"It turns out that the mysterious big project is related to food? What is it..."


Now Li Shimin, Wei Zheng, Xiao Yu and the others could no longer hold back their desire to ask.

And if they don't ask clearly, they won't admit that Li You's big project can really solve this loophole!

"It's almost time to start the project." Li You thought about it and decided to tell it all, "That big project is like this..."

After a cup of tea, Li You finally finished talking about the project, but Li Shimin and several important officials were already stunned.

Even when the food laid out in front of them was cooled, they didn't know it, and they were thinking about what Li You just said!

"This is simply... In the history of the Tang Dynasty, no, it should be the best disaster relief plan for thousands of years!"

After a while, Li Shimin said excitedly to himself, "The Tang Dynasty has been saved! The great famine is no longer scary, and all the people of the Tang Dynasty have been saved!"

And Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, Xiao Yu, and Zhang Liang also had extremely rosy complexions. It was only now that they realized how great the big projects they invested in the past few days were.

At this time, a grand goal that they couldn't even imagine in the past suddenly came to mind.

Maybe, this time Datang can achieve an unprecedented feat - that is, no one died of starvation in the great famine!

Chapter 581 It's over before it starts! (fourth more)

The food stamp policy was officially launched nationwide.

Of course, this has aroused the dissatisfaction of many people in various places. Why is the imperial court more and more excessive now?

This is unheard of before. I have never heard of the government doing this in the past. Does the court regard the grain shops in various places as their own?

And the most important thing is that no matter who you are, you must get food stamps. No matter whether you are an official, a wealthy businessman, or a commoner, you must rely on food stamps to buy food.

What privileged class?nonexistent!

——Of course, apart from the core officials of the court and the royal family, Li You, as a specific implementer, will not be so rigid. The back door that should be opened for himself still has to be opened. Besides, the number of them will affect the total amount of disaster relief food. Micro "four four seven" is almost insignificant.

It's just that the most dissatisfying thing for everyone in the country is that even how much food stamps can be bought, it is planned according to the quota of one person per mouth, otherwise no amount of money can buy extra food stamps!

Grain quotas are naturally ignorant of class, and both the top and the bottom of the society are given the same ration, and the highest state of equality for everyone is achieved at once.

As for the interior of the imperial court, although the same strategy was implemented, Li You still personally came forward to explain to stabilize the situation.

"All these policies are only temporary. You all know that the great famine is coming. This is the biggest bad news in the Tang Dynasty and the whole world! In order to tide over the difficulties, you must do whatever you can. So don't worry!"

Li You said more and more passionately: "But before that, please show your sense of responsibility as an official of the imperial court. Only by working together can we help the country to tide over the difficulties completely!"

In fact, Li You's move is also impossible. After all, the entire Tang Dynasty will become a hardest hit area. At this time, all methods must be used to protect all the citizens of the entire Tang Dynasty!

Otherwise, if you really have to think about it, when the situation is irreversible, it will be too late to say anything!

And the dissatisfaction from various places was also spread back to Chang'an one after another, which made Li Tai and Shen Bihua very excited.

"That's it! Go further and further on the road to the abyss!"

Shen Bihua showed a sinister sneer, now these accumulated dissatisfaction have paved the way, and when these emotions gradually accumulate to their peak, they are waiting for a fuse to erupt.

And this fuse is the household registration and population issue that he and Li Tai discussed before!

At that time, the food that Li You transported to various places would not match the number of people at all, so even if there were food stamps, the food could not be bought. Countless people were hungry, and naturally there would be unrest without incitement!

After all, such an unreasonably harsh policy was formulated, and the control was so wide, but in the end, the control became worse and worse?

This is simply unreasonable!

"Next, just wait for the household registration problem of King Li You of Chu to break out!"

"Yeah, that bastard Li You is dead this time!"

Shen Bihua and Li Tai both sneered in the Yue Wang Mansion, and soon, members of the Yin-Yang Sect came to report the latest information.

"Master Sect Leader, His Royal Highness King Yue, the specific rules of the food stamp policy have been announced."

"Oh?" Li Tai raised his eyebrows, "Tell me?"


The congregation nodded and started talking.

As his voice sounded, the smiles on Li Tai and Shen Bihua's faces became less and less, and they gradually became more serious.

While implementing the food stamp policy, is it necessary to have a household registration to buy food stamps?

And in the process of transaction, you are not allowed to receive money directly, you can only receive food stamps, and then you can take them to the government to exchange money?

The number of food stamps is also fixed according to the number of people on the household registration and the number of young and old. Any concealment will lead to starvation in the family?

These rules and regulations are all surprising, and it also makes Shen Bihua and Li Tai fall into an ice cave!

"This...isn't this...have all the loopholes been plugged?!"

Li Tai and Shen Bihua looked at each other subconsciously, and both could see the blankness in each other's eyes...

Is this... the end?

They didn't even have any chance to intervene, and Li You's plan was directly aborted!

"Damn it! Does King Li You of Chu have no last resort!?"

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