Li You didn't worry that Li Shimin was talking in a cliché, he knew very well that Li Shimin didn't bother to use this method.

"Could it be that the father is blaming the son-in-law?"

Li You calmly met Li Shimin's gaze, but this calm appearance surprised Li Shimin.

"You...why are you asking for the same reason?" Li Shimin frowned, "Designing your own brother like this shouldn't be done by humans!"

Li You said indifferently: "My father has also seen those files, right? So doesn't my father know that between my son and Li Tai, who was the first to do it, and who started to use conspiracies to plot against each other?"

Li Shimin was at a loss for words, and Li Tai's actions left him speechless at all.

"The father and the emperor also said that it should not be done by human beings to design his own brother like this," Li You smiled, "but Li Taixian has done all kinds of despicable and shameless dead hands to his sons, and he himself is no longer qualified to call it that. It's my brother!"

Li Shimin was speechless for a moment before sighing.

"Even if you are justified, you still occupy the righteousness, but this move is still too much. I don't want future generations to think that the throne can be obtained through planning."

Li Shimin's words here are already very dangerous. On top of the original history, he used this reason to demote Li Tai as a county king.

It's just that Li Shimin at that time also had good intentions. He wanted to save the three sons of Li Chengqian, Li Tai and Li Zhi at the same time, so he made this decision.

And now Li You is all invincible, there is no such problem at all, so Li Shimin is just talking about it for the time being.

"Could it be that the royal father thinks that this son is doing this for his own selfishness...?" Li You had already made up his mind about this.

"Is not it?"

Li Shimin snorted and asked back.

If in the process of competing for the throne, defeating the two most powerful competitors in succession is not called selfishness, then what can be called selfishness?

Li You smiled and said, "No, Father, you are wrong."

Li Shimin's heart was a little unhappy, and he immediately heard Li You say: "What my son is doing is for the common people in the world, and it is a bigger dream!"

Li Shimin was stunned, his brows furrowed even tighter.

"Don't talk nonsense in front of me! Giving desire a grandiose false name is just self-deception!"

"My son is serious!"

Li You said with a serious face, but he didn't seem to give in at all, and the tenacity in his eyes made Li Shimin shake - could it be that he really thinks so?

"I know that it may be difficult for my father to believe such a big talk, but please think about what my son has done, and I will understand the truth."

Li You's tone slowed down again, and the melodious words seemed to help Li Shimin walk into the long river of memory.

"Looking at most of the things Erchen has done, they are all beneficial to the Tang Dynasty: selling lottery tickets can help the court to generate income; developing fertilizers and curved ploughs can help the people to eat; attacking the enemy's missions can promote the Tang Dynasty. Guowei; Pinyin and movable type printing needless to say; the treatment of smallpox and the hard work of disaster relief save the country from fire and water!"

Li You's words made Li Shimin a little dazed.

He knew very well that Li You hadn't finished talking about all his pioneering works and achievements, but just a part of it, everything was a great achievement that can be recorded in history!

Although some of these things can make Li You profit at first glance, but in the long run, there is no doubt that it will benefit the country and the people, so if you want to say who is most qualified to claim that he is for the Tang Dynasty and the common people, then this person is not Li You is none other than that!

For the sake of the country and the people, Li You has indeed done too many things, but all of this happened in just one year, which was so fast that Li Shimin had no real feelings.

Looking back now, Li Shimin suddenly felt that Li You's words had become very sincere.

He decided to listen carefully, what is the real reason behind Li You!

Looking at Li Shimin's changed expression, Li You took a deep breath and spoke loudly.

"々. Erchen also said before that this move is for a bigger dream, and this is also Erchen's dream-although today's Tang Dynasty looks powerful, it is far from being truly powerful. A catastrophe or two is enough to destroy this prosperity."

Li Shimin didn't say anything, he was tacitly acknowledging this, he could say he had a deep understanding.

"Therefore, what Erchen hopes is that the Tang Dynasty can truly become stronger, and even in the face of natural and man-made disasters, it will be able to persevere and re-emerge countless times! From now on, I, the Tang Dynasty, will never appear to be courtiers, pay tribute and seek peace with relatives. to become the most dignified country in the world!"

Li You's voice became louder and louder, but every word seemed to hit Li Shimin's heart.

"Erchen hopes that the Tang Dynasty in the future can become the pride of every (Li's) people, so that all the people can be proud of being a Tang person! Erchen hopes that the Tang Dynasty in the future will be able to claim the title from all over the world and be able to Stand upright in the East, and show off my great Tang style!"

Li You said word by word: "This is the dream of my son, and it is also the ambition of my son to work hard for it - I hope that one day, I can see the emperor of the Tang Dynasty come to the world, come from all directions to congratulate, and all countries come to court!"

After Li You's voice fell, Li Shimin couldn't speak for a long time, and his face was full of shock.

In this silence, although Li Shimin was in the dark, the light in his eyes was getting brighter and brighter. He only felt that a long breath in his chest was about to come out at any time, and his whole body was boiling with blood!

Today, Li Shimin finally recalled... Once upon a time, he also had the same dream as Li You, and worked hard for such a great dream!

Chapter 681 The Inheritor of the Will

Back then, when he was still the king of Qin, he served as the Minister of the Book and was promoted to the Admiral of Tiance. How glorious, he was only for the Tang Dynasty.

As the prince of Datang, of course, he sincerely hopes that Datang will become strong and stand proudly at the top of the world!

And now that he is the emperor, of course, he hopes to usher in such a grand occasion one day - it can be said that all the efforts made by Li Shimin are for this goal!

However... it's already tenth year as the emperor, why has the passion and blood at the beginning been somewhat forgotten?

"I really forgot a lot of important things..."

Li Shimin's eyes couldn't help but feel a little wet. His original intention and original intention at the beginning, when he thinks about it now, it seems like a lifetime.

The long life of the emperor, complicated interpersonal relationships, and numerous political affairs, coupled with unsolvable natural and man-made disasters... These all turned into heavy pressure and consumed Li Shimin's heart.

When he looked at Li You again, he only felt that Li You's eyes were as bright and full of vitality as the newborn sun.

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