"So what's the problem with this?" Xiao Yu asked suspiciously, "Guozi students, imperial students, and four disciples have to study Confucian classics, while law, calligraphy, and arithmetic students study specialized techniques. Is this a plan? Is it not good?"

"Master Xiao will know after listening to it," Li You said indifferently, "In addition to the school based on one's origin, the Imperial College also imposes huge restrictions on age... But the purpose of this king's words is to let the adults see clearly. , this is a completely unreasonable place!"

"Let me ask, what would happen if there were geniuses of Guozixue, Taixue, and four other disciplines among the disciples below the eighth rank and the common people? What if he was forced to study only the study of law, the study of calligraphy, and the study of arithmetic. , isn't that a waste of his talent?"

Manchu Wenwu was a little stunned when asked. The Tang Dynasty was a society that attached great importance to class, so this classification was already common sense to them, but they had never thought carefully about what to do in such a situation.

After a while, Kong Yingda reluctantly said: "Then...if there are such special cases, after asking your Majesty for instructions, it is not impossible to be admitted to the Guozi School, the Taixue or the Four Schools."

"Oh?" Li You sneered, "Then, what if there are geniuses in law, calligraphy, and math among the 900 bureaucrats of the third, fifth, and seventh grades and above?"

Kong Yingda was stunned and was at a loss for words.

Yes, it is a happy event for Gaosheng to be able to be admitted upwards, so why do you still downgrade yourself?

Those who came out of Guozixue, Taixue and four other disciplines have a bright future without a doubt, but the students who came out of law, calligraphy and arithmetic are still difficult to compare. There are four more studies to be admitted to Guozixue and Taixue.

Not to mention anything else, just the social circle and interpersonal relationship is a world apart!

If you go to study Guozixue and Taixue, you will be able to make friends with officials of the third, fifth, and seventh grades and above, but if you go to the study of law and calligraphy, you will only get to know some officials of the eighth grade. The following children and commoners, among them, are simply judged!

So in this case, who would deliberately downgrade to law, calligraphy and arithmetic?

Moreover, this kind of self-declaration behavior will not only be ridiculed by the people around, but also the parents who do not understand may be beaten and never agree, so the result of this development can only be that the genius is completely buried!

Chapter 508 Giving the civil servants and military generals mouth balls

Since ancient times, I don't know how many geniuses in law, calligraphy, and arithmetic have been buried in Guozi, Taixue, and the four schools for the sake of their future, and eventually became mediocre for life.

As long as he thinks of this possibility, Kong Yingda feels a cold sweat running down his back!

How many talents did Tang Tang miss out on?

It's no exaggeration to call it an act of sin!

Seeing this, Li You smiled slightly, and said, "Looking at the silence of all the adults, it is obvious that there is a possibility of such a situation by default, right?"

"It is true that this possibility is not ruled out. As long as I think about this kind of thing, it will make the old man feel sad," Kong Yingda said slowly, "But I want to hear more, what solution does His Royal Highness King Chu have?"

Li You said: "It's very simple. First of all, it is to list these six schools as subjects, instead of dividing them into schools. Then, the original six schools will be disrupted and merged into the same school! That is to say, Guozijian is no longer called Guozijian. , but called... Guozijian University!"

University has always been the highest institution of higher learning in the general sense, which is exactly the same as the meaning of Guozijian in the Tang Dynasty. This can be regarded as a commemoration of Li You's previous life.

"Guozijian... University?"

Kong Yingda and the rest of the officials murmured the term, and then Li You said, "The characteristic of this Guozijian University is that no matter what your identity is, you can be admitted to this school, which means that there is no longer the class of the past. Divide!"

"But, Your Highness..." Fang Xuanling said hesitantly, "This move to directly break the distinction between classes may cause some people's backlash, because the ancestral system is like this..."

Li You waved his hand and said, "Then you can ask them, do they know the words of Confucius and Confucius, 'there is no class'? 々 "? "

Everyone shut up now. After all, the status of Confucius was unimaginably high in ancient times. He was a recognized saint, and who would dare to question the words of a saint?

Even Li Shimin, the emperor of the dynasty who is a sage, is inferior to Confucius to some extent. For example, ministers can use the words of Confucius to attack him, Li Ersheng, but they can't use his Li Ersheng's words to reverse him. Saying that the sage Confucius is wrong?

If he does this, I am afraid that the scholars all over the world will have to scold him secretly, which will also give the emperor a headache.

"In this way, we can ensure that we do not let go, do not miss, and do not waste any talent! There is no difference between each subject. After graduation, they will be recommended and tested to the Ministry of Rites. The social circle is also very similar!"

At the end, Li You added another sentence: "Of course, in the brand-new Guozijian University, there will be no more wine-sacrifice positions."

"You... what are you doing?!"

Kong Yingda was stunned for a moment, looking at Li You with a "wrong" face.

I didn't offend you, His Royal Highness, did I?And I think I have a good relationship with you, so why did you just cut my position like this?

"Master Kong, don't panic," Li Youdan said with a smile. "Although the sacrificial wine is gone, it's just a name change. The top leader of Guozijian's sacrificial wine is changed to the top leader of Guozijian University."

"I object to this!"

Before Kong Yingda could speak, Gao Shilian jumped out and said it was not good.

"Sacrificing wine is a post appointed by Your Majesty. Even though His Highness the King of Chu is currently replacing His Majesty as the regent and supervising the country, how can the official position be changed?"

The rest of the civil and military officials also nodded in agreement, joking, if the official positions were changed at His Royal Highness the King of Chu, what would happen if they changed their positions as soon as they opened their mouths?

It's like this sacrificial wine has become the principal, who knows how many officials the principal is?

In the face of the opposition of a group of civil servants and military generals, Li You did not seem to panic at all, and it could even be said that he had expected it, and he had already prepared the corresponding rhetoric in his heart.

"After the establishment of Guozijian University, there is not only a president, but also an honorary president who has always existed. And the person who serves as the honorary president is set to be the current son, and the candidates will change according to the change of the emperor's position. If it is called an honorary sacrifice wine I'm afraid it doesn't sound very good, does it?"

This time, everyone was directly stuck, and all of them looked at Li You dumbfounded.

What the hell, is there such a rude trick?

Those who can enter the imperial court are not idiots. Their minds are very active, so they immediately thought of the benefits and reasons of Li You's setting.

This so-called "...Honorary Principal", as soon as he hears his name, he knows that he doesn't care, but he also has the status of the supreme leader of Guozijian - in other words, almost all the students of Guozijian can be regarded as disciples of the Emperor!

This is not only a great honor for the students, but it is also a great benefit for today's saints.

In today's culture, there is a concept of "benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trustworthiness, and the rulers and teachers of heaven and earth" are the five objects that cannot be betrayed and must be obeyed. Can't live in peace after that.

Among the masters and teachers of Heaven and Earth, excluding the non-human heaven and earth, the Son of Heaven is both the "king" and the "pro" of the father of the common people. Under this (Li Zhaohao), even the "teacher" is occupied by the emperor. , is basically equivalent to all the emperor!

Under such a premise, even if Li Shimin learned of Li You's revision of the position of sacrifice, he would not be angry, but would greatly appreciate it - this is a consensus that almost everyone can expect.

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