Lei Yuan excitedly lined up with his household registration. He was the scholar who read the announcement just now.

Now in the hearts of many scholars, the status of His Royal Highness the King of Chu is extremely noble, even comparable to many ancient sages.

And His Royal Highness the King of Chu has always responded well to their respect. For example, during the great famine this time, Lei Yuan couldn't believe how much his family would be reduced to if they didn't have the staple food powder.

Originally, Lei's family was a poor family. In order to provide for Lei Yuan's studies, Lei Yuan's parents worked from morning to night, and there were two younger sisters to support at home, which was extremely hard work.

However, the great drought and the great locust plague came one after another, completely destroying everything!

If it weren't for the government's many extremely prescient measures, which delayed the arrival of the great famine and created a buffer period between disasters, Lei Yuan estimated that his family would have been begging on the streets.

While he was thinking about it, it was already his turn in the team.

"Food stamps, household registration."

The yamen said it simply and clearly, looking extremely sophisticated, Lei Yuan hurriedly handed over the household registration and food stamps.

The yamen took it over and looked it over, and after comparing it with the food stamps, he nodded and asked, "There are five people in the family, one is an old man, and two are small... What flavor do you want? You can choose five kinds. "

"Thank you, my lord... Then... Then...then the flavors of braised pork, fresh shrimp and fish plate, stewed chicken with mushrooms, pork with sauerkraut, and chicken with sauerkraut."

Lei Yuan nervously chose the first few flavors, and saw the yamen turn around and shout to the other valet, "Bring the staple food powder for the elderly and the staple food powder for children!"

For the elderly and for children?

Lei Yuan was a little sweaty when he heard it, and asked cautiously: "Sir, are there any differences between this staple food powder?"

"Of course," the yamen nodded and said, "In addition to the taste, His Royal Highness the King of Chu also specially prepared staple food powder for the elderly and children. It is said that the staple food powder for children can make children grow smarter and stronger. The staple food powder can also make them not so loose."

"And such a magical effect?!"

Lei Yuan was stunned. He almost forgot that he was actually taking food for disaster relief. How could it be so professional and so many choices in a situation where it was good enough to eat?

In this sluggish state, Lei Yuan took the staple food powder all the way back to his home, and two little girls greeted him as soon as the door opened.

"Brother! Brother! Do you have anything to eat?"

Looking at the two thin faces with yellow muscles in front of him, Lei Yuan felt a distressed feeling in his heart.

"Well, there's something to eat! We don't have to starve anymore!"


The two little girls didn't care about the reserved cheers, but soon, they didn't even have the strength to cheer because they hadn't eaten anything for a long time.

"A Yuan, have you found something to eat?"

Lei Yuan's father walked out of the house on crutches and asked excitedly.

Lei Yuan nodded and said, "It's the grain sold by the government! It's called the main grain powder, and you only need to soak it in water to eat it!"

"It's sold by the government?" Lei Yuan's father was taken aback, "That must be expensive, right? How long can our family eat?"

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive," Lei Yuan hurriedly shook his head, "You can buy a bucket for a penny!"

"This staple food powder is only a penny a buck? How can it be so cheap, isn't it something that can't be eaten at all?"

At this time, Lei Yuan's mother also heard the sound, with a worried look on her face.

"This is processed and manufactured by Li's industry, so there is definitely no problem. Besides, you will know if you eat it."

After a while, five bowls of staple food powder were soaked into the paste before the family of five.

Looking at the mushy food and smelling the fragrance, everyone who hadn't eaten for a long time all swallowed a spit.

"Then I'll eat first..."

Lei Yuan's little sister was very hungry, and regardless of etiquette, she wanted to pick up the bowl and eat, but Lei Yuan's father sternly stopped him: "Wait! It's a bit like that grass seed porridge. Dare to eat, isn't it courting death!?"

The little girl was frightened all of a sudden, and Lei Yuan comforted: "It's alright, I heard that this main food powder was prepared by the Prince of Chu! Since it is the Prince of Chu, how could it be possible to do something as harmful as grass seed porridge? ?"

As he said that, it seemed that in order to express his trust in His Royal Highness the King of Chu, Lei Yuan took the lead and drank it all.

"Ayuan, you..."

Lei Yuan's parents didn't have time to stop and looked at Lei Yuan nervously, only to find that after Lei Yuan put down the bowl, a flush rose on his face.

"It's not as hard and tough as the legend of the grass seed porridge, and it's very delicious! Father, mother, little sister, eat it while it's hot!"

Seeing Lei Yuan's assertive appearance, the others raised their bowls in disbelief and began to gulp.

After the first bite, everyone's eyes widened immediately!


"too delicious!"

I really didn't expect to be able to eat such delicious and plentiful food in a great famine... Eating and eating, everyone's cheeks couldn't help but shed tears!

Chapter 588 The Great Secret of Yin's Virtuous Concubine (Fifth)

In Chang'an, the good responses and feedback from all over the place kept coming back, and Li Shimin was finally able to smile happily after many days.

Before that, Li Shimin almost had a phobia of going to the court. Every time he went to the court, he had to face the tragic situation of the Tang Dynasty, facing the problems that piled up but could not do anything.

However, things are different now. Under the circumstance that the great famine has come for so long... Li Shimin still hasn't even heard a report of starvation!

Li Shimin also knows the reason, mainly because this staple food powder is really too cheap, and you can buy a bucket for a penny.

If you open your stomach to eat, an adult has to eat for a day or two. If you eat frugally, you can eat for three or four days!

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