What if the dispute with the purchase order is difficult to gather evidence and untenable?Li You doesn't need these things at all, just looking for past evil deeds is enough to justify killing them!


Huang Jianhua realized this most deeply. He can't even say a word now, because he can't justify it at all.


Li Daozong shouted coldly: "Now the evidence is conclusive, come here, take him down!"

Then in front of everyone in the audience, a team of soldiers surrounded Huang Jianhua with an irresistible force, and kicked Huang Jianhua's knee.

"Your Majesty!"

The soldiers scolded, Huang Jianhua was kicked in pain and knelt heavily on the ground.

He still wanted to get up, but the soldiers around him had already held him tightly, and Huang Jianhua couldn't even move!

Chapter 570 Sing red face, sing white face (fifth more)

Everyone saw that Huang Jianhua, who was once the leader of the whole Henan Province, was once reduced to a prisoner, and their hearts were complicated.

On the one hand, many people actually feel a little dark in their hearts. Most of them are small families. They were always looked down on by Huang Jianhua in the past, and the people who most people like to watch the scenery are down.

But the bigger aspect is that he is extremely anxious.

They know how many bad things their family has done, and many of these listed Huang Jianhua's crimes are completely fine on them.

If you extend it like this, will you be among the people who will be imprisoned soon~? !

"Since the witnesses and materials are complete, and the prisoner can't defend himself, then this officer will enforce the law in accordance with the "New Zhenguan Law" and sentence the entire Huang family in Weizhou to search and exile! The first offender, Huang Jianhua, will be executed at noon tomorrow!"

After hearing the verdict, Huang Jianhua's whole body softened, as if he had no bones on the ground, he couldn't even help him up.

"In the end... why did I fight against King Li You of Chu in the first place?! I ended up like this just for a little food!"

The current Huang Jianhua is simply regretting it to the extreme, he just feels that his whole head is about to explode!

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine in this world.

"House... Actually, the whole family is not left alone!"

The rest of the people were all chilled. Originally, when they heard Li Daozong say, "None of them can run away", they already had a very ominous premonition.

Almost at this moment, it was officially announced that the Weizhou Huang family, which used to be beautiful in Henan Road, has become history!

However, at this moment, no one dared to come forward to intercede for Huang Jianhua.

After all, they themselves don't know if they will be next, and they can't even protect themselves. How can they care about the safety of the Huang family?

"Put it down."

Li Daozong indifferently instructed: "Cheng Chu silently obeys the order."


Cheng Chumo took a step forward, and Li Daozong said, "This official ordered you to take people to the Huang family in Weizhou, arrest all the members, and confiscated their property. If you encounter resistance, you can kill them directly!"


Cheng Chumo responded loudly, causing everyone's hearts to jump.

Immediately afterwards, Li Daozong's terrifying voice rang again.

"Weizhou Song Family, Song Cheng!"

When Song Cheng heard this voice, he was still stunned, because he couldn't recover from Li You's last operation.

——It turned out not to be an unreasonable forcible suppression at all, but a justifiable and upright killing of the thorns? !

This is completely inconsistent with the original idea of ​​Yin-Yang Sect and Song Cheng!

In this case, Li You himself is in an invincible position to act strictly in accordance with the laws and regulations, and the next person to be sentenced is my Weizhou Song family... Wait, is it my Weizhou Song family? !

Thinking of this, Song Cheng finally reacted, his whole face swelled into cyan!

"You can't do this to me?! No—!"

Song Cheng shouted loudly. Originally, he wanted Li You, the king of Yin Chu, but he took him in in a blink of an eye. The change was so fast that Song Cheng was completely caught off guard!

The unsuspecting Song Cheng's mentality collapsed directly, but the soldiers around him were afraid of his crazy appearance, and they rushed up to beat Song Cheng to his knees.

"Let go of me! You son of a bitch!"

Song Cheng was still struggling and screaming, and the soldier who grabbed him saw Song Cheng spouting foul language. He directly raised the handle of the knife and knocked it hard, knocking Song Cheng until his mouth was full of blood and dropped a few big teeth, so that he could be honest. down.

Next, someone continued to read out the counts of Song Cheng and the Song family of Weizhou. There were also dozens of articles, no less than Huang Jianhua.

"Bring up witnesses and evidence!"

Obviously, Li Daozong was fully prepared this time. When the overwhelming evidence was placed in front of Song Cheng, he was completely silent.

"Sinner Song Cheng! Do you have any other excuses?" Li Daozong asked as usual.


However, the answer to him was silence.

Song Cheng lowered his head, his lips were constantly squirming, and he almost wanted to shout out: "Don't be disrespectful to me! I am... I am—"

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