Outside the hall door, Xiao Zhu was trying to come in with a bowl of lotus seed soup, when he saw a phantom flashing in front of him, and Li You had already landed on the top of the wall.


Xiao Zhu opened his mouth in shock, and even the lotus seed soup in his hand smashed to the ground without realizing it.

This... is this still His Royal Highness the King of Chu?

No, this inhuman movement of jumping directly from the hall to the wall is really something that humans can do? !

And Li You was racing against time at the moment, and he didn't care about Xiaozhu at all. The moment he stepped on the wall, he jumped again!


Under the eruption of strong internal force, the wall was directly smashed to a corner, pushing Li You's figure to advance rapidly again!


The guard of the Chu Palace heard a loud noise from the wall, and thought there were robbers or thieves, but just after scolding, he felt a faint wind pressure hit, as if something was rapidly breaking through the air!

The guard of the Chu Palace heard a loud noise from the wall, and thought there were robbers or thieves, but just after scolding, he felt a faint wind pressure hit, as if something was rapidly breaking through the air!

After the two-legged start just now, Li Youchong became more and more smooth. He only felt that the Jiuyang Divine Art in his body was running continuously, and his internal force became more and more cheerful, like a never-ending super-power perpetual motion machine!

This made Li You's figure faster and faster, and even left an afterimage in the end.

On the streets of Chang'an today, if there are people with good eyesight, you can see a strange sight in the distance - a black shadow is constantly leaping over the eaves at a speed that is hard to see with the naked eye, and the speed is super fast!

On the way towards Li Shimin, Li You was constantly thinking about it in his mind.

"Who is going to assassinate the emperor? No... this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is what kind of assassin will make the dignified Tang emperor in a desperate situation?"

Li You couldn't help but ponder, he didn't recognize (bacd) as a mere super-class master, and he could force Li Shimin to a desperate situation.

The super-first-class masters are very powerful, and they are qualified enough to start a faction, but that is only for the martial arts arena.

If only relying on top-notch experts, he could kill Li Shimin like he is now, then the security level of Emperor Li Shimin would be too bad.

"That is to say, it is very likely that the person who assassinated the father emperor is a super powerhouse in the martial arts realm!"

Almost in an instant, Li You deduced the truth.

Thinking of this, Li You couldn't help but feel a little anxious, because he, a new martial arts saint, actually has a lot of water. It's okay to bully super-first-class masters, but when he faces masters of the same level, he will directly reveal his secrets.

In other words—that is, Li You simply can’t beat an enemy who is also a Martial Saint!

"It's really getting old, so even if I pass, wouldn't I only be able to deliver food?"

Although it is not impossible to escape, it is basically impossible to save Li Shimin. The thought of this made Li You feel pain.

The only way now is for Li You to find a way to quickly become a real martial arts master on the spot!

"The original 4-star lottery, I just wanted to use it to draw the matching exercises, and I just used it at this time!"

Li You remembered that he still had two high-level lottery draws in his hands, so he could only pin his hopes on them at this time.

Besides, even if you don't get a 4-star lottery, isn't there still a 5-star lottery?Always come up with something awesome!

"Hurry up! Come on, let's start the 4-star lottery!"

Li You gave an order in his heart, and the incomparably grand colorful streamer kept flashing on the system.

After Guanghua dissipated, the system prompt sounded in Li You's mind.

"Congratulations to the master for winning "Wudang Taiji"!"

"Wudang Taiji..." Li You picked up the corners of his eyes, "Could it be that Zhang Sanfeng, who is known as the 'Number One Master in the World', gathered his martial arts skills when he was [-] years old?"


After hearing the system's answer, Li You was overjoyed!

He guessed right, this is Zhang Sanfeng, the founder of Wudang sect, who is the first in the world in martial arts in "The Legend of Heaven and Slaying the Dragon". At his centenary birthday banquet, he gathered his lifelong learning and talent insights, and integrated the one created by him. "Tai Chi"!

Tai Chi can be said to be the name of martial arts resounding throughout the Celestial Dynasty, and this "Wudang Tai Chi" from the hands of martial arts prodigy Zhang Sanfeng is a masterpiece of Taoist martial arts!

Chapter 436 The Strongest Martial Saint in the World (Third)

This "Wudang Taiji" contains Taijiquan and Taiji sword, which can be said to be the best of both boxing and sword.

Among them, the Taijiquan method pays attention to the circular rotation of Taiji, which is endless, intentional but not forceful. It can use static braking, and use softness to overcome rigidity, achieving the effect of four liangs and a thousand jins and the effect of being late and preemptive!

Among them, Taiji swordsmanship emphasizes that God is in front of the sword, and it is continuous and constant, and responds to all changes with no change.The essence of Tai Chi swordsmanship is to use the bluntness of oneself to block the enemy without a front, just like casting a big net, gradually tightening towards the center, no one can escape!

And Li You is overjoyed because this "Wudang Taiji" is indeed the most suitable martial arts for him at present.

"Wudang Taiji" moves like flowing clouds and flowing water, and it is continuous. It has a martial arts style that combines rigidity and softness, but does not reveal it, which is in line with the continuous characteristics of "Nine Yang Nerve".

If he draws any feminine martial arts, Li Youcai will have a headache instead.

"If you think about it carefully, the highest level of Wudang's "Pure Yang Wuji Gong" used by Zhang Sanfeng was formerly known as "Wudang Jiuyang Gong", and he practiced "Wudang Jiuyang Gong" for most of his life, and it was [-]% to [-]%. The "Jiuyang Zhenjing" evolved." Li You thought to himself.

"That is to say, the "Wudang Taiji" used by Zhang Sanfeng and his inner strength can also be used with the "Jiuyang Zhenjing" perfectly! And as the real original version, the "Jiuyang Zhenjing" cooperates with the "Wudang Taiji" effect. Maybe even stronger!"

Thinking of this, Li You's eyes suddenly lit up.

Now Li You's "Jiuyang Zhenjing" has been completed, and it is not like "Wudang Taiji" that needs to accumulate savings like internal strength, but also under the action of the system, Li You can instantly reach the realm of completeness!

In this way, Li You is almost equivalent to the existence of Mitutoyo, and even stronger!

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