It's a pity that he was denounced before he could act, which led to his failure, but this time is different. Under Li You's deliberate connivance, Li Chengqian is infinitely close to success!

After a while, Li Shimin, Zhao Nei Shi and Du He hurried to the front of the East Palace.

"The saint is here!"

After the notification, the guard reached out to stop Zhao Nei Shi, causing him to frown.

"What do you mean?"

The guard said nervously: "Tai... His Royal Highness said, I only want to see His Majesty, and I want to have a conversation between father and son with His Majesty."

"Even so, your Majesty's safety..."

"It's okay," Li Shimin stopped Zhao's inner servant's words, "Gao Ming must be very tired under the serious illness. He doesn't have the energy to see other people. He just wants to see the person who is closest to him. You can stay here and wait."

Zhao Nei Shi was taken aback and said eagerly, "But..."

"Okay, this is the important place of the palace, and Gao Ming is my child, are you still afraid that I will have any accident in the East Palace?"

Li Shimin said lightly, and then stepped inside without waiting for Zhao's inner servant to reply.

Attendant Zhao opened his mouth, and it could be seen that Li Shimin's refusal was extremely firm, and he could only give up...

Chapter 531 Go away!

Li Shimin walked through the compound and walked towards Li Chengqian's room step by step.

Almost every time Li Shimin took a step forward, Du He's inner ecstasy became stronger - it's coming, it's coming!

Even after Li Chengqian ascended the throne, the beautiful glory and wealth seemed to be close at hand.

"Li Shimin is here!"

At this time, Li Chengqian was in his room, watching Li Shimin approaching through the dark hole in the high place.

Of course he didn't pretend to be sick, and in his extremely excited state, he couldn't pretend to feel weak at all, so Li Chengqian planned to fight quickly!

"The assassins in ambush have listened carefully. The moment Li Shimin entered the house, they started immediately!"

Li Chengqian ordered it again. He inquired about Li Shimin's side, and it seemed that he was protected by a peerless master named "Seven Two Seven", but he was not very clear about how strong it was.

Now the peerless master Zhao Nei Shi, although he was stopped outside the East Palace gate, but Li Chengqian decided not to give Zhao Nei Shi any chance to react in order to ensure that the plan was foolproof.

In fact, Li Chengqian did the right thing in a crooked fight. With the ability of the martial arts master to sense the breath, the murderous aura was enough to be discovered by Zhao's inner servant at the moment when the assassin made a move!

And with the shocking cultivation level of his martial arts master, he could kill all the guards guarding the gate in just a few breaths, and then he rushed in in a turbulent manner.

Therefore, this strategy of Li Chengqian can be said to have no loopholes!


Li Chengqian watched Li Shimin approach gradually, and a distorted smile gradually appeared on his face.

He seems to have been able to imagine that when it is his turn to do whatever he wants, how to kill the enemy!

It can be said that every time Li Shimin takes a step towards Li Chengqian's room, it is equivalent to his Li Chengqian taking a step towards victory!

"Wait, you... what are you doing?!"

Suddenly, there was a loud noise from outside the East Palace.


Li Shimin stopped in his tracks strangely and looked back.

"Damn! What's going on outside!?"

Seeing Li Shimin stop, Li Chengqian's eyes turned red for a moment, and he looked at the gate of the East Palace angrily.

It's almost there!

But it fell short because of this damn commotion!

Li Chengqian was going crazy, and soon he and Li Shimin heard the sound of neat soldiers and horses coming from outside the East Palace, and there were still a lot of people coming.

"Who dares to use a knife and a gun like this in the palace?"

Li Shimin frowned slightly, and then a loud voice came directly into Li Shimin's ears from outside the East Palace.

"You Guotuan listens to the order! Surround the East Palace, and no one is allowed to go out!"

Li Shimin's expression changed slightly: "Yang Jie? What does he want to do?!"

"Li You... it's you again! Li You!"

How could Li Chengqian not recognize the voice of this enemy whom he wished to eat raw?Sure enough, the last thing that got in the way was this damned Chu King Li You!

But it doesn't matter now... Li Chengqian thought with hatred in his heart, just taking this opportunity to kill both Li You and Li Shimin at once!

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu...?"

Zhao Nei Shi, who was guarding outside the door, also fell into a state of confusion. He stared blankly at Li You, who was surrounded by the East Palace with the soldiers of the Three Hundred You National Regiment, and was a little confused for a while.

"What are you doing? What's the situation?"

Li You looked at the servants of Zhao's house, and asked, "Since you are here, it means that the emperor is also inside."

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