"General Qibi? Why are you here!?"

Qi Bi He Li's head is now dizzy, the medicine in the tea is gradually taking effect, only the strength snorts coldly.

"You have nothing to say to you shameless traitor!"

"Bold!" Zhao Jie shouted angrily, "How dare you be so disrespectful in the face of the prince of the dynasty!"

Qi Bi He Li just sneered, but his face was not afraid, obviously he didn't plan to say anything more.

Li Chengqian's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and after changing several times, he said: "It seems that you heard us speak... Then, General Qibi, it is time to change the dynasty, I see that you are also brave and good at fighting, Why don't you join Gu's command?"

"Bah! You can't even think about it!" Qi Bi He Li spat, "I am a loyal and righteous man of the Tang Dynasty, how can I be insulted by you like this?"

Li Chengqian said with an ugly face: "You have thought clearly about Gu! If you don't obey, you will not even be able to save your life!"

Qi Bi He Li raised his head to the sky and laughed a few times, with no fear on his face.

"That's just right. After a certain life dies, even if you turn into a lonely ghost, you will inform His Majesty, and your conspiracy and tricks will not succeed!"

"Joke!" Du He 4.0 said sarcastically, "Don't say it's a ghost, even if you are a human being and let you report to His Royal Highness, who would believe what a barbarian said? You must know that Li Shimin has always loved His Royal Highness, Do you see if people in the world believe in His Royal Highness or in you, an alien race?"

Qi Bi He Li's eyes darkened when he heard the words, but he soon became firm again.

"If it was His Royal Highness the King of Chu, he would definitely believe me!"

Li Chengqian laughed angrily, and laughed horribly.

"Don't mention the name of that bastard in front of Gu! Since you have such a heart for King Li You of Chu, you can't leave it alone. Just die!"

When the dead men heard Li Chengqian's order, they were about to strangle Qi Bi He Li, when a loud shout sounded.

"Wait a minute!"

Chapter 517 God-level acting skills of the cunning wolf

It was the gray wolf who spoke up. The dead men knew that he was Li Chengqian's confidant, and immediately stopped to look at Li Chengqian.

Li Chengqian also raised his hand, looked at the gray wolf, and asked slowly, "Mr. Lang, do you have anything to say?"

Mr. Lang, who goes by the pseudonym of Grey Wolf, has quickly gained Li Chengqian's trust in the past six months, precisely because of his predictability and continuous small achievements.

Of course, this is based on the backing of the shadow, of course, it seems like a god, plus Li You's deliberate cooperation to give up some petty profits, it can also create the illusion that the credit is not great but continuous.

I just heard the gray wolf say: "His Royal Highness, I really don't think it's a good thing to kill General Qibi here, on the contrary, it will cause trouble!"

"Oh?" Li Chengqian asked, "Why did Mr. Lang say this?"

Gray Wolf explained: "First of all, there is no guarantee that no one will see Qi Bi He Li going to the East Palace, so if the news of Qi Bi He Li's death comes out, the East Palace will inevitably be suspected."

"Secondly, Qi Bi He Li, as an important general in the Tang Dynasty, if he dies, then 11 will inevitably invite the investigation of the Ministry of Punishment. Now the East Palace can't stand too careful investigation, so at this critical moment, Qi was obliterated. Bi Heli is really unwise."

Gray Wolf's words were well-founded, and Li Chengqian nodded frequently, and was very convinced.

"If you think about it carefully, it is indeed the case. Mr. Lang is a talented person who can think so thoroughly."

Gray Wolf smiled and waved his hand: "His Royal Highness is too famous, the most important point of not killing Qi Bi He Li is why he appeared in the East Palace today, this is also a big doubt, if the interrogation cannot be clear, then I think His Highness Are you having trouble sleeping and eating?"

"Furthermore, people's hearts are made of flesh, not stone. No matter how firm people are, there are times when they give in. Maybe during this process, we can also change Qi Fu He Li's mind, so that His Royal Highness Prince will add another General, why not do it?"

"Indeed," Li Chengqian muttered to himself, "Qi Bi He Li suddenly appeared in the East Palace. This is really weird. I wonder if it means that other people also know about Gu's plan?"

Just thinking about this made Li Chengqian's heart thump, and he immediately felt that he should interrogate Qi Bi He Li first.

Thinking of this, Li Chengqian raised his head and said, "Stun Qi Bi He Li and escort him into the dungeon!"

Unarmed and under anesthesia, Qi Bi He Li didn't even have the strength to commit suicide, and was quickly knocked unconscious by the dead men.

Then, Li Chengqian looked at the gray wolf solemnly.

"It's really thanks to Mr. Lang's reminder, otherwise Gu would not have thought of so many things! Then this job was entrusted to Mr. Lang. Presumably Mr. Lang would never disappoint Gu?"

The gray wolf smiled and cupped his hands: "It will certainly not live up to His Highness's entrustment!"

At the same time, Gray Wolf also breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. After all, according to His Royal Highness's death order, Qi Bi He Li was temporarily preserved intact.

Then, the next step is to take this opportunity to light the last fire!

Thinking of this, the gray wolf half-knelt down with a serious face.

"His Royal Highness, the sudden accident now proves that the situation is full of variables, and the situation is so urgent that it can't be delayed any longer! My subordinates urge His Royal Highness to make a decision immediately and start the plan immediately.

"Mr. Lang, what are you doing, please get up quickly," Li Chengqian hurriedly supported the gray wolf, "I was persuaded just now that Cai Gu was about to start this plan."

But to be honest, although Li Chengqian said that just now, there is still a lot of difference between what he says and what he does. After all, not everyone has super action power.

Just like the deadlines of work in modern society, there are many people who must be forced by the urgent status quo in order to really fully commit to doing something.

But now that Li Chengqian has Qi Bi and He Li, when he hears the unexpected situation of their plan, he is like a frightened rabbit. The unprecedented strong sense of crisis has become his best driving force, and he will spare no effort to immediately start the plan to rebel!


In the dark dungeon, only the light of the torches flickered on the walls.

Qi Bi He Li opened his eyes with difficulty.

"here is……?"

Qi Bi He Li moved, but the sound of the iron chain sounded. At this time, Qi Bi He Li found out that he had been put on the foot and hand shackles, and was connected to the wall with iron chains, so it was impossible to escape.

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