"Even if he suspects that we are falsely reporting food, can he check so many of us just by suspicion? Impossible! He doesn't have the guts to do it!"

As the analysis progressed step by step, everyone's fear of Li You gradually began to decrease.

What... This Chu Wang Li You, who sounded illustrious in the past, is nothing but the same now!

Didn't we lose in the end?


That night, the family owners who had decided to go to the banquet rushed to the scene one by one happily.


They didn't notice that in the hall of the banquet, there was also an ordinary boy who walked around the crowd with a strange movement.

That person was Li You, and he added everyone to the friend list before walking around.

In an instant, various prompt sounds of the friend list came one after another.

"Ding! Your friend Huang Jianhua is trying to delete you as a friend. Do you agree?"

"Ding! Your friend Song Cheng is trying to delete you as a friend. Do you agree?"

"Ding! Your friend Chen Rixi has been successfully added."

"Ding! Your friend Feng Jianhao is trying to put you on the blacklist. Do you agree?"

Li You looked at the messages one by one, and these instinctive actions after joining the friend list showed to a certain extent everyone's likes and dislikes towards Li You.

That's right, Li You is reading the minds of everyone in the audience by relying on his friend list!

"In this way, it's easy to see which people I can win over and which people I want to focus on."

Li You flipped through the pages and muttered to himself: "What does pulling me into the blacklist mean, needless to say, the operation of deleting my friend just after adding it is the first time I've seen it, it probably means that the person I already hate me to the bone!"

Chapter 566 You know this is a capital crime! ? (first update)

At present, Li You's target is those who haven't done any extra operations after adding friends.

Li You doesn't count on having a good impression of Li You for the time being. The best situation now is that he doesn't hate Li You to the extent that he wants to be blacklisted.

And these are the characters Li You first interviewed.

Although Li You is going to attack this time, he is not trying to fight everyone at one time. This is undoubtedly the most stupid move. Li You must first unite some of them.

Thinking of this, Li You summoned a soldier, gave a few words in a low voice, and then went to the back room.


The real name of the head of the Chen family is Chen Rixi, and he is one of the friends who added Li You normally.

"Is this banquet really going to be so "Zero Seven Three"?"

Different from the people around him who were already fantasizing about how to negotiate with Li You, Chen Rixi always felt very uneasy and held a pessimistic attitude.

"You are Chen Rixi, the head of the Chen family in Weizhou, right?"

While he was in a hurry, a man in formal clothes approached Chen Rixi and asked in a low voice.

"It's down here." Chen Rixi nodded and asked strangely, "May I ask who you are..."

"Don't ask anything, His Royal Highness the King of Chu wants to talk to you first."

The other party blocked Chen Rixi with a single word, and made Chen Rixi's heart tighten - His Royal Highness the King of Chu wanted to find him alone? !

However, since His Royal Highness the King of Chu had requested, Chen Rixi obviously couldn't refuse, so he could only obediently follow behind the man and walk towards a remote corner.

Seeing that he was getting farther and farther away from the crowd, Chen Rixi's heart began to pound, and all kinds of guesses flooded his mind.

"Why did His Royal Highness find me? Or does he actually want to break through it alone? Or talk to me to find out the flaws?"

Chen Rixi had a thousand thoughts in his heart, and he had already passed through a small door and came to the back room.

After entering, Chen Rixi discovered that in addition to himself, there were two other homeowners.

They are both the heads of the leadership positions in other places, one is Feng Jie, the head of the Feng family in Ruzhou, and the other is Gao Yun, the head of the Gao family in Dengzhou, but these two are obviously like him. He came in with a confused look on his face.

Chen Rixi looked up again and found that the legendary King of Chu was sitting on the main seat, looking at them meaningfully.

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu is really young..."

Chen Rixi couldn't help but sigh in his heart, and saw that the young man in the main seat was handsome, but he was obviously still childish. Looking at him reminded Chen Rixi of those juniors at home, who were still studying in the school at this age.

Just thinking about it, Chen Rixi suddenly felt cold all over, and the atmosphere in the room suddenly changed!

"Chen Rixi! Feng Jie! Gao Yun! You guys are guilty!"

In Chen Rixi's eyes, Li You, who was still very young, suddenly changed his aura, and he exuded a breathless sense of oppression!

"What... what?"

Under the shock of Chen Rixi, he never imagined that Li You's first sentence was to ask them to ask the guilt!

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu, I don't know what the grass people are guilty of?"

Chen Rixi bit his head and asked, Feng Jie and Gao Yun also stuttered in their hearts: "Is His Royal Highness the King of Chu trying to give us a slap in the face?"

Although they panicked at first, they soon realized that Ma Wei was a routine operation, usually just cursing without a real hammer.

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