The next moment, countless people spit out a gulp of wine!

Li You raised his hand happily: "Okay~ I'm wasting my wine, I'm out!"

Chapter 406 No One Can Take Advantage Of His Royal Highness The King Of Chu (Part [-])

However, the challengers who came to the stage to drink have been unable to listen to Li You's words.

Because after they sprayed the alcohol, they all fell into a violent cough!

"Cough cough! What kind of wine is this...!?~"

"Cough! So spicy! - So spicy! Cough!"

"I've never had such a strong drink_! Cough, cough..."

The ordinary people who were watching were all stunned when they saw this.


What's happening here?

I just took a sip of wine. As for such a big reaction?

"It won't be because the person who came to the stage is too bad..."

Some people started muttering in such a low voice, but looking at their self-confidence performance during the challenge, it didn't look like they had a bad drink?

Besides, if you can't stand drinking such a small amount of alcohol, how bad is the amount of alcohol!

It can be said that an extremely poor amount of alcohol is as rare as an extremely good amount of alcohol.

After the people on the stage finished coughing, their eyes lit up.

"This is a good drink! I've never seen it before! After mastering the skills of drinking this time, I should be able to..."

Contrary to what the people in the audience guessed, their confidence just now was really confident, and as veteran alcoholics, of course, they could immediately feel the excellent quality of soju that crushes everything.

However, when they wanted to keep fighting, many clerks who were five or three thick had already taken the stage and politely asked them to come down.


The challengers were immediately unhappy. They just discovered this good wine, and when they were about to drink it and enjoy it, they couldn't continue drinking it?

The clerk explained politely: "Because the guest officials just sprayed out all the wine, it is equivalent to a waste of rescue. Just now, His Royal Highness King Chu said that those who waste wine will be eliminated."


Immediately, the challengers were speechless.

At this moment, they looked up at Li You's smile again, only to think that the smile was like a devil - this was already planned by His Royal Highness King Chu!

There was no warning at all beforehand, so as soon as I got up, I was caught off guard and sprayed it all out. In the end, I didn't even drink a sip of wine for ten cents!

"No! I don't want to go down! I still want to drink!"

"If I can't drink this kind of wine again, it's better to let me die!"

"Yeah, I don't want any bonuses, let me have a few more sips of this bar!"

To everyone's surprise, there were still challengers who were unwilling to come down and began to play tricks on it.

All of these people are senior alcoholics, addicted to alcohol like life, if they were forced to leave just after feeling the beauty of soju, it would be as uncomfortable as killing them on the spot!

"Is this wine really that good?"

Their performance made the onlookers even more curious.

Seeing how all the challengers on the stage were spraying out just now, I thought this wine was not very good, but now it seems that it is too good to drink?

The more people think about it, the more reasonable it becomes. After all, when the wine jar was opened before, the taste was really fragrant, and you could feel a drunkenness just by smelling it.

Immediately someone shouted: "Get out of here! Don't get in the way of us! You want to continue drinking with your cheeks, and we want to taste it even more!"

Immediately someone shouted: "Get out of here! Don't get in the way of us! You want to continue drinking with your cheeks, and we want to taste it even more!"

"That's right, get off! Don't be rude!"

Soon there was a commotion below, as if the anger of the people gathered into a vast ocean, which made those drunkards feel a little scared. At this time, Li You also stood up, with a happy expression on his face.

"Let's go. This soju will be sold at Li's Liquor Industry soon. You can buy as much as you want."

Hearing this, those drunkards' eyes lit up: "Really?! It turns out that the name of this wine is shochu... I remember it, and I will definitely buy it!"

Afterwards, they repeated the name silently and fled before the people below threw things.

The next drinking competition went on in an orderly manner.

After the second batch of challengers came on stage, because of the lessons learned, they carefully drank it little by little, but they were still choked.


“So spicy! But delicious!”

"I've never had such a great wine!"

Seeing that the second batch of challengers were all grinning and drinking, almost everyone was fascinated.

What kind of wine could cause this reaction? !

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