The rest of the ministers also stared at Li You when they heard the words. Now they are all burning with anger, and a sense of unconvinced grievance is about to come out. They hold their breath and want to see His Royal Highness King Chu. What can I say!

"Don't get me wrong, my lords," Li You said lightly, "This king doesn't mean that your level is not good. In fact, the Spring Festival couplets present are excellent works in terms of couplets, but unfortunately you didn't catch them. The main points of staying in Spring Festival couplets!”

"The point of the Spring Festival couplets?"

When Xiao Yu, Wei Zheng, Fang Xuanling and the others heard this, their anger immediately dissipated a lot, and they seemed to be attentive.

After all, His Royal Highness the King of Chu was the founder of the Spring Festival couplets, so if he said there was a point, it must be something.

"The meaning of the big red spring couplets is to express their hope for the new year and to set off a strong festive atmosphere. Since this is the meaning, the spring couplets are essentially folk art as a cultural carrier. Therefore, There is a lot of emphasis on folk art.”

Li Youli explained: "Because of this, the Spring Festival couplets must be concise and delicate on the basis of keeping the confrontation neat. Some of the Spring Festival couplets you wrote are too showy and rhetorical. Even if you have a high literary quality, you must read them several times. Understand the meaning, do you think this is suitable for Spring Festival couplets?"

When Li You said this, several courtiers subconsciously looked away.

"The second point is that the role of the Spring Festival couplets is to express the joy and happiness of the upcoming year, or to express the expectations and high expectations for the new 360 year. As we all know, there is a A good start is the most pleasant and auspicious thing, so the Spring Festival couplets express a kind of hope for the future!"

Li Youyi pointed to a few other people and said, "Everyone is very particular about festivity, auspiciousness, and liveliness during the Chinese New Year. Various customs and visits to relatives and friends are all reflections of the festive mentality, and sticking Spring Festival couplets can just strengthen the festive mentality and exaggerate the atmosphere. What's the matter with the Spring Festival couplets you wrote, but they're not festive at all?"

At this time, the remaining ministers also bowed their heads in shame.

They never dreamed that this was just a Spring Festival couplet that His Royal Highness the King of Chu suddenly created, with so many doorways hidden behind it!

Moreover, this is not just a matter of lip service. Just listening to His Royal Highness King Chu’s words, and all of them are very reasonable, you can know that there are deep reasons behind this!

Then, according to these points, the Spring Festival couplets they wrote are really not good at all, at most they can only be regarded as very good couplets.

Li Shimin was also speechless for a while, and after babbling for a while, he found a topic to break the embarrassment.

"By the way, Yang Jie... I came to find you this time because I have something to say."

Chapter 668 No one has this honor!

"What's the matter with the father and the son-in-law?" Li You asked curiously.

Li Shimin coughed and said, "The Nuo dance is going to be performed on New Year's Eve, so..."

Li You was taken aback: "Do you want me to go up and dance?! I'm no longer a boy's age!"

Nuo dance is a ritual to exorcise the plague. It is called "Da Nuo". It is an activity handed down from ancient times. "The Analects of Confucius" has a record of "Russian Nuo". People choose boys on this day and wear scary clothes. Masks, wearing red and black trousers, drumming and dancing to exorcise ghosts.

In the Tang poems, Yao He wrote "The sound of Nuo eliminates the epidemic", and Xu Xuan wrote "More Country Nuo Envy Children", which are about this kind of activity.

Li Shimin's face darkened immediately upon hearing this, and the rest of the ministers also looked bad.

Nuo dance is one of the traditions derived from "The Analects".

Li Shimin scolded and said: "What a mess, the children under the age of ten are performing the Nuo. You have already exceeded the standard, and how could I choose the royal family to dance the Nuo dance?"

Wei Zheng said helplessly, "His Royal Highness, whether it is the 'Fang Xiang' of the lead dancer, or the 'son' of the dancer, and the other twelve deacons, the royal family has never been appointed to the post."

"Yeah," Fang Xuanling also said, "The grand Nuo ceremony held by the royal family today is the largest in the country, with as many as [-] people. Even if you are asked to go up, it will not be able to hold the scene."

"Cough, okay..."

Li You breathed a sigh of relief, and it seemed that he had misunderstood for a while because of his hearsay. After all, he had never really spent the New Year in Tang Dynasty, and all he remembered was the information he had roughly read in his previous life.

"What's the matter with the father?"

Li Shimin was interrupted by Li You just now, so he almost forgot, and took it after thinking for a while.

"There will be a Nuo dance on New Year's Eve, and a big banquet will be held at that time. I hope you can command the chef of the imperial kitchen... After all, they have been training for several months, but they are still not even [-]% of your level."

You must know that Li You is at the level of a master chef, and it is difficult for ordinary people to reach the level of cooking. So the more you eat Li You's food, the less Li Shimin likes to eat the products of the imperial kitchen. The gap between the two is too obvious.

The rest of the ministers nodded their heads. On the way they had just arrived, they also saw several royal chefs who were squatting at the door of the Prince of Chu's residence every day, begging for apprentices.

"Oh... it turns out to be this, what do I think it is," Li You smiled, "of course there is no problem."

As a modern traveler, Li You does not have the concept of "a gentleman is far away from cooking". Although Li Shimin and the others thought about it, they eventually lost to their desire to eat Li You's cuisine.


After hearing that His Royal Highness the King of Chu was going to personally command the imperial dining room, the entire imperial dining room became agitated.

All of them, who used to call themselves top chefs, are all excited now, not because of Li You's noble status, but because of Li You's superb cooking skills!

Therefore, the royal chefs are all motivated by the pilgrimage mentality of facing their idols, and do their best to do what Li You commanded.

——That's right, even if Li You agreed to Li Shimin, he would just go to the imperial kitchen to direct him like the chefs of later generations.

It would be too tiring to let him handle the meals for so many people by himself, so Li You would not do it.

The preparation work is very complicated, and there are a lot of meals to be cooked, so Li You started the day before New Year's Eve.

And by the time of New Year's Eve, everything was ready, and once the Nuo dance started, they could serve the food.


The entire imperial pantry cheered. In these short two days, they put in countless hardships and efforts, and felt that they had made the best banquet in their lives.

Of course, this is completely inseparable from the credit of His Royal Highness the King of Chu. Just two days of guidance has brought each of them to a higher level of skill, as if opening the door to a new world, knowing that cooking can still do this !

Therefore, every royal chef was extremely grateful to Li You, and he was a little reluctant to see Li You planning to leave.

"Anyway, the rest are just some small steps, just do it yourself." Li You waved his hand, "I'll go to the main hall first."


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