"It's okay."

Li Shimin waved his hand and said, "I am in a very excited mood now, and I have to try it myself to calm down."

Everyone was at a loss for a while when they heard the words. What was it that made His Majesty so restless?

They could only continue to watch quietly, the strange-looking plow cart was wrapped around the ox, and then Li Shimin actually supported the plow cart and started pulling the ox rope!

"Your Majesty," Fang Xuanling couldn't help reminding, "You are still one ox away, and you need at least two oxen to pull the plow, not to mention the fact that the ground is frozen hard, maybe three more in the end. The cow."

He had to remind him like this, otherwise, wouldn't it be particularly embarrassing when Li Shimin, who was in high spirits, found out that the plow truck didn't move at all?As a 380-person minister, of course, we must try our best to avoid such a situation where the emperor loses his dignity.

It's just that Fang Xuanling has some doubts in his heart. It stands to reason that Li Shimin, who participates in the spring ploughing ceremony every year, cannot be unaware of this common sense, right?

Li Shimin laughed when he heard the words: "Just watch!"

Everyone seemed a little dumb. This is Li Shimin's last stubbornness. Is it a dead duck?

Then they just raised the idea when they saw the Quyuan Plow move and start to move forward rapidly!


All the ministers rubbed their eyes in disbelief, wondering if they were wrong.

There is only one cow, how could the plow cart move! ?

However, the reality is that the plow cart not only moved, but also moved very fast!

"How...how...how could this happen?" Fang Xuanling was a little stuttered, "Why can a cow pull the plow cart? And it's so fast!"

"How the hell is this done?"

"With this plow, wouldn't it be possible to save an ox for nothing?!"

The ministers were all amazed, and their eyes were full of amazement.

And those ministers who thought deeper and farther, have already shown shocked expressions, followed by uncontrollable excited expressions!

"Congratulations, Your Majesty! With this plough, you have conquered thousands of troops!"

Zhangsun Wuji, Fang Xuanling and the others all knelt down to congratulate him. After hearing this, the rest of the ministers also changed their expressions and thought of this.

Fighting requires people, fighting requires money, and fighting requires logistics... And this kind of magical thing that can at least double the food output of thousands of households can undoubtedly meet all the basic needs of fighting!

"This is auspicious! Your Majesty!"

"Congratulations to Your Majesty for getting this artifact!"

"God bless me Tang!"

Immediately, the Manchu Civil and Wudu Mountains shouted long live, and the scene was extremely spectacular.

Li Shimin was also very happy when he saw it, he patted the Quyuanli and said: "This thing is called the Quyuanli, and the magic of it, after I personally tried it, I have a lot more experience, far more than it looks simple! "

Everyone was shocked when they heard the words. Now the performance of this Qu Yuanli is enough to defy the sky, how can we go further?

I just heard Li Shimin continue: "This curved plough is extremely light, you Aiqing have just seen it, right? Just one cow can pull it faster than two cows! And why is it like this?"

Li Bafe Shimin paused, as if trying to whet everyone's appetite.

"Because the lightness of this curved plough is beyond imagination! Not to mention a cow, even a person can pull this curved plough!"

As soon as the words fell, there was a gasp of breath on the field!

You don't even need oxen, and only one person can pull the plough instead of the oxen... What does this mean? !

That's not just a matter of saving an ox, but in the Tang Dynasty, where oxen are in short supply, as long as there is this curved plough, then even if the family has no oxen, they can still cultivate the land!

And for those who have cattle, one or two more people can pull the curved plough, which is equivalent to having one more cattle!

This is simply indescribable in words!

Even though their hearts were turbulent, no one could make a sound at the moment, all they had was the excitement on their faces.

Because at this moment, they only feel that they are extremely short of words, and it is difficult to express what they think in a thousand words!

"Your Majesty, is this the work of the general supervisor or Sinong Temple? Or is it the masterpiece of a master from the Ministry of Industry?"

After a while, Fang Xuanling asked in a trembling voice.

The eldest grandson Wuji also said excitedly: "I ask Your Majesty to reward this hero! Such a great achievement, no matter how much you reward it!"

Li Shimin nodded with a smile on his face, and said, "Very good! This Quyuanli is the work presented by Li You, King of Chu!"

Changsun Wuji: "..."

His high expression froze in place for a moment, looking extremely embarrassed.

To be so excited to take credit for those who he tried to suppress, Changsun Wuji now wants to slap his former self!

"What? It's actually His Royal Highness King Chu?!"

The rest of the ministers were also stunned for a moment after hearing this. Unexpectedly, Li You, the king of Chu, who had thought that he had completely left Chang'an and would eventually disappear into the crowd, appeared in everyone's sight again, and he still had such a strong attitude!

"Since all of you Ai Qing said so," Li Shimin continued, "then I really want to reward the King of Chu, but I don't know what to reward?"

After all, Li Shimin really thought deeply.

If it is a reward for an official position, it is not very interesting to the prince. If you say that, it is really a bit difficult to reward the prince who has made great contributions.

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