In the military commander system of the Tang Dynasty, because Li Shimin was in the position of Li Shimin, the first-rank general of Tiance could basically be regarded as non-existent. No one could give this title again, which was equivalent to Li Shimin's exclusive throne.

The first-rank hussar general is also a position that is vacant for far more time than someone has been in office. The only difference from the non-existent Tiance general is that the hussar general has the possibility of becoming a hussar. just sex.

Therefore, generally speaking, the highest position is the second-rank general of the auxiliary country.

But happy times are always short, and what should come will come, and it will come sooner than anyone imagines!

The great drought is coming!

Chapter 553 Disaster finally arrives! (fourth more)

It has not rained for more than half a month.

And this is only Chang'an, other parts of Guanzhong, or areas further afield, have not rained for more than a month.

As for the area near the Yellow River, it was nearly two months without a drop of rain!

"Report! There is a severe drought in Zhenzhou, Bazhou, and Zhezhou!"

"Report! Great drought in Guazhou, Illinois and Shazhou!"

"Report! The drought in Hongzhou, Qianzhou, Fuzhou, Jizhou and Jiangzhou!"

"Report! Haozhou, Shouzhou, and Gwangju are suffering from severe drought!"

Listening to the countless disaster reports, Li Shimin's head turned white with worry. Every day, his gray hair increased at a rate visible to the naked eye.

"In this way, wouldn't it be equivalent to the entire Huainan Road, as well as most of the Longyou Road, Jiannan Road and other places, all of which have suffered from drought?!"

Li Shimin gritted his teeth and asked. The officials and officials below looked at each other and couldn't bear to answer Li Shimin.

As the Emperor of the Tang Dynasty, Li Shimin was the hardest worker, and it was obvious that the whites of his eyes were bloodshot, the dark circles became heavier and heavier, the bags under his eyes became bigger and bigger, the wrinkles increased, and blisters appeared on his mouth!

Liu Shenwei advised Li Shimin to relax his mind, but how could Li Shimin be so anxious?

However, Li Shimin didn't need them to answer, he was just muttering to himself in pain.

"Where is Li Chunfeng of the Taishi Bureau?"

"Chen is here!"

Li Chunfeng stood up, and Li Shimin waved his hand weakly and said: "I ordered you to take the Taishi Bureau to study together. Will the drought continue to spread? How long will it last? Are there any similar examples in history?"


Li Chunfeng lowered his eyes and stepped back, and Li Shimin shouted again: "Si Tianjian Yuan Tiangang!"

"My minister is in 〃~."

Yuan Tiangang stepped out, and Li Shimin took a deep breath and said, "I want to pray for rain for the people!"

Yuan Tiangang opened his mouth, but in the end he gritted his teeth and said, "Your Majesty, I'm sorry to say that such a big drought cannot be solved simply by praying for rain!"

If you want to pray for rain for the country, it will be a grand ceremony that will take a long time. As a result, Li Shimin, who has not enough rest, will be even more exhausted.

" step back, I know."

Li Shimin was silent for a long time before closing his eyes and sighing.

He is not the kind of person who is completely superstitious, but when faced with such a natural disaster that manpower is completely unstoppable, praying for rain is the only solution Li Shimin can think of.

Moreover, in the past two months, in the area near the Yellow River, not only droughts have occurred, but locust plagues have also begun to appear on a small scale.

Everything is as Li You expected!


But it is precisely because Li You's prediction is too accurate that everyone is panicking, because if this continues, the great locust plague and great famine are inevitable!

"Even so, I always have to make a gesture to show the people of the world, so that the common people can feel at ease!"

Li Shimin gritted his teeth again and said, "I want to make a crime against myself!"

Guiji edict is a kind of oral or document used by ancient emperors to self-monitor and review their own faults and faults when they encountered problems in the court, or when the country suffered natural disasters, or when the regime was in crisis.

It usually occurs in three situations, one is the dislocation of the ruler and the minister, the other is the disaster caused by natural disasters, and the other is when the regime is in crisis, the basic intention is to blame oneself, so Li Shimin really does not want to commit the crime unless it is a last resort.

Especially for an emperor like him who is full of confidence and pride, it is really a very painful thing to make an edict, but Li Shimin can't help but do it!

Upon hearing this, the civil and military officials could no longer sit still, and Wei Zheng, Xiao Yu, Fang Xuanling and others came out one after another.

"Your Majesty, you have worked hard enough for the people of the world! This is not His Majesty's fault!"

Li Shimin shook his head in pain and said, "Even so, in the eyes of the common people, whether a drought or a locust plague is a punishment for the wrath of the sky, then it is naturally the fault of the Son of Heaven!"

Wei Zheng said sternly: "That is the ignorant perception of the people, and Your Majesty should ignore it!"


Li Shimin hesitated for a moment, and Wei Zheng said loudly, as if he had made a decision, "Your Majesty, if you must say that you are responsible for negligence, then it is not the fault of the emperor but the ministers! Please resign!"

Fang Xuanling also followed closely and said: "...I also resign, it's really a breach of responsibility!"

"The minister also resigns!"

Seeing them resign one by one, Li Shimin waved his hand and said, "No way! At this critical moment, you should help me and Tang Dynasty get through the difficulties."

Although the words seem to be scolding, in fact, there is no half sense of blame, because Li Shimin also understands the thoughts of Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling and others.

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