"The waters of the Yangtze River are rolling in the east, and the waves have washed away the heroes. The success or failure is empty. The green mountains are still there, and the sunset is red several times. The white-haired fisherman is on the river Nagisa, and I used to watch the autumn moon and spring breeze. A pot of turbid wine is happy to meet. , all in a joke."

The opening of this masterpiece by the head of the three major talents of the Ming Dynasty is really too dazzling. Just a few words made Li Shimin's blood boil!

"Good word!" Li Shimin couldn't help but admire, "The boldness has subtlety, and the high-pitched has deepness! The tone of the whole word is generous and tragic, with infinite meaning. It is heart-wrenching to read, but while exaggerating the desolation and tragicness, there is also an indifferent and peaceful atmosphere. With a lofty and profound mood!"

He looked up at Li You and said with a smile, "This poem must be your kid's new work again?"

Li Shimin has long been aware of Li You's talent in writing poetry and lyrics, so he has no doubts about it.

Li You shrugged noncommittally and motioned for Li Shimin to continue reading.

Li Shimin then looked down, even after the shock of "Linjiang Immortal", the first sentence of the text still surprised him.

"...Speaking of the general trend of the world, if it is divided for a long time, it must be united, and if it is united for a long time, it must be divided."

This sentence alone made Li Shimin fall into thinking again!

"A long period of separation must be combined, and a long period of cooperation must be divided..." Li Shimin kept comparing the history books in his mind, "If you think about it carefully, isn't that the case? In just one sentence, the changes in history can be summed up so incisively!"

"Cough, father, do you still look at it?"

Li You seemed to be looking at the statues of Li Shimin and the contemplative, and could only cough to make him come back to his senses.

"On the weekend, the seven kingdoms were divided and merged into Qin. After the fall of Qin, Chu and Han divided and merged into Han. The Han Dynasty revolted since Gaozu killed the white snake and unified the world. For the Three Kingdoms. The reason for the chaos started with the two emperors, Huan and Ling (Wang Haohao). Emperor Huan imprisoned the good and trusted eunuchs. When Emperor Huan collapsed, Emperor Ling came to the throne..."

After Li Shimin continued reading, he soon fell into the beginning of the plot and couldn't extricate himself.

"Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is one of the four famous works of the Celestial Dynasty, and its power and good looks are beyond doubt!

After Li Shimin watched the ending eagerly, he turned back and found that the back was gone.

"What about the plot behind?" Li Shimin was stunned for a moment, and his tone became a little impatient, "What happened after that? Did Dong Zhuo die?!"

Seeing that Li Shimin, who has always collapsed in front of Mount Tai without changing his color, became extremely anxious, even Zhao Neiwei was secretly surprised in his heart.

What is the magic of this "Romance of the Three Kingdoms"?Is it really so pretty! ? .

Chapter 494 Urging Wang Li Shimin (Second Update)

Facing Li Shimin's glowing eyes, Li You wiped away his sweat.

"Royal Father, this... will be gone for the time being, because this is a daily update, and there will be a new story every day."

"Then I will issue an decree now, and the King of Chu obeys the order and immediately go back and continue to write "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" and show it to me!" Li Shimin's tone was dignified and unquestionable.

Li You: "!"

What the fuck?The oldest urging king in human history? !

"But..." Li You looked pitiful, "Father, I haven't slept all night."

Li Shimin showed an amiable smile: "Yang Jie, I heard that you were promoted to the martial sage realm at a young age, but I specifically inquired with the servant Zhao, and it is totally fine for the dignified martial sage to not sleep for a few days. , it has no effect on the body at all.”

Li You: "..."

He stared at Zhao Nei Shi in a stunned manner, and asked Zhao Nei Shi, one of the top martial arts masters in the Tang Dynasty, to turn his face away subconsciously, embarrassed to accept Li You 117's sorrowful gaze.

I'm sorry, His Royal Highness the King of Chu!

In the secret apology of Zhao's inner servant, Li You felt the fear of being urged for the first time on behalf of human beings.

He has completely regretted it now, what the hell did I do, why did I show the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" to the emperor!

"Tomorrow I want to write an entertainment headline directly: Human Relations Massacre! The beast father forced his son to write novels for a few days without sleep to satisfy his desire!"

Li You thought in his mind wanting to cry without tears, but he quickly comforted himself.

Looking at Li You's deflated expression, plus his expectations for the second chapter of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", Li Shimin got double pleasure, and happily hummed the song and went back to wait for the update.

It's not easy, this is one of the few who can win in front of his own son!


With the release of the new issue of Datang Daily, everyone also discovered that a new serial called "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" appeared on it, and the author was His Royal Highness the King of Chu!

His Royal Highness, who is known to be the best poet in the Tang Dynasty, naturally aroused everyone's curiosity with his latest works, which made the sales of Datang Daily rise again, and everyone was eager to read it.

Of course, Changsun Wuji also got the news.

""Romance of the Three Kingdoms"? It's probably just a work supported by the fame of King Li You of Chu, right?"

It's just that when they heard the name, they didn't care too much, or should say, they didn't have enough energy to care.

After all, the entertainment section of Datang Daily has already made them all overwhelmed. How can they care about other things that are not very important?

It's no wonder they think so, because the name "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" can basically summarize what the story is about.

"This move by King Li You of Chu is really easy and easy to use."

"This move by King Li You of Chu is really easy and easy to use."

Even Changsun Wuji couldn't help but sigh for a while.

"With "Three Kingdoms" as a direct blueprint, it is enough to change it a little bit, and then match it with your own reputation. It can be said that it is easy to write and can increase sales to a certain extent."

This is also the reason why "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" did not attract their attention even though they learned that the sales of Datang Daily were higher.

After all, with the support of Li You's fame, it is normal for sales to rise slightly, at least compared to the increase in sales driven by the entertainment sector, this increase is not worth mentioning at all!

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