Thinking of this, Li Shimin asked in a meaningful way: "A battle with five surnames and seven Wangs must cost a lot of money, right? Wouldn't it be better to use it in national construction instead of wasting it like this?"

Chapter 392 The idea of ​​genius (fourth more)

As he spoke, Li Shimin showed a look of pity.

"Yang Jie, you said, wouldn't it make more sense to put this huge amount of wasted money in the treasury for the imperial court's emergency?"

Li You was stunned when he heard it. He only felt that this father had only been seen for half a month, and he became more shameless.

Even if he blatantly wanted to cut Li You leeks, he could say it without blushing or gasping for breath!

"Damn, I know you want to make money from me, so I don't want to see you!"

Li You secretly screamed in his heart, and coughed on the surface.

"Father's words are bad!"

"What did you say?" Li Shimin showed dissatisfaction, "Did I say something wrong? Everyone is responsible for everything in the world, not to mention that you, as a "zero zero three" royal family, are even more closely related to the construction and development of the Tang Dynasty! "

"I'm not saying that building and developing a country is not important or that it has nothing to do with my son. What I'm saying is..."

Li You paused for a while, and said with a delicate expression: "My son has been making a lot of money in the battle with the five surnames and seven Wang, how can there be any loss or waste of money?"


Li Shimin was stunned. He thought that although Li You had the upper hand, he had to pay a huge price to achieve this tragic victory.

"What do you mean, you have already beaten the five surnames and the seven Wangs like that, and you haven't paid any price, but have profited greatly from it?"

"Exactly." Li You nodded repeatedly to confirm.

This answer made Li Shimin lose his mind for a moment. When did the five surnames and seven Wang become like this?Can they be beaten into dogs at no cost?

Not only that, Li You also made a lot of money from the war with them and became the undisputed biggest winner!

Is it because the five surnames and seven hope have become weaker?Or is Li You too strong?

"There's nothing wrong with that, Father."

Li You explained: "Commercial competition is like this. Winning and losing of course depends on who makes money and who loses money. If it's just that both sides suffer... It's not like this is not the case, but it's impossible to talk about who wins and who loses."

"And now Erchen is making money crazily, and the five surnames and Qiwang are losing money crazily, so Erchen won. It's such a simple thing."

When Li Youyi said this, Li Shimin suddenly remembered something.

"No, it's impossible!" Li Shimin said decisively, "I heard that you published a hundred books not long ago, and this alone will cost an astonishing amount of wealth! How can you call it absent? Losing money or wasting money?"

Li Shimin has read a lot of books, and his knowledge is no less than that of many civil servants and military generals. Therefore, he knows that commercial competition can also be done after paying a huge price to bring down the enemy, so the remaining survivors are naturally the winners.

Hearing this, Li You was embarrassed. After thinking for a while, he said, "Okay... I'll show the royal father there. The secret of my victory is a business secret."

Li Shimin snorted softly and said, "What other business secrets are there? Anyone with a discerning eye will know that you are simply stacking money to kill the other party."

"If it's just a pile of money, I'm afraid I'm not necessarily an opponent of Wuxing Qiwang, so this is a more decisive gap." Li You smiled lightly, "If the royal father doesn't believe it, why not make a bet with Erchen?"

Li Shimin was about to say "Okay" when he suddenly stopped.

and many more!Looking at the past experience, it seems that as long as you bet with Li You, there will be no good!

and many more!Looking at the past experience, it seems that as long as you bet with Li You, there will be no good!

"Yang Jie, does he really have any magic weapon to win...?"

Li Shimin couldn't help looking at Li You, who was smiling, in surprise, but he couldn't think of a way to print and publish [-] books without a pile of money.

"I don't gamble," Li Shimin quickly gave up thinking, "How can I be so dignified as the ninth-fifth of the world to gamble so easily?"

Che, obviously it's just a coward...

Li You silently despised Li Shimin in his heart, but he could only shrug his shoulders and go back to the house to take out a few small objects.

"Father, please take a look. Although this is only one of the previous trial works, it is also the magic weapon of my son's victory..."

Li Shimin picked up the small objects strangely and looked at them over and over.

"what is this?"

I saw that it was three small wooden blocks with characters inscribed on them, with "people", "do" and "difficulty" written on them

"This is a component called movable type printing," Li You introduced. "It is precisely with this movable type printing technique that Erchen can easily print hundreds of books!"

Li Shimin couldn't help but be even more curious. He handed the three small wooden blocks back to Li You and watched how Li You fiddled with them.

Immediately afterwards, Li You placed three small wooden blocks side by side on the table in turn, and said, "Father, look, what did I say?"

Li Shimin looked over and read it out: "It's hard to be a human being?"

"That's right," Li You changed the order again, "then what is this sentence?"

Li Shimin looked at it, his eyes suddenly widened!

"People...difficult to do!"

"Yes, but the change is more than that." Li You changed the order of the small wooden blocks for the third time.

It says, "It's hard to be a human being"!

Just three small wooden blocks, after being reused, can write three sentences with different meanings!

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