"Next is the tax report of Henan Road, Bianzhou 125 million yuan tax, Mengzhou 130 million yuan tax, Shanzhou 111 million yuan tax..."

The numbers in the back, all the way down, became more and more heavy as you listened, and Li Shimin's face became more and more terrifying.

It seems that Datang has indeed been severely affected by the disaster, and the monthly tax revenue has almost dropped to half the level of previous years!

"Presumably the Guannei Road was not affected, and it was just because it was close to Chang'an that the prosperity of Chang'an drove the economic development?"

Changsun Wuji couldn't help but say, Chang'an is indeed the most prosperous place in the Tang Dynasty, there is no one, so the economy is also very stable, and it is not easy to collapse.

And... even though Changsun Wuji didn't want to admit it, what the Chu King Li You did in Chang'an did greatly ensure the economic stability of Chang'an!

"The following is the tax report of Hebei Province, Yizhou 140 million yuan tax, Yingzhou 150 million yuan tax, Mozhou 147 million yuan tax..."

Hearing this number, Manchao Wenwu's face softened a little, at least not as miserable as before...

However, their hearts are also a little strange. If the situation in Guannei Road was not so bad just now, it was because it was close to Chang'an, then why does the situation in Hebei Road now seem to be not as bad as imagined?

When they were wondering, everyone noticed that Tang Jian suddenly stopped.

The sound of the report stopped abruptly, and was replaced by a look of doubt on Tang Jian's face.

"what happened?"

Li Shimin frowned, why did he suddenly stop in the middle?Could it be that there is a place where taxes are too low, but they dare not continue to talk about it?

This is also a common thing. It would be better to say that reporting a bad situation to the king is the last thing all ministers want to do.

Because the emperor must be furious when he hears the words, and the emperor is furious and corpses millions, the minister who reports is undoubtedly the one who is most likely to bear the anger!

"No need to worry, just tell me what the situation is." Thinking of this, Li Shimin said, "This is not your fault, how could I blame you for it?" 0.8

Li Shimin is already mentally prepared to face the next dismal situation. No matter how low the tax is, Li Shimin is confident that he will not be too surprised.

Who knew that Tang Jian raised his head and said with a strange expression: "No, Your Majesty, this minister stopped because... the taxation behind this is really incredible."

Tang Jian once thought that there was an error in the record, but this kind of report to the emperor would be verified countless times by many officials, so how could it be wrong?

"what's going on?"

Li Shimin asked, and after Tang Jian hesitated for a while, he said it hesitantly.

"The next one is Youzhou. Youzhou's tax this month is... 1800 million yuan!"

Chapter 240 The arrival of the Tubo envoys! (first update)

After Li Shimin heard this, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"What, 1800 million, that's pretty normal, why don't you dare... Ha?"

As he spoke, Li Shimin was suddenly stunned.

"1800 million isn't bad at least, it's considered... ah?"

The officials and officials who were still nodding subconsciously just now were all stunned.

The next moment, all the rulers and ministers focused their attention on Tang Jian!

"How much tax did you say?! Say it again!"

There is no doubt that everyone thinks that they have just heard it wrong... Although it is unlikely that so many people have heard it wrong, this tax figure is undoubtedly even more impossible!

Being stared at by so many people, even Tang Jian felt a little stressed.

He double-checked the numbers on the scroll several times before he said cautiously, "Yes... it's 1800 million yuan!"

"Are you sure this is a month's tax for Youzhou, not a year's tax?"

Changsun Wuji's face was dull, and he couldn't accept this reality. Isn't this almost catching up with Chang'an's tax level?

But what is Chang'an?Chang'an is home to nearly one-sixth of the entire Tang Dynasty's population, and is at the foot of the emperor with the most wealthy people!

So how is this possible! ?

"Lord Changsun, is this questioning the Ministry of Household?"

Tang Jian's face turned cold, and now, it is impossible for him to admit that the Ministry of Household made a mistake, otherwise it would be a dereliction of duty in front of His Majesty.

"The tax report that needs to be presented to His Majesty is self-evidently important. A large number of household officials are working overtime to check and verify repeatedly. It is absolutely impossible to treat one year's tax revenue as one month!"

Changsun Wuji still wanted to speak, but Tang Jian had already opened his mouth to block him.

"Besides, it's only the first half of the year, so where does the annual tax come from?"

This made Manchao's civil and military completely speechless. Until now, after they were fully confirmed, the sluggishness on their faces turned into shock!

"One month's tax is 1800 million yuan?! Is Youzhou going to other states to steal money!?"

Even Li Shimin couldn't help but blurt out: "Let me see!"

He almost got up in excitement and wanted to watch it in person, but fortunately, Li Shimin immediately realized that this was inappropriate, and he sat back on the dragon chair just halfway through the action, which made people look extremely twisted.

"Bring it to me to see."

Li Shimin barely suppressed the shock in his heart, Tang Jian quickly trotted up, and respectfully handed the scroll in his hand to Li Shimin.

Li Shimin held it in his hand and looked at it carefully and repeatedly. Eighteen million, Li Shimin even read every word before he was completely determined.

It's really a tax of 1800 million yuan a month!

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