In the eyes of the common people, they obtained more staple grain powder with less grain, but the imperial court got this less grain and made more staple grain powder, forming a virtuous circle.

And this move also effectively consumes the extra energy and time of the people, and minimizes the possibility of turmoil.

In addition, the rationing of staple food powder is also more strict. Not only is the ration strict, but now you can only receive two days' worth of food at a time. Frequently shortening the cycle of receiving, also solves the problems of being robbed and eaten early. .

"Your Majesty, the current disaster situation seems so optimistic. In the past, it was simply unimaginable. It has been since the founding of the Great Tang... No, this is a feat that has not been done for thousands of years!"

In the Tai Chi Palace, it is no longer so gloomy and gloomy, and many people are excited and excited, because they also contributed to it.

Li Shimin nodded and said: "Indeed, it is difficult for the disasters in the past to be comparable to this one, but when it comes to the disasters, they are more serious than this time. Now it can be said that we have already surpassed the sky!"

What Li Shimin said made everyone very excited.

Wei Zheng also said: "In the past, once a disaster occurred, there would inevitably be a tide of starvation, and these refugees would soon turn into bandits to loot and even cause turmoil, which eventually turned into a rebellion. This time, it is also inevitable. This situation has arisen.”

"However, the riot this time is completely different. Although there are still chaos, but the scale is many times smaller, and it is not a climate at all! This has undoubtedly been explained from the side, even in the great famine of the Tang Dynasty. Still as steady as Mount Tai!"

0 …

"That's for sure," Zhang Liang said with a smile, "now that the people can eat enough, what's there to be dissatisfied with? Besides, the staple food powder used by the imperial court for disaster relief is not like the disaster relief food in the past, which is used as feed. It's made from bean dregs, and it's very delicious."

In the past, in order to deal with disasters, the imperial court would distribute some disaster relief food from time to time, but it was a drop in the bucket in the face of the starving ordinary people across the country.

Moreover, this disaster relief food is made of many bean dregs and sugar skins. These things are as hard as iron blocks. They were originally eaten by livestock or sprinkled on the fields as fertilizer. Although it is difficult to eat dead people, it also leads to many People can't pull out constipation.

Even so, these disaster relief food is still priceless on the black market. If you want to buy a few catties of disaster relief food, you often need to pay the price of fine silk or gold and silver jewelry!

Even so, disaster relief food is regarded as a treasure, and ordinary people cannot afford it at all.

It is an unbelievable happiness to have enough disaster relief food that is healthy and delicious as it is now, and only sells for a penny per bucket!

Just when everyone was sighing, Li Daozong frowned and stood up.

"I advise you not to be too happy too soon! There is still a terrible problem that cannot be ignored!"

Chapter 591 Detective Li You (Second)

"The worst question?"

When Li Daozong said this, everyone froze in their hearts.

Especially Li Shimin, he knows Li Daozong's character very well, and understands that if the situation is not too serious, then he will not say so.

"Chengfan, what's going on?"

Li Daozong said solemnly: "Reporting to Your Majesty, although it seems that the disaster relief situation is very good, not long ago, we found that rumors began to spread among the people, and a large number of rumors spread among the common people!"


Everyone was in an uproar, and Li Shimin was also nervous.

When the disaster hit, the most fearful thing was rumors, because the rumors in ancient times of the Celestial Dynasty mostly occurred in the autumn of troubled times, that is, the so-called "chaotic "[-]" world is full of rumors." For the vanguard!

In fact, as Li Daozong said, the rumors are getting worse and worse, to the point that Li Daozong cannot suppress it and must report to Li Shimin.

All of a sudden, the great atmosphere in the Tai Chi Palace became as heavy as a lead.

Everyone put aside their excitement, and began to discuss countermeasures against the rumors in a deep voice. Only Li You did not say a word, but frowned and thought about something.

"It happens at this time... and such a large number of sudden occurrences must be instigated by someone. Who is it?"

For some reason, Li You remembered what happened in Weizhou, and immediately made up his mind to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Because of this rumor spreader with ulterior motives, it is rare for Li You to be angry!

Seeing that Datang is getting better despite the severe disasters, some people don't see Datang as good, or they are disregarding the safety of the country for their own interests, and they continue to spread rumors and incite the public to fish in troubled waters!

You must know that although it seems that no one has starved to death at present, it is only reluctantly supported. Once there is any omission due to the turmoil, it will become a chain reaction, and the good situation that was finally maintained will collapse immediately!

At that time, the Tang Dynasty will become a national power that has retreated for at least ten years, and the common people will be killed and injured in countless purgatory on earth. Under such circumstances, they still have to make trouble. How can Li You not be angry?

Therefore, this move can be said to have completely angered Li You. Li You has already made up his mind that as soon as he finds out the culprits behind the scenes, he will use the means of thunder to blow them up!


"This disaster is not accidental! Thinking that there have been major disasters since the first year of Zhenguan, isn't this the best evidence that today's children are not wise enough!"

"The officials of the imperial court are also greatly negligent in their duties, which is why the gods are angry. If they are not defeated, there will continue to be disasters one after another, and there will be no peace!"

"Then Chu King Li You is proficient at a young age, but he is actually the incarnation of a demon! Otherwise, how could it be so powerful? This natural disaster is God's warning to us to be careful of demons in the world!"

A large number of different rumors spread rapidly from state to state.

These people who spread rumors seem to be everywhere, and they are lurking among people early in the morning, so they spread extremely quickly and unstoppable!

Although the court has quickly made relevant regulations, such as inciting and making rumors, as well as stealing and fighting, will be severely punished, but it is still unable to curb this growing momentum.

The common people are always gossiping, and the Tang Dynasty had no entertainment. A large number of industry closures and abandoned fields also caused them to have nothing to do. When they were bored, they would naturally think wildly and listen to these unfounded rumors.

Although Li You has quickly arranged for Datang Daily to refute the rumors as much as possible, the effect is also very significant. This makes the rumors spread more and more widely, but it has never caused a real rebellion, but Li You understands that this is only temporary. Can't hold back for long.

Because the more illiterate and uninformed people are, the easier it is to believe these rumors, and the more such people are, the more they can't read or read newspapers, so refuting rumors is completely useless to them.

Therefore, Li You intuition that he must come up with effective solutions as soon as possible to prevent this trend from truly evolving to the point of no return!

"How is it, has the investigation come to a conclusion?"

In the Chu palace, Li You contacted Yupei and Nie Zheng by contacting Yupei. He had mobilized all the power of the shadow earlier to thoroughly investigate the matter...

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