Chapter 657 The silent ruler and minister!

"Who said that the purpose of reshaping the currency is to force them to hand over the trivial purpose of hoarding money? That's just a side effect!"

In the face of Wei Zheng's questioning, Li You's language was amazing!


Even Wei Zheng was shocked to take a step back. How could he be able to take into account all the middle and upper classes in the world and create an unimaginable scale of currency circulation and capital pools?

How amazing will the real effect of reshaping money be!

"His Royal Highness the King of Chu, in the end..."

Xiao Yu opened his mouth, and Li You said calmly: "The so-called reshaping of the currency really means reshuffling the currency, so as to achieve the effect of creating something out of nothing!"

"Can reshaping the currency really make money out of thin air?" Li Shimin asked with a frown.

Not only Li Shimin, but almost everyone in the audience looked over, and his face was no longer as if Li You was talking nonsense.

"Of course," Li You explained in front of the civil and military court, "the Kaiyuan Tongbao currently used by our Tang Dynasty, when calculating the amount, the two most important points are weight and quantity, which are also the key to making a fuss. !"

Kaiyuan Tongbao is the first currency in the Tang Dynasty, and it is also the currency with the largest circulation and the longest use time. Its quality is reasonable, the currency is properly controlled, and the coins are exquisite in workmanship.

And the weight that Li You mentioned, even if it refers to the general Kaiyuan Tongbao, each article weighs one coin, every ten articles weighs one tael, each gu... Baht four silk, equivalent to about 4 grams in mass.

It can be seen from here that the measurement method of Kaiyuan Tongbao is closely related to the quantity and weight!

And since the Tang Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty adopted new weights and measures, one tael was changed to 40 grams, instead of the previous twenty-four baht as one tael. The new decimal weights and measures were born.

With the twenty-four system of baht and two gradually withdrawing from the stage of history, the actual weight of coins is no longer measured in the twenty-four system of shi, baht, and tael, but began to be measured in centi, cent, money, Two decimals to measure.

Kaiyuan Tongbao, eight cents in diameter, weighs two baht and four silks, that is, one penny, each ten cents weighs one tael, and one thousand cents weighs six catties and fourty taels.It is very convenient to use this new balance system and conversion, which is very suitable for the needs of the development of the commodity economy, and has also become the standard for copper coins in all generations after the Tang Dynasty!

"How else can I make an article on this?"

It's just that after Li You explained it, all the officials and officials became even more at a loss.

"It's very simple," Li You smiled lightly, "At present, the main forging materials of Kaiyuan Tongbao are bronze and cupronickel. These two materials are not expensive, but they are not cheap either. You can use these two materials as currency. It just shows that the national power of the Tang Dynasty is prosperous."

"As we all know, gold and silver are both so-called hard currencies. Unfortunately, in the Tang Dynasty, both gold and silver are currently very scarce, so to a certain extent, what replaces their value status is the copper material that shapes the currency!"

The currency system can be circulated because the currency is endowed with a value that it did not originally possess, so the comparison standard for measuring this value was generally gold or silver in ancient times.

Because precious metals such as gold and silver have an incomparably superior ability to preserve value, they have demonstrated their excellent hedging function in later generations.

When the world political situation and economy are unstable, especially when war or economic crisis occurs, various common investment tools such as stocks, funds, real estate, etc. will be severely impacted. Even so, the price of precious metals can remain unchanged or even steady at this time. Rising, maintaining the value of the asset!

And this is also because precious metals can resist inflation and are not easy to collapse. In some extreme cases, the country's currency inflation is serious, and only precious metals will rise with inflation!

In other words, precious metals offset inflation losses!

However, because of the poor mining ability in ancient times, the output of precious metals is very low. At present, the metal that replaces this function to a certain extent is copper that constitutes currency.

It can be seen from the beginning of the circulation of Kaiyuan Tongbao in the Tang Dynasty. With the wealth of the current era, the composition of Kaiyuan Tongbao has been changing, and the purity and content of copper have also increased and decreased, resulting in many versions of Kaiyuan Tongbao. .

"Then the next thing is also very simple, gradually convert bronze and cupronickel into red copper, even iron and lead, and then adjust and change the size according to their weight, so that without reducing the face value, It can also make more Kaiyuan Tongbao with the original copper material!"

All the ministers and officials were stunned, and looked at Li You, who clenched his fists in astonishment.

“As long as the details of it are well controlled, the amount of money is not increased without thinking, and the replacement cycle is extended by allocation, money can be manipulated out of nothing without the currency depreciating almost without depreciation—that is, making money out of thin air. !"

Originally, Li You actually had another way, that is, the imperial court established a bank, or even issued banknotes.

However, for these two actions, the court must have very strong credit and credibility to complete this new system. However, even if the Tang court, which has no foundation at present, wants to do it, the scale is definitely not large, and there is no such thing at all. People will feel at ease to save money!

Second, this method cannot support Li You's follow-up plan to pit Li Tai, and the act of reshaping the currency is itself a process of accumulating credit and credibility for the court. Smoother!

Therefore, Li You will only choose the method of reshaping the currency at present, and after he finished speaking, the Tai Chi Palace was silent!

Chapter 658 The emperors of all dynasties and Li Youbi are too shallow

After Li You talked about this call, many people couldn't react for a while.

After all, for such economic knowledge, it takes a long time to calm down just to understand it. For a rough person like Cheng Yaojin, Li You's language is obviously Chinese, but after putting it together, you can listen to it completely. I don't know what it means!

"Actually... there are other methods?"

Xiao Yu and Wei Zheng, who were skeptical at first, were shocked after they figured it out.

It is not that the reshaping of the currency has not happened before, but it is basically the founding emperor. In order to get rid of the influence of the previous dynasty and announce the arrival of his own era, he will make such a move.

The more intelligent and motivated emperor will take this opportunity to re-unify the weights and measures, just like Kaiyuan Tongbao, which has reset the conversion method, which makes business transactions more convenient at once.

However, when these are put together with what Li You said today, they all seem too superficial!

They never thought that reshaping money could have this effect!

Immediately afterwards, many people in the household had already figured it out completely, with expressions of admiration all over their faces.

"As expected of His Royal Highness the King of Chu! This method is simply an idea that I have never had before!"

Originally, many of the officials of the Ministry of Household came to this position only after overcoming all obstacles. They were the most skilled people in the country after going through trials and tribulations. However, compared with Li You, they were too young and naive.

In fact, Li You's method is not original. When gold and silver coins are mainly used in the West, it often happens that the purity of gold and silver is adjusted in this way. These are all the same reasons.

"By the way, in fact, the crisis of trust brought about by reshaping the currency can also be alleviated to a certain extent."

Li You said slowly and leisurely again, and all the civil and military officials all of a sudden said nothing, staring at Li You, as if the entire court had become Li You's speech scene.

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