"Your Highness, Fang Caichen has received an expedited letter from Li Jing, the chief general of the West Sea Road march. Now the front line is in a deadlock. Li Jing, Lord Li, asks the imperial court to send troops to support this situation!"


Everyone present was shocked when they heard this. This is a front-line battle report, and it was sent in a hurry. Cheng Yaojin, why did you take it out in such a hurry?

Even Li You's face turned solemn when he heard the words.

"Oh? Did the letter say why there was a deadlock? You must know that Li Jing, Li Daozong, Yue Fei, and others are all outstanding generals. In the process of attacking Tuyuhun, there should be no opponents!"

Just kidding, I don't know how many fierce generals who have become legends. If they can't win Tuyuhun, it will be too magical.

Cheng Yaojin gritted his teeth and said, "His Royal Highness's words are indeed true. Tuyuhun did not have much power to fight back against the famous Tang army like clouds, but it's because of this..."


Duan Zhixuan and Fan Xing, the two generals who had fought with Tuyuhun, changed their expressions when they heard the words, as if they had thought of something.

"Could it be that……"

On the other side, many officials who do not know the truth have already questioned.

"What is bad at this point?"

"Since Tuyuhun has no power to fight back, how can it be in a deadlock?"

"If we have a huge advantage, why do we need to send more staff!?"

Cheng Yaojin was also very angry when he was asked, or it should be said that the content of the emergency newspaper had already made him very angry.

"Isn't it because Tuyuhun is too shameless? Then Murong Fuyun, the king of Tuyuhun, saw that he couldn't beat my Tang army at all, so he started running around again, and he didn't fight my Tang army at all!"

it is as expected!

Duan Zhixuan and Fan Xing knew in their hearts that when they went to fight Tuyuhun last year, they encountered Murong Fuyun's slippery escape tactics, and in the end they had no choice but to retreat.

What's the use of being stronger than others?People won't fight you at all!

"After all, Tuyuhun's army has stayed there for a long time, and they are very familiar with the surrounding terrain, far exceeding the temporary Tang army in the past. This is a natural disadvantage in itself, and it will make Tuyuhun's army appear elusive, even shadows. Can't catch it!"

Duan Zhixuan first opened his mouth to analyze, Fan Xing also nodded and pointed out a bigger problem.

"There is the border of Datang, but it is not far from Tuyuhun. Therefore, the Tang army traveled thousands of miles to fight in different places. The supply line was stretched very long, making it very difficult to supply. On the other hand, Tuyuhun is completely different, so they consume It will consume the Tang army to death!"

It was for this reason that he and Duan Zhixuan had no choice but to withdraw their troops last time.

The supply line was too long, so it took them a long time to get supplies, and it also caused Datang's military expenditures for the war to skyrocket. If this was consumed, Datang's finances would collapse first, so they had no choice but to retreat. Stop playing hide-and-seek with Tuyuhun.

"I see……"

Now all the officials and officials understood that in the face of Tuyuhun's shameless fighting method, Li Jing and the others had no choice but to use the most stupid tactic - that is, to use the number of people to suppress.

Even if you want to run, if your escape route is blocked by me, then no matter where you run or how you run, it will be useless, and you will not be able to escape the Wuzhi Mountain of the Tang army!

Although this will also lead to a surge in the military expenditure that Datang needs to consume, but because of Li You's help, the economic situation of the imperial court has improved a lot.

Obviously, Li Jing and the others are planning to block everything, and they are desperate to kill Tuyuhun!

But...the risk is huge.

"...I disagree!"

Wei Zheng was the first to object. He said solemnly, "This is a fool's errand. If it fails even like this, the loss to the Tang Dynasty will be immeasurable!"

"But..." Li Xiaogong frowned, "If it continues like this, the loss of every day will also be a huge loss to Datang."

"I have something to say about this."

Tang Jian has raised his hand very firmly, with an aggrieved look on his face.

"War is too expensive! The treasury is still in an empty state. It has just recovered from the previous catastrophe and is only in a state of improvement. So maybe General Li Jing doesn't know, but the treasury has been supporting the truth. I can't afford the huge consumption of continuing to send additional manpower!"

Duan Zhixuan frowned and said, "And in the end, there are no more people to send for now... Is it going to repeat what happened last year?"

Seeing that Manchao Wenwu was about to quarrel with your words, Li You coughed softly.

"Since the Tuyuhun army runs away when it sees the Tang army, in short, if we can find them earlier than the Tuyuhun army and know all their movements, we can solve the problem, right?"

The civil and military officials were silent for a while when they heard the words, and Fan Xing said in a daze: "Theoretically speaking, this is true..."

"That's easy!" Li Youyi clapped his hands, "I have a good idea!"

Chapter 524 The magic weapon of the fairy!

"what did you say?"

The civil and military officials were all stunned when they heard the words. The problem that made them devastated was actually a very easy problem to solve in the mouth of His Royal Highness the King of Chu?

"The good method you mentioned, shouldn't it be the method of placing spies in Tuyuhun's army?"

Fang Xuanling twitched the corners of his mouth and asked, even a civil servant like him, who does not have troops, understands that this method is impossible.

Not to mention how much time and energy it would take to get that spy to a position sufficient to understand King Tuyuhun's decision, during that time, the Tang Dynasty had already been exhausted to death!

And even if he succeeded in instigating a high-level executive, how would he transmit the message?

Moreover, even if the news could be conveyed with great difficulty, it must be outdated information. As the saying goes, soldiers are expensive, and Tuyuhun is a nomadic people who say they can leave. When Li Jing received the news, the Tuyuhun army would have already run away. Know how long!

By that time, even the day lily is cold, and the soup can't catch up with the hot one, what's the use?

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