Indeed, since the King of Chu came to Youzhou, all the new things he has come up with are all excellent, so there is no need to worry about this!


In Youzhou Governor's Mansion.

Ma Zhou just finished the accounts for this issue and came out of the room with two dark circles under his eyes.

Although he is now a member of the governor of Youzhou, in addition to handling some government affairs, he is also entrusted by Li You to be the accountant. The reason is that Li You found that Ma Zhou was indeed a good accountant.

And the position of Mr. Accountant is very easy to be tricked, and Li You believes in Ma Zhou's character, so he entrusted this important task to him.

"Hey, His Royal Highness the King of Chu really likes to use people at will..."

Ma Zhou rubbed his brows tiredly, ready to bring the ledger to see Li You.

There is no other reason, just because the expenditure during this time is too great!

It is hiring someone to make a curved plough, promoting it throughout Youzhou, finding someone to build a public thatched hut, paying for a workshop, and hiring someone to make straw paper... The cost of this is simply astronomical. what!

Chapter 206 The Most Profitable Industry

Although this was not Ma Zhou's money, the amount was so large that even Ma Zhou felt heartbroken when he saw it.

But because of this, it was the first time that Ma Zhou intuitively realized how wealthy His Royal Highness the King of Chu was. He was able to fill such a big hole by himself.

It's just that there is a limit to manpower, and Ma Zhou felt that even with the financial resources of His Royal Highness the King of Chu, he would not be able to support it.

Just when he was thinking about it, Ma Zhou had come to Li You's yard.

I saw Li You at this time, dangling leisurely on the rocking chair, commanding Luneng to make a heated kang for himself.

"Huh? Why is King Bin here? Is there anything you can do with me?"

Just as Ma Zhou stepped into the yard, Li You, whose internal skills became more and more profound, found him at once.

Although Ma Zhou was a little surprised, he said straight to the point: "His Royal Highness, this time I am here because of the issue of accounts. At present, the Governor's House does not have any income, but it has huge expenses. If this goes on..."

"Don't worry about this," Li You interrupted with a wave of his hand, "It's almost time to start making money."


Ma Zhou was stunned for a while, and asked, "Does your Highness think of any good business?"

"Do you still need to think about it?" Li You gave him a strange look. "There are ready-made businesses. Do you remember what I said before, to solve the problem of insufficient public huts?"

"I remember this, but what does it have to do with making money?"

Ma Zhou was stunned for a moment. If he wanted to solve the problem of insufficient public thatched houses, he could only continue to expand, but this was simply spending money outside, right?

"King Bin, you don't want to spend money to continue to expand the public thatched huts to solve the problem of insufficient number~"?"

However, Li Youhui's eyes were like torches, and one sentence made Ma Zhou a little embarrassed, feeling as if she had been completely seen through by Li You.

Li You continued: "Continuing to expand is just a last resort. You can see that the flush toilet is so easy to use and has been widely praised, but it still needs to queue up to use it, and in the end, because there are too many users, the cleanliness cannot be perfect..."

"Then, don't many people think, how good would it be if I also had one at home? By that time, the Governor's House will start to sell the assembly tools for flush toilets, won't we be able to make a lot of money?"

Although the assembly of the toilet is very simple, it is very troublesome to do some parts before assembly.

It is true that some people can go directly to a carpenter to make a custom order, but the single price is definitely more expensive than the bulk price. Second, although there is no intellectual property protection law in this era, Li You, as the governor of Youzhou, can represent the law in itself. Which one? Those who don't have long eyes dare to imitate the things of the Governor's Mansion?

Therefore, this flush toilet can have sufficient sales innately, and the road ahead has been paved by Li You, and then we will wait to make money.

"So that's how it is..."

Ma Zhou thought about it and said, "But Your Highness, there are many people who would like to do this, can't you guarantee that there will be many people? Maybe most people just use the public thatched hut, and they are not willing to spend the unjust money for themselves. How about making one at home?"

Li You didn't see any worries on his face, and said casually: "That's very simple, let the trial operation of the public huts end, no longer provide free use, and change to 5 cents for one use."

"What?" Ma Zhou was puzzled. "Does His Highness want to make money from the fees of the public thatched hut? Why did he suddenly detour to this?"

Isn't this already off topic?

"Don't worry, you haven't finished listening yet." Li You smiled, "The price of 5 cents is not very expensive, right? At most, it is the price of a steamed bun or a steamed cake."

Ma Zhou nodded.

"Even so, what if the price of buying a toilet is set at 100 cents?" Li Youxiao became more and more inscrutable. "What will the people think at that time?"

"What would you think...?"

Ma Zhou heard that the reality was a little dazed, but then he seemed to realize something.

At the end, when Ma Zhou looked at Li You again, he only felt that Li You's smile was full of control over everything!

"It seems that King Bin wants to understand," Li You said indifferently, ".~ The common people will think that the money I use 20 times in the public hut is enough to buy a flush toilet, so why don't I just buy a flush toilet directly? ?"

"Many people seem to have never read or gone to school, but in fact they are shrewd in their hearts. For things like going to the toilet that must be done every day or two, they can easily figure out whether to buy it by themselves. Flush toilets are cheaper!”

"In this way, almost all the people who used to use public thatched huts will turn to buying flush toilets!" Ma Zhou has already taken Li You's words in amazement!

What a terrible method!Such a precise grasp of everyone's psychology!

"Now you know what I spent a lot of money on to buy workshops and hire people to make straw paper some time ago, right?"

Li You stood up from the rocking chair and said, "At present, there is still a huge advantage in public huts, that is, the overwhelming experience of using the money from the paper clerk. If you can buy the paper yourself in the future, then there will be no other factors that can stop it. People are building flush toilets in their own homes!"

"And the sale of grass paper itself is a huge income, because it is also a necessity!"

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