Soon the invigilator entered the venue and began to scroll down.

"Today is the first day of the exam. There are three subjects in total, corresponding to the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Households, and the Ministry of War. Now the first test is about to begin. The test time is one hour, and the papers will be collected on time!"

As soon as they heard the invigilator's words, there was a sudden commotion among the candidates.

What are you kidding me, the exam is only an hour away? !

Obviously, in the past exams, it was from the morning to the afternoon. Can you really finish the questions in just one hour?

With such doubts, everyone got their own test papers and looked dumbfounded.

This exam question... seems to be a little different from the past!

"Is this the question that the teacher gave himself?"

As a disciple of Li You, Wu Zetian in the examination room knew more about the reform of the imperial examination. She knew that the new examination papers for the nine subjects were all written by Li You himself.

And Wu Zetian's current examination paper is the examination paper corresponding to the Ministry of Household.

"The Ministry of Industry plans to produce 800 curved ploughs, with an average of 44 per day. The production took 10 days. The remaining tasks are required to be completed within 8 days. How many curved ploughs will be produced per day on average?"

Wu Zetian looked at the title, and it was indeed closely related to people's livelihood. After all, the Quyuan Plough greatly benefited thousands of households.

"It's pretty simple..."

After Wu Zetian finished writing quickly, he turned to the next question.

"Two clothing stores A and B sell underwear. In January, clothing store A sold a total of 980 sets of underwear, which is [-]% more than clothing store B. How many more sets of underwear did clothing store A sell than clothing store B? "

Not to mention this topic, Wu Zetian, as the first batch of students of the loan bookkeeping method, if he can't even do this, then he should just quit the group.

"This topic is already related to the Ministry of Households, but it's too simple, isn't it? Is the teacher afraid that too many people will hand in blank papers, so he gave some simple questions first?"

Wu Zetian continued to write, only to find that the difficulty of the later topics gradually increased.

Compared to Wu Zetian, Xiang Rong and Guo Hao felt their heads go blank after they got the exam papers.

This...what is written on it? !

What about the Four Books and Five Classics?What about policy theory?What about poetry?Where have they all gone! ? .

Chapter 640 Cheating is hard to reach the sky!

"Sinong Temple sent three teams A, B and C to plant trees. The task assignment is that Team A will plant 200% of the total number of trees. The ratio of trees planted by Team B and Team C is four to three. When Team A planted [-] trees, Exactly [-]% of the total trees planted by the third team, how many trees will the third team need to plant?"

Looking at the topic in front of him, Xiang Rong only felt the world spinning.

Looking at these words separately, he knew them all, but together, he didn't know what they meant!

In desperation, Xiang Rong could only skip this topic and continue reading.

"A hall should be paved with square bricks. If you use square bricks with a side length of seven inches, you need 960 pieces. If you use square bricks with a side length of five inches, how many pieces will you need?"

After reading this topic, Xiang Rong was going crazy!

"I'm not in the examination department, why do you ask me how to lay bricks?!"

Xiang Rong managed to restrain himself from yelling, he took a few deep breaths and managed to calm himself down.

"I can't help it, it seems that I have to cheat if I don't cheat now. In short, let's see what the next door writes..."

At this moment, Xiang Rong really didn't know whether to thank His Highness the King of Chu for his reforms. His Highness's reforms made the topic a mess, but he also cancelled the partition wall between the numbers, allowing Xiang Rong to peek at the next door.

"Let me see……"

Xiang Rong secretly aimed his gaze to the left, only to see vaguely written on the test paper on the left: "...Faced with the current situation, how do you plan to integrate the imperial court into the current overall situation and rejuvenate the second spring? "

Although I only read a small part of the topic, this topic directly made Xiang Rong look dumbfounded.

Wait, this topic... it seems to be an administrative topic of Shangshu Province, right?Is this a requirement to write a policy theory?

Xiang Rong flipped through his exam paper several times, and finally confirmed it—this question is not on his exam paper at all!

"It turns out that the same exam is in the same exam room, and the subjects tested are actually different?!"

Xiang Rong almost exclaimed, no wonder His Royal Highness the King of Chu removed the partition wall without hesitation, and was not afraid of candidates peeking around!

What's the point of peeking if the questions on the exam papers are different?

"Perhaps there is a test paper from the Ministry of Examinations on my right?"

Xiang Rong reluctantly turned his gaze to the right, only to see the test paper on the table on the right, which was written: "...Tang army only has [-] of [-] iron cavalry, what will you do in the face of the sudden attack of the Western Turks? response?"

Depend on!It's a military issue!

In the end, Xiang Rong could only give up the plan to peek in frustration, it was useless to watch at all!

Guo Hao, who was sitting in the other place, was in a trance when he did the question.

"What kind of impact will the millions of property brought back from Gaochang Country have on the domestic economic market? Let's try to analyze what impact it will have on the cities around Chang'an?! I fucking know! "

If it wasn't for his reason, Guo Hao would be about to grab the ground with his head.

He only felt that all his hard study for so many years had been in vain, and there was no content about the Four Books, Five Classics, and Poetry and Songs in the first part of the test paper!

But just when Guo Hao wanted to take a peek at the exam paper next door, the invigilator's voice was as cold as it came from the Nine Serenities.

"Number [-]! What are you looking at secretly? If you find out again, you will be cleared from the examination room!"

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