"Yang Jie, you're here, I'm waiting for you."

Li You nodded and saluted, and started to walk to the seat, but a bowl of black Tusu wine in front of everyone caught Li You's eyes.

Li You's expression changed immediately, he turned his head and left!

Chapter 683: The Great Yuan Dynasty Meeting!

No drink, goodbye, farewell!

Quality trifecta!

"Yangjie, what are you running for? Sit down and drink Tusu wine!"

Li Shimin looked at Li You's movements with a strange expression on his face.

As soon as he heard that he really wanted to drink Tusu wine again, Li You only felt that his appetite was overwhelmed. It seemed that Tusu wine was a special drink to drink on the first day of the year, and he couldn't escape it at all.

Li You said with a bitter face: "Father, my son has already drank Tusu wine."

"That's it..." Li Shimin was stunned, "Alright then, just watch everyone drink Tusu wine later."

As soon as Li You heard that he didn't need to drink Tusu wine, he immediately regained his energy and came to his seat vigorously.

You don't have to drink Tusu wine yourself, and you can still appreciate the "six or seven" pain of others drinking Tusu wine. Li You likes this kind of entertainment the most!

Bah, bah, bah... I'm not such a ghost.

Li You quickly abandoned the idea, but Li You was still very interested in watching other people drink Tusu wine.

Hearing that Li You didn't need to drink Tusu wine, the young princes and princesses all showed envious expressions.

It can be seen that the bitter medicine has always been the enemy of children in the past and the future.

"Father, in fact, my son also drank just now..."

When Li Zhi rolled his eyes, he wanted to imitate Li You's method, but Li Shimin glared at him.

"Why are you joining in the fun? I don't know if you drink or not!"

Li Zhi: "???"

Wait a minute... Why did Brother Li You say this, you believe it, but I have no room for doubts when I say this?

Isn't the difference in treatment a bit big? !

Li Zhi shrank back depressed, and just met Li You's teasing gaze.

Those eyes seemed to say, "Sample, you still want to learn from me? Go home and eat Tusu wine!"

Li Zhi suddenly became more depressed.

"Hurry up, everyone drink it while it's hot, or Tusu wine won't taste good."

Li You is still fanning the flames, making all the little princes and princesses feel like they are facing a big enemy - it is even more bitter to drink the medicine when it is hot. Brother Huang, are you a devil?

Even Li Shimin couldn't stand it any longer and coughed a few times.

"Shut up if Yang Jie doesn't drink, or I'll cover your mouth with Tusu wine."

Li You suddenly became honest.

But even without Li You's taunting attacks, the bitter expressions of the young princes and princesses are not over, because drinking Tusu wine has a very fatal habit, which is to start with the youngest child in the family. Drink first.

The reason for this is said to be "the young get old, drink first to congratulate them, and the old lose their years, so they drink later", which also means that they will begin to suffer immediately!

"Wow, I don't want to drink..."

Yuzhang was already crying a little, and Li You heard the words and comforted him: "Don't panic, after you finish drinking, the emperor will give you a toothpaste to eat."

Yuzhang nodded with tears in his eyes. Baling felt a little uncomfortable in this scene. He was thinking about whether he should pretend to be weak and ask brother Li Youhuang to comfort him.

And Li Zhi and the others were even more stunned. Brother Huang, why are you like this?There is a world of difference in how you treat your brothers and your sisters!

You must know that this glutinous rice cake is the maltose in the Tang Dynasty. It is a dessert made from barley, wheat or glutinous rice. It is already a relatively expensive and delicious food. Even the princes may not be able to eat it.

This is because the sugar cane method was just introduced from abroad at this time, so the cane sugar known as "stone honey" was still very unpopular, not to mention the common people could not see it at all, even the dignitaries had difficulty Eat sucrose.

In this case, maltose has a strong substitute effect. It should be noted that it is human nature to like sweets. Whether it is the people of the Tang Dynasty or the people of the Celestial Dynasty, they are very fond of sweets, especially Li Zhi and Yuzhang. Such a child!

Although the sweetness of maltose is not as good as that of honey and sucrose, the advantage is that the taste is very sticky and soft, and it has a unique flavor. Li Zhiguang imagined the taste of maltose, and cried together with the little princes next door...

Finally, the children at the scene began to drink Tusu wine with the painful expressions on their faces, and the whole scene was terrible.

While eating the Wuxin plate, Li You watched them cry and howl. Although he didn't need to drink Tusu wine, Li You couldn't be happy at the moment, because the Wuxin plate was also unpalatable!

So what happened to your ancients?Why do old Chinese New Year's old people make some unpalatable things?

This five-spicy dish is also called a spring dish.

Just looking at the green and spiciness on the plate, Li You was stunned to eat. There were five kinds of vegetables in the five-spirit plate, which were garlic, small garlic, leeks, brassicas, and husks. Coriander, predictably, is very unpalatable.

After all, these ingredients must be cooked before they taste good. It’s a pity that eating Wuxin dishes in the custom is not for the sake of deliciousness, but to disperse the stagnation of the five internal organs and prevent epidemics from getting sick.

Li You estimated that in traditional food and beverages such as Jiaoya, Sichuan pepper wine, cypress wine, Wuxinpan, and Tusu wine, only Jiaoya is delicious.

At this time, it was Li Shimin's turn to drink the Tusu wine. The last person who drank it was also called the blue tail. Bai Juyi said, "The blue tail wine is pushed after the year, and the spring plate first persuades the gums to eat."

In the ensuing session, naturally, a group of children started to grin and eat the Wuxin plate again. At this moment, Li You saw Li Shimin get up and leave.

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