able to implement the government military system and maintain it was because there were fewer people and more land, and the fields were far more than the population, so the court was able to continue to distribute land equally.

"One hundred zero" or it should be said that it is precisely because a large area of ​​land is still barren, so the court has to allocate land everywhere, hoping that they can cultivate it.But just taking the field is not enough.

If you want to cultivate the land, you need not only farm tools, but also cattle, and there are few strong people in the family. All these necessary things are extremely scarce. In the end, even women, the elderly and children can only go to the field together!

Even if they could borrow cattle from the government, it would still be far from filling the gap... But now, Li You actually said that there is a plow truck that can save two or three times the effort than the current plow truck?what does that mean?

This means that the plow cart that originally required two cows to pull may now be pulled by one cow. This is the most conservative estimate, but even so, it is equivalent to doubling the number of cows!

If the new type of plow truck mentioned by Li You is extended to the whole Tang Dynasty, how much productivity can be increased?How much farmland can be restored?How much food can that increase?How many people can that feed?

Can't believe it!


Ma Zhou took a deep breath and calmed down again.

"Don't think things are so beautiful. In the end, it is still unknown whether the new plow truck mentioned by His Highness is useful."

While Ma Zhou was thinking about it, Li You wanted the pen, ink, paper, inkstone and carpenter to come, and they even brought a full set of tools and many materials.

"His Royal Highness, what are you going to do, just tell me!"

The carpenters all shouted in unison, although they felt that Li You might just be fooling around in a field he didn't understand, but in the face of Li You, who had saved countless lives from smallpox prevention and control, they were willing to accompany him to fool around.

"Wait for me to draw the picture first."

According to the content in his memory, Li You began to draw carefully, stroke by stroke.

This curved plough, also known as Jiangdong plough, is composed of 11 parts in total, namely ploughshare, plough wall, plough bottom, plough, plough head, plough arrow, plough pole, plough tip, plough comment, plough structure and plough plate .

However, although the Quyuan Li appeared in the late Tang Dynasty, and it has not changed much for many years, it is classic enough, but the one who really perfected the Quyuan Li to the best state was in the Song Dynasty, and it was also Li Youzhen. time-painted version.

Soon, Li You drew the drawings and handed them over to the foreman of the carpenter.

The foreman of the carpenter took a look and wondered: "Your Highness, is this a kind of... plough? It doesn't look the same as the current plough, it's shorter and more curved."

"Yes," Li You nodded, "this kind of plow is called a curved plough. It is very simple to build, and can use all wood, so the cost is very low."


The carpenter foreman responded with a vague understanding. Anyway, he just had to follow Li You's orders to make it.

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