After they looked at the same, all their pupils shrank: "What is that?!"

Even Cui Wei, who was proficient in the tea ceremony, had never seen such tea-drinking utensils, and soon sighed in self-righteousness.

"I really didn't expect this trick, I actually want to use some strange-shaped things to attract people! But although it was temporarily succeeded by Li You, the king of Chu, I will see how he ends later! After all, how can those messy things be possible? For tea?"

After all, Cui Wei no longer cared about that side, but devoted himself to explaining that the little two on his side would treat the guests well.

In the same way, Li You didn't care about the Qinghe tea shop at all, because he was making tea at the moment.

Once in the state, Li You will be transformed into a master of tea ceremony, a master of tea ceremony, how could he be distracted while making tea?

Only by putting your whole heart into it can you make the best tea!

"Even if I watch it again, it still feels as pleasing to the eyes as always..."

Wei Zheng looked at Li You's flowing movements with admiration. This kind of beauty is common, regardless of class, whether it is a dignitary or a commoner, you can feel the visual enjoyment from it.

Sure enough, the ordinary people who were still curious and onlookers just now couldn't take their eyes away anymore.

Even the scene was quiet a lot, because everyone was so intoxicated, they even forgot to speak!

After Li You completed the last step and filled the teacup with tea, everyone woke up like a dream.

"It turns out that those strange tea sets can really be used to drink tea!"

"It's so beautiful! It turns out that drinking tea can be so elegant?"

"His Royal Highness Chu's movements seem to have magical powers, I just watched it insanely!"

Indeed, compared to boiling tea, Li You's tea is more elegant. In contrast, boiling tea seems to be a rude and barbaric drinking method.

However, some people have raised their own questions.

"But I didn't see them making tea... they didn't even put ginger, onion, garlic, salt and suet!"

"Is this kind of tea good?"

The voices in the crowd began to grow louder, and at this moment, Zhang Liang's surprised voice answered them.

"This taste is...?!"

Zhang Liang raised his head in surprise: "It's completely different from the taste of 3.2 yesterday!"

Li You smiled and said, "Master Zhang, yesterday was just the tea for demonstration, how could it compare to the tea I specially prepared for today?"

"How can there be such a big difference?" Tang Jian also asked incredulously, "This tea is fragrant and elegant, and has an orchid-like aroma. It can be said to have a pure and strong taste, and the aroma is also long-lasting!"

After taking a sip, Wei Zheng also praised: "Yes, among the fresh and elegant, there are many characteristics of 'fresh, fragrant, rhythmic, and sharp'! What kind of tea is this?"

Li You smiled slightly and said loudly: "This tea is called Tieguanyin - even after seven brews, it still has a lingering fragrance!"

Chapter 403 The first tea in the world! (Second more)

Tieguanyin, one of the top ten famous teas in China!

Everyone was also shocked by Li You's statement, and no one spoke for a while.

Even after seven brews, there is still a lingering fragrance?

It is conceivable how mellow the aroma contained in this tea itself is!

In this silence, only Cheng Yaojin's regretful voice sounded: "Huh? If you say that, isn't it a pity that the two pots of tea that were dumped by His Royal Highness at the beginning?"

In the tea brewing stage at the beginning of Li You, he also emptied the two pots of tea that had been brewed. After the third brew, the tea was poured out to a few people present.

"If that's the's true."

After hearing the words, the rest of the people also looked at Li You strangely.

Li You smiled lightly at this and explained: "I don't know what you adults do, but the first two brews of Tieguanyin's tea, because the tea leaves are still in the early stage, have a slightly heavy scorched taste, which is not suitable for them. 17 mouths."

"I also said before that Tieguanyin's tea has a lingering fragrance, so even if it is brewed for the third time, it will not lose its flavor. And the first two courses of tea were used by me to warm the teacup. After the two courses of tea, the The temperature is just right for tea, and it can be said that Tieguanyin brewed for the third time is the most suitable for tasting!”

After Li You finished speaking, everyone was stunned.

"No wonder the old man just thought that His Royal Highness Chu's brewing method is slightly different today from yesterday!" Fang Xuanling said in shock, "It turns out that there is such a deep doorway!"

Wei Zheng also nodded again and again: "I am amazed that so many mysterious abilities are contained in it!"

Now that their curiosity has been satisfied, everyone also sips tea quietly, showing expressions of enjoyment one by one.

"Really... is it really that delicious?"

Their expressions even infected the people watching, making their curiosity skyrocket one by one.

"And it's very mysterious! What kind of orchid fragrance, I really want to drink it and see what it feels like!"

At this time, even the officials at the Qinghe Tea Shop couldn't hold back their curiosity and looked over here.

Since it was Master Fang, Master Wei and Master Cheng, they all said good tea, so it must be really excellent, right?After all, these adults are not the characters who can tell lies.

At this time, the nine people in Li's Tea Shop had already finished drinking a few pots of tea. To be honest, one pot of tea was not enough for the nine of them to share.

"It's really amazing that the fragrance doesn't diminish even after brewing several times..."

Zhang Liang let out a sigh of relief and asked again, "By the way, His Royal Highness the King of Chu, since there is Tieguanyin, is there any other kind of good tea?"

"Of course there is, and it's a special offering specially prepared for you adults!"

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