A wonderful salty taste, mixed with the fragrance of mutton, gradually spread in his mouth!


The most important thing is that this salty taste is so pure, without any trace of impurities, it is like the most advanced green salt... No, it is better than the blue salt that Masrazan has tasted!

No wonder Feng Dexia and Sambucha both showed such expressions. Masrazan only felt that today was the first time he really tasted mutton. food!

"It's unbelievable! How did this unimaginably clear and salty taste come about!?"

The warm feeling has spread to Masrazan's whole body. He only felt that his whole body was cheering, he was completely relaxed, and the expression on his face became more relaxed.

All the fatigue and anxiety are immersed in this excellent taste and dissipated.


"Mas Razan, who had a stern face that day, actually showed such an expression!"

Ma Dongjia and Cha Mai Duo were stunned, they couldn't believe their eyes.

This mutton is so powerful!

"What's the mystery in this, let me explore it."

Cha Mai Duo squinted his eyes and ate a piece of mutton. The rest of the people followed and bit down the mutton.

Suddenly, the delicious shock almost crushed their taste buds!

"good to eat!"

"It's so fragrant!"

"too delicious!"

Seeing everyone's expressions of enjoyment, the shop assistant on the side was secretly contemptuous.

It looks like you are dressed in luxurious clothes, but why is there such a fuss about this dish made with ordinary refined salt, as if you have never eaten it in your life?

In fact, the shop assistant didn't guess wrong, they really have never eaten dishes made of this refined salt in their lives.

After enjoying it, Qikubi said, "Who is the cook who made this dish? Call it out and show us. The level is really amazing."

The shop assistant was dumbfounded. The cook who cooked this dish was Lao Ye who had been in the back kitchen for more than ten years. He always forgot to add seasonings when cooking.

Lao Ye is still so powerful?Why doesn't he know?

Not long after, Lao Ye, who was also confused, was called out, and found that these foreigners were staring at him.

"Such superb cooking skills shouldn't be buried here!" Masrazan said, "How about it, would you like to follow us back to Tubo as a chef?"

Lao Ye: "???"

Chapter 248 There is his figure in the end! (first update)

Although I don't know what these foreigners are talking about, but for a moment, Lao Ye was actually moved.

It's been so many years... He has been scolded for being clumsy, and this is the first time someone has praised him for his superb cooking skills!

Although this exaggeration is a little too unreal, it still makes Lao Ye feel a sense of vanity~heart is satisfied.

"Haha, the adults are really rude..."

Lao Ye scratched his head, and Qikubi said with a pleasant face: "You don't have to be humble, even those of us who have read countless sheep think the taste is excellent, you are proud enough, let's go back to Tubo and cook with us."

When he heard that he might have to leave his hometown, Lao Ye suddenly woke up and shook his head.

"No, no, in fact, my cooking skills are just average, and I can't be praised by you adults."

Just kidding, he is from the Tang Dynasty, why should he go to Tubo, a place he doesn't know well?

How good is Youzhou, and now that it has become better and better since the King of Chu came down, how could Lao Ye be willing to leave?

Mousasa frowned and said: "Do you want to continue to say that? You know, excessive self-esteem is arrogance in disguise, which is very disgusting."

Lao Ye was reprimanded with question marks all over his head, it's not that I didn't... I'm just telling the truth, what is excessive self-esteem?

"If you don't have good cooking skills, how can you rely on those low-level salts to make the salty taste so good?"

Mousasa continued to say that the food in this restaurant is not expensive, so it is absolutely impossible to make it with salt that is more expensive than the food itself. .

Gilardoma also added: "Yes, such a wonderful pure salty taste, this is the first time I have tasted it. If it is not a superb cooking skill, it can only be a secret recipe. If it is a secret recipe, we are also willing to pay for it. Buy."

I have to say that, as the most important seasoning, salt is so important for cooking.

Even some food practices without any seasonings, as long as a little salt is added, will make people feel delicious.

"It turned out to be salt..."

The master reacted immediately, and at the same time, he was still a little lost in his heart.

"To be honest with a few adults, the reason why the saltiness of this dish is not mixed is because we used Li's refined salt."

"Li's refined salt!?"

This word made everyone raise their heads in an instant, and their hearts shook!

It's the "Lee's" brand again!

"Then the taste of Li's refined salt is so good?" Masrazan frowned and said, "Impossible... Is it some new green salt from the Central Plains?"

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