When they heard this, the faces of the patriarchs with five surnames and seven looks changed.

"Good guy, four books in a row! This is a bloodbath. 〃!" Cui Jinke muttered to himself in horror.

Zheng Da nodded and said, "It seems that King Li You of Chu really fought hard!"

They have never heard of the authors of these four books, indicating that they must be unknown readers in the past.

If this is the case, then it will not be able to promote sales, because famous people publish books and everyone is rushing to buy them, but who cares about books written by people who have never heard of them?

"To actually publish such a book that no one cares about, what the hell is His Royal Highness thinking about?"

Lu Xuanji also sucked in a breath of cold air. The cost of publishing four books in a row is quite astonishing. In addition, the cost of publishing books is only one tenth of the cost, so it is really impossible to get back even the books!

"The fifth book is - Hua Yu's "Selected Poems of Dengxian"!"

"The sixth book is - Feng Hezhi's "Poems and Poems"!"

"The seventh book is - "You Mountain" by Gongzhou!"

During the discussion among the five surnames and seven Wangs, Li You announced three books in a row.

This caused one surprise after another from the crowd, and many people pointed at themselves in disbelief, as if in a dream.

"I've published a book? I've actually published a book?! That's great!"

They all seem to have fulfilled their dreams, and they only feel that they have no regrets in this life!


This also made the owners of the restaurant who were sitting at the restaurant before, finally unable to sit still.

This also made the owners of the restaurant who were sitting at the restaurant before, finally unable to sit still.

"Chu King Li You is crazy! How much do you want to throw out?!"

Although they all thought so in their hearts, their reason told them that Li You would never really do such a desperate thing.

Then what is the purpose of Li You?What good can it be?

It's because they don't understand these key points at all, that makes them restless!

"The eighth book is—Wang Huahan's "Thousand-Character Inscription on the Tablet"!"

"The ninth book is - Wang Yi's "Daojing Questions and Answers"!"

"The tenth book is -- Wu Pengze's "Qi Xin Sutra"!"

Hearing this, Cui Wei, Zheng Da, Wang Qi and others all felt numb, and they actually published ten books at once!

"Even if it's me this time, I feel like I can't see through King Li You of Chu at all."

Even Li Lan shook his head with a wry smile. Every time Li You made a move in the past, Li Lan could appreciate a bit of the mystery, but this time she couldn't understand it at all!

Cui Wei guessed: "Could it be that... Chu Wang Li You really intends to use money to open a way in order to keep his promise and the credibility of Li's bookstore?"


The rest of the people nodded their heads, and now, they can only think of this explanation, and only this explanation is the most reasonable.

"Haha, if you say that, Li You, King of Chu, is heading in the direction we most hope for!"

As long as they figured this out, everyone was relieved, and their bodies were completely relaxed, no longer tense.

"The eleventh book, is..."

At this moment, Li You's indifferent voice continued.

"What?! Even there!"

Everyone looked over in disbelief!

As time passed by, they became more and more stunned.

"Already... Twenty books have been published!"

Li You's voice didn't seem to be able to stop at all, regardless of how turbulent the hearts of these five surnamed and seven-wang family owners were, and a series of authors and book titles were read out. (Good luck to Lee)

"Three... Thirty books! There are already thirty books!"

Cui Jinke and Cui Wei couldn't sit still at all after several consecutive "banging" sounds, they stood up in shock and clawed at the railings to look!

However, Li You's voice is incessant like a spell, always beating in everyone's heart, and it can't be stopped no matter what!

"Forty books!"

"Five! Fifty!"

"It's sixty!"

Chapter 390 The new version of the ship you haven't seen before (Second)

It was not until the last hundredth book was read that Li You stopped humbly.

At this time, Cui Wei felt paralyzed and weak, and kept mumbling to himself in disbelief.

"It's impossible, it's impossible, it's impossible... A hundred books in a row, is this going to empty the entire bookstore?!"

A whole hundred books represent astronomical human and material resources, which is equivalent to breaking their previous conjectures from the side.

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