Seeing Kong Yingda blushing, Li You smiled.

"To sum up, the general examination hosted by this king is to select those talents who are really suitable for the corresponding positions! Then the content that has already been tested in the township examination, there is no need to take it again in the general examination, and this content is not too much. It is of great use, and this is the reason why this king has to divide the examination into nine subjects!"

Corresponding to the three-province and six-part system, the exam is divided into nine subjects, so that the corresponding talents can be truly found out!

Chapter 634 I, Wu Zetian, Exam

Among the more than [-] subjects in the imperial examinations in the past, there are various subjects, because Li Shimin and the others consider themselves descendants of Taoist Laozi, so there is even this nonsense subject for the examination of Taoism!

Because of this, Li You directly took all these various stupid subjects in one pot.

Among the original fifty-odd subjects, the subjects such as Mingfa, Mingshu, and Mingzi were not paid much attention to, and the two subjects, Mingjing and Jinshi, became the main subjects of the regular subjects in the Tang Dynasty.

Among them, the Jinshi exam is about current affairs policy theory and poetry and essays, while the Ming Jing test is about current affairs policy theory and classic meaning. The former is difficult, while the latter is easy.

However, does well-written poetry and poetry help the current Tang Dynasty?


If you really need poems and songs, then Li You can beat the whole country by himself, and can I get you three hundred Tang poems casually?If it's not enough, there are Song Poetry, and I can write you a hundred or so articles first... It's a pity that these are useless.

Li You is not saying that he looks down on people who are talented in poetry, lyrics, and songs, but Li You is reforming according to the needs of the current Tang Dynasty. The current situation of the Tang Dynasty is still very critical. What is urgently needed is capable talents, not talents!

"So Master Kong doesn't need to worry at all, this king has his own plan." Li You finally concluded, "The nine-day exam time was changed to three days because three days are enough to complete all the questions."

And one of the reasons is that the examination time is too long is a huge disadvantage.

During these nine days, once the candidates enter the examination room, they cannot come out again, and they have to wait until the end of the examination.Every morning at ten o'clock, I curl my hair and roll it up before the sun goes down.

In other words, eating, drinking and sleeping must be solved in it!

Under this circumstance, the performance of the candidates is getting worse and worse. Not only can they not eat well, they can't sleep well, but they also have three urgent problems. Solving this problem is the most painful.

The environment of the general examination room is extremely simple. There is a toilet in the hall, but this fecal bucket can only be used to urinate, and it must be covered tightly after use to prevent the smell from emitting and affecting others, but where is the smell? Can you block it all?

Outside the laneway of the hut, there is a special thatched hut. The hut can be used for defecation. The place near the hut is foul, so the hut near the hut is also called "stinky hut", which is the most disgusting place for candidates.

The combination of these factors often leads to the stench covering the entire exam room during the nine days of the exam!

This is an unfavorable factor for the candidates, and what Li You values ​​most is the unfavorable factor for the examiners.

That is, nine days is too long, and the invigilator can't concentrate on invigilating the exam at all times, which leads to countless candidates who can successfully cheat while the invigilator is slack!

Kong Yingda, who was stunned by Li You, was stunned for a moment, and then asked a little puzzled: "Even so, before the test, how do you know which of the three provinces and six provinces is suitable for them?"

"That's why it takes three days to take the test," Li You spread his hands, "These three days do not mean that it takes three days to do one subject, but that everyone has to do nine subjects, a total of three days. !"

"Wait," Kong Yingda suddenly realized something, "After you made these reforms, isn't the knowledge they learned and memorized in the past almost impossible to use in this exam?!"

Isn't this cheating?It's almost as if all the hard work in the cold window in the past was all in vain!

"How could that be? After all, if you don't learn those things, you won't be able to pass the township exam. Besides, even among the nine subjects, there are topics related to current affairs, policy theory, and so on. And when you eliminate these useless knowledge, you can truly face their own problems. Talent!"

Looking at the expression on Li You's explanation, Kong Yingda was finally able to confirm - um, that's right, it was His Royal Highness the King of Chu's smile that loved to deceive people.

"All in all, Master Kong now understands the reason and significance of this reform, right? Then, I'll ask Master Kong to send those troublesome Confucians away, so you can leave."

Li You smiled and sent Kong Yingda, who was still thinking about this reform, out of the house, and Kong Yingda was also immersed in his thoughts, and he was thinking about the pros and cons of what Li You did.

It wasn't until he walked back to the Guozijian that his body suddenly jolted, as if he had remembered something.

"Wait a minute, the reason why His Royal Highness the King of Chu explained to me is to make me work as a coolie to help him send those great scholars away?!"


Since the day of the test is getting closer and closer, Chang'an has become a gathering of talents from all walks of life.

And those restaurants and inns have become good places for these talents to communicate with each other. If you throw a stone in the crowd, you may hit several famous people in the place, which makes Chang'an very lively.

Among the various test takers, there is a petite figure that is very eye-catching.

He looks a bit sissy, just like a woman, but if you look closely, you can see a heroic temperament, even more than many scholars who describe themselves as gentlemen, and there is a strong sense of oppression invisibly !

But looking at his age again, it seems that he is not very old, and this can be seen from his lively behavior.

No one knew his true identity, and of course he was trying his best to hide it—hiding the fact that he was actually a woman!

"This time, I came to participate in the exam with my own opinions. If the teacher finds out, you won't blame me, will you?"

In those beautiful phoenix eyes, there was a hint of worry, she was Li You's nominal disciple, Wu Zetian!

Chapter 635 The Contemporary Great Sage Li You

Before the Song Dynasty, because the fact that only men participated in the imperial examinations was deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, there was no explicit rule that women could not take the imperial examinations.

However, just in case, Wu Zetian carefully disguised himself as a handsome little scholar.

And with the power and relationship of the Wu family, it is not difficult to secretly place a place in the exam - it doesn't matter if you can't become an official after the exam, Wu Zetian really wants to prove to Li You ~ prove his ability!

The reason Wu Zetian thought so was because she felt that Li You always regarded her as a child.

This made the ambitious Wu Zetian very dissatisfied, obviously the teacher is not a few years older than her!

Therefore, in order to show his ability, Wu Zetian decided to take part in the imperial examinations incognito.

And... to be honest, Wu Zetian was really curious about Li You's reform of the imperial examination.

While thinking, Wu Zetian came to Wangjiang Tower.

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