He read "Three Four Seven" from top to bottom, what is it here?

What is it here? ? ?

Why is it only a thatched hut, but he can't understand it at all! ?

"What is this rope?!"

Feng Dexia tentatively reached out and pulled the rope, and suddenly there was a "crashing" sound of flushing water, which startled him a lot.

Seeing the water suddenly passing in front of him, Feng Dexia looked around with a guilty conscience. Did he do something bad?

Fortunately, Feng Dexia saw the schematic diagram behind the door panel.

"I see..." Feng Dexia sat on the toilet as instructed. "I haven't been back to Datang for a year. How much has changed in the way people in Datang go to the toilet?"

"I just don't know who this painting is from? It's the first time I've seen this genre, and it has a unique flavor."

Feng Dexia went to the toilet like this, while admiring the schematic diagram that had actually been transcribed second-hand, and finished using the toilet a little nervously.

The reason why he is worried is because Feng Dexia is afraid that there will be other links in the future, which will make him not understand like just now, which will be very embarrassing.

To be honest, Feng Dexia has never been so tired from going to the toilet since he was born to the present, and has grown so much for decades—not physically, but physically relaxed, mainly mentally.

Heaven and earth conscience, this is the first time Feng Dexia has to worry about going to the toilet!

"It's finally over... Where's the toilet fund?"

Before he was ready to go out, Feng Dexia, like many people who used a public hut for the first time, found toilet chips everywhere.

Then he also got nothing like those people, and had to lock his eyes on the second picture with the picture.

"This is..." Feng Dexia looked suspiciously, "...Paper?"

"This is... paper?"

On the other side, Sambucha is also coming to an end.

He was also staring at the dozen pieces of grass paper in front of him in confusion, as if he didn't quite understand such an expensive thing, why would it appear in the thatched hut?

Even in Datang, a big paper consumer, paper is so expensive, not to mention Tubo, the price of paper is rising, and it is a luxury that ordinary people can't afford at all.

Therefore, Sambuca can't associate luxury goods with toilet use anyway!

Therefore, Sambuca can't associate luxury goods with toilet use anyway!

"Why do you put so much paper here? Damn Tang people, how do you do things inexplicably, does it make any sense?"

Sambucha became extremely anxious until he noticed that there was a schematic diagram behind the straw paper.

After reading the schematic diagram, Sambucha was stunned, "What! It's actually used to wipe the butt!?"

This is really incredible, and it made Sambucha even have an idea - instead of wasting these precious papers like this, it's better for him to take these papers back!

Although it looks like the color is not right, and it looks too soft, but paper is paper, and he will never get it wrong!

It's no wonder he thinks so, because it's just like using banknotes to wipe your ass, it's a wasteful act, and it's just like the anger of everyone!

"No! Calm down, Sambucha!"

Sambucha tried his best to warn himself: "This must be the conspiracy of the Tang people! Otherwise, if you can use paper to wipe your butt, how can you only charge 5 cents so cheap?! So this must be a trap!"

Obviously, Sambuca is in an unprecedented tangle...

If he wiped it, he didn't know what danger would be waiting for him in front of him. If he didn't wipe it, he wouldn't be able to get out of the hut.

To rub, or not to rub, that is the question!

All of a sudden, Sambucha was caught in a dilemma, and his heart was full of roars: "What a vicious scheme!"


Li You sneezed in the governor's mansion and wiped his nose strangely.

"Did I catch a cold?" Li You thought to himself, "Impossible... Now my Jiuyang Divine Art is getting closer and closer, so I should be immune to cold and heat."

Li You didn't know, this is what makes people sit at home and the pot comes from the sky.


Because Sambucha was in the trouble of Hamlet, he was still dawdling in it until Feng Dexia came out with a happy face.

"It turns out that with just a gentle flush, all the filth will be swept away, and the tragic cases of falling into the cesspool and drowning in the past will never happen again!"

Not only that, the annoying odor and mosquitoes are also greatly reduced, and toileting has become a pleasure from now on!

"How about it?"

Seeing Feng Dexia come out with a comfortable face of 0.5, Qikubi also asked curiously, isn't it just going to the toilet, as for a look of satisfaction?


Feng Dexia stretched out his hand and pointed at the public hut without blushing or panting, and said with a dignified expression, "Please allow me to introduce it below. This is also a famous product of my Tang Dynasty!"

Everyone looked at Feng Dexia with strange expressions, it was okay for the thatched hut to become a famous property.

"Is it such an exaggeration?"

Suddenly, an old-fashioned man who was always taciturn and hardly said a word spoke up. He was the last member of the Tubo envoy, and the deputy chief of staff, Gilardoma.

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