
The brush quickly wrote on the rice paper, but the content was not calligraphy, but some ghost characters that Su Dingfang could not understand at all.

"What exactly is this……?"

Su Dingfang was stunned, and before he could understand, Li You stopped writing temporarily.

"General Su, order the catapults in positions [-], [-], [-], and [-] to attack the southeast at [-] marks and three and a half meters! And position [-] will attack the south alone. The scale is seventy-eight, the distance is four meters, and the remaining Thunderbolt cars are on standby!"

Li You's words were clear and powerful, and they were mixed with self-confidence that Su Dingfang couldn't understand at all - were those scales and ruler distances prepared for this?How did His Royal Highness the King of Chu know to shoot like this?

But it is the duty of a soldier to carry out orders, so Su Dingfang did not need to figure out the principle at all, he had already conveyed Li You's order perfectly!

The instructions were conveyed step by step to the soldiers who controlled the thunderbolt car. They saw the scale and the distance of the ruler, and in the blink of an eye, a large number of thunder-like stones flew out!

"…Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!"

The stone pierced the air between Tang Jun and Gaochang City, making a harsh whistling sound, which also made Zhang Tianhe Kan's pupils shrink!

"Tang Jun actually started using the Thunderbolt car first?! How dare they...!"

However, the attack of the Tang army was extremely fast, and before the two could roar, the stone had already hit the corresponding position!

"Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Another series of loud noises appeared. Zhang Tian and Kan Wei had no time to see where the damage was done, and they didn't need to see it, because it is very difficult for a catapult to hit any valuable person or thing. .

"The whole army listens to the order!" Both of them waved their hands, "Immediately prepare the thunderbolt car, we will fight back against Tang Jun!"

It's just that as soon as their voices fell, the cries of countless soldiers entered their ears.

"No way, handsome! A lot of Thunderbolt cars have been smashed by rocks!"


Zhang Tian and Kan Wei were shocked when they heard the words, and looked back in horror.

I saw that half of the Thunderbolt cars they had prepared had been destroyed by stones, and some of the damaged Thunderbolt car wreckage had overturned, blocking the way for the rest of the people to pull out the Thunderbolt car!

"This...how is this possible!?"

Kan Wei only felt cold all over his body, and his legs couldn't help shaking: "This is just the first round of Tang Jun's shooting!"

It was only the first round of shooting that destroyed half of their Thunderbolts with such precision. Is this possible? !

Anyway, good luck!

It's just that the facts have been put in front of them, and they can't help but believe it!

And on the nest car in the distance, Li You also sneered and continued to write and draw!

Chapter 619 Killing with a pen on the battlefield!

With Li You's swishing of ink like rain, the formulas for calculating the parabola appeared on the paper, and Su Dingfang felt horrified by the way he was muttering.

"After the first round of shooting, the error value has been confirmed, then the error can be corrected next to make the shooting accuracy more accurate..."

Li You said things that Su Dingfang could not understand, and wrote words that Su Dingfang could not understand. All of this made Su Dingfang feel extremely strange. He had no idea what happened or what His Royal Highness King Chu did. !

Just looking at it from a height, although I can't see the situation of Gaochang City clearly, but judging from the fact that Gaochang City has not organized a counterattack for so long, the attack of His Royal Highness the King of Chu seems to be very effective?

However, this is what really scares Su Dingfang!

Before that, Su Dingfang was very much looking forward to seeing what kind of tricks His Royal Highness King Chu had beyond his imagination, but now that he looked at it, the excitement was gone, because he couldn't understand what His Royal Highness King Chu was at all. What's the trick!

Unknown is the most terrifying thing. In Su Dingfang's eyes, it is like the ink written by His Royal Highness the King of Chu that sentenced the deaths of Gaochang City soldiers one after another. The life and death of the enemy!


In front of the battlefield 033, Li Ji and the soldiers of the Tang Dynasty all held their breaths and felt extremely nervous.

When they saw the first wave of their own thunderbolts throwing stones in, they knew that Gaochang City would definitely give the same counterattack, and in a short while, the huge stones in the sky must be smashed out!

The horror of this thunderbolt car is deeply engraved in everyone's mind. If you are unlucky, it will be smashed into meat sauce!

In fact, this is not bad. Many people were smashed and their muscles and bones were broken. Seeing that they could not be saved, they had no way to die immediately. They could only mourned for a long time before dying in pain!

"The whole army is ready to avoid the thunderbolt car throwing rocks!"

Li Ji took a deep breath, and even his temples (baci) broke out in a cold sweat.

However, after waiting for a while, Li Ji began to be a little surprised, and the surrounding Datang soldiers were also stunned.

Because Gao Changcheng's counterattack did not come at all!

"What's the matter? Are they all asleep?"

Li Ji muttered to himself in confusion, of course he wouldn't naively think that Gao Changcheng let them go and didn't fight back, or that Gaochangcheng didn't have a Thunderbolt car. Of course, he said that when he fell asleep, then Li Ji would not Understood, why was there no movement in Gaochang City for a long time?

"Could it be that……!"

Suddenly, Li Ji's mind flashed across Li You's figure, as well as the stones thrown in just now.

There is another possibility that this situation will occur, and that is - the Thunderbolt car under the command of His Royal Highness the King of Chu has achieved amazing results in the first round!

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu has an order!"

At this time, Li You's second wave of orders had arrived, and everyone, especially the soldiers who controlled the Thunderbolt car, listened intently.

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