As the vice-chancellor, although he did not have a very special position, his status in the Tubo Dynasty was still very high, which also caused Sangbucha to be arrogant. Even if he knew that Feng Dexia was present, he did not hide his underestimation. .

"Please forgive me for the opinion of the Vice Chancellor."

Feng Dexia immediately counterattacked: "My Tang Dynasty is a country of etiquette. It is highly developed in all aspects and is admired by the world, so why is it not worth watching?"

At this moment, Feng Dexia's inner arrogance was also aroused.

There is no doubt that he is proud of the power of Datang. Since he has come to his home court, it is bound to open the eyes of this group of foreigners!

"Come on," Sangbucha sneered, "I don't know what's going on in Tang country? Didn't I just say some time ago that it was attacked by the plague of that flower? I think it must have declined to the point where it's not worth it now, right? !"

"That's right, besides, this is the frontier land of the Tang country. It is very backward, maybe even the frontier city of Tubo!"

Another strong man spoke with a voice like thunder.

This person's name is Ma Dongjia, and he is also one of the giants of this envoy. He serves as the protector of the so-called "Xibianbian", in charge of external reconnaissance, expedition and other affairs.

Therefore, Ma Dongjia's voice was expected by Feng Dexia, because in his opinion, Ma Dongjia, a rude person, was equally irritable and impolite.

Therefore, Ma Dongjia's voice was expected by Feng Dexia, because in his opinion, Ma Dongjia, a rude person, was equally irritable and impolite.

But for the sake of not being able to beat Ma Dongjia, Feng Dexia decided not to provoke him directly.

"That's right, since you said so, it's better to see it! I'll take you to go shopping in person!"

Feng Dexia just opened her mouth on impulse, and immediately regretted it.

Indeed, as Ma Dongjia and Sangbucha said, this Youzhou is not only a frontier land, but also has just suffered a major disaster, which is simply worse!

Then even Feng Dexia could foresee that Youzhou at this moment must be a gloomy cloud, so how could there be anything powerful to show?

The brilliance that can be blown out can never be taken back, which makes Feng Dexia extremely painful now.


Several giants such as Masrazan and Chamedo all smiled slightly, saying: "Master Feng has said so, then I can't refuse to wait, please lead the way."

Seeing that they were clearly watching a joke, Feng Dexia really wanted to slap himself a few big mouths.

Let you speak without thinking!

Just when he was extremely depressed, a slightly thinner person came over and asked in a low voice, "...Didn't Tang Guo just say that he was attacked by the smallpox epidemic? There won't be a problem just running around like this, right?"

Feng Dexia looked at him. This person was one of the few people in the Tubo envoy who could talk to Feng Dexia. His name was Qikubi, and he held the position of deputy minister.

"It's alright, Mr. Vice Chancellor," Feng Dexia forced out an ugly smile, "Although the news is a bit unreasonable due to the long distance, it is said that the plague of the epidemic has passed."

"So fast?"

Qikubi asked in surprise, how long has it been since the outbreak of the smallpox epidemic?

The plagues of previous years basically took a long time to disappear, and countless people were killed during the period!

(Qian Zhao Zhao)

"I don't know the specifics..."

Feng Dexia also shook his head dazedly. During the conversation, they had already crossed the city gate and stepped directly onto the street of Youzhou.

Suddenly, the hustle and bustle of people, as well as people coming and going one after another, drowned them in an instant!


All the people in the Tibetan envoy, including Feng Dexia, shrank their pupils at once!

Is this incomparably prosperous scene really what a frontier land that has just suffered a natural disaster can have! ?

"This...what the hell is going on here!"

Feng Dexia was shocked, this time he really felt that it was like a lifetime after three autumns.

Because even he, a Tang Dynasty man, is extremely unfamiliar with the scenery in front of him, this is not the Youzhou he knows at all!

Chapter 242 The Bizarre Adventure of the Tubo Mission (Part [-])

"What exactly is this?"

Even Masrazan, who had been calm all along, was extremely shocked at this moment.

"Didn't you say that the smallpox epidemic just broke out? Even if it is going to subside, it won't be so fast, but these people actually dare to run around the streets... Are they dying!?"

The epidemic is not unique to the Tang Dynasty. It can occur anywhere in the world. Therefore, the senior officials of Tibet are also very aware of the plague.

In previous years, once a plague broke out, all the common people could do was to stay behind closed doors and minimize contact with others, so as to prevent themselves from contracting the disease at any time!

Although no one has researched the theory of contagion, it can be seen just by looking at the law, so this method is also common sense that everyone knows.

But what's the situation now?The streets are full of warriors who are not afraid of death? !

"Could it be that the people of Tang Country are not as weak as they seem, and are bolder than I imagined?" Ma Dongjia also said dully.

Not to mention these Tubo people, Feng Dexia himself was extremely surprised, but he had to figure it out immediately.

Otherwise, if these people are really desperate and still scurrying around when the epidemic still lingers, then most of the people may be infected, and they are mixed in these groups, which must be extremely dangerous!

"Come here, I'll ask you a question."

Feng Dexia looked around and pulled a passerby in a hurry.

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